Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections.
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Astell, Mary. Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 23011, Accessed 2025-03-28.
Astell, Mary. Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections. London: Richard Wilkin, 1706.
Astell , M. (1706). Reflections upon marriage. the third edition. to which is added a preface, in answer to some objections. London: Richard Wilkin.
Astell, Mary. Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections. London: Richard Wilkin, 1706.
@book{ wphp_23011 author={Astell,Mary}, year={1706}, title={Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections.}, publisher={Richard Wilkin}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections.