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Davys, Peter, Ross, James. A new edition of Davys's examples, or Adminiculum puerile; containing fundamental exercises, with cautions and directions to write good Latin, as well as to translate the most difficult sentences in the Latin authors. Republished with some additions by James Ross, professor of Greek and Latin languages, in the city of Philadelphia.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 21245, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_21245
  author={Davys,Peter and Ross,James},
  title={A new edition of Davys's examples, or Adminiculum puerile; containing fundamental exercises, with cautions and directions to write good Latin, as well as to translate the most difficult sentences in the Latin authors.  Republished with some additions by James Ross, professor of Greek and Latin languages, in the city of Philadelphia.},
  publisher={Johnson & Warner},
  address={Philadelphia},    }

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