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Smith, Charlotte Turner. The romance of real life. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 2558, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Smith, Charlotte Turner. The romance of real life. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. Dublin: Patrick Byrne II [South King Street], James Moore [Dublin], Henry Whitestone [Dame Street], William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street], Robert Burton [14 Capel Street], Luke White [Dame Street], 1787.

Smith , C.T. (1787). The romance of real life. by charlotte smith. in two volumes. Dublin: Patrick Byrne II [South King Street] James Moore [Dublin] Henry Whitestone [Dame Street] William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street] Robert Burton [14 Capel Street] Luke White [Dame Street]

Smith, Charlotte T. The romance of real life. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. Dublin: Patrick Byrne II [South King Street], James Moore [Dublin], Henry Whitestone [Dame Street], William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street], Robert Burton [14 Capel Street], Luke White [Dame Street], 1787.

@book{ wphp_2558
  author={Smith,Charlotte Turner},
  title={The romance of real life. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes.},
  publisher={Patrick Byrne II [South King Street] \& James Moore [Dublin] \& Henry Whitestone [Dame Street] \& William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street] \& Robert Burton [14 Capel Street] \& Luke White [Dame Street] \& },
  address={Dublin},    }

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