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Saint German, Christopher. Doctor and student: or dialogues between a doctor of divinity, and a student in the laws of England, Containing the Grounds of those Laws, together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity and Conscience thereof; also comparing the Civil, Canon, Common and Statute Laws, and shewing wherein they vary from one another. To which is now added an account of the author, and a general table of the principal matters; never before printed.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 26076, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_26076
  author={Saint German,Christopher},
  title={Doctor and student: or dialogues between a doctor of divinity, and a student in the laws of England, Containing the Grounds of those Laws, together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity and Conscience thereof; also comparing the Civil, Canon, Common and Statute Laws, and shewing wherein they vary from one another. To which is now added an account of the author, and a general table of the principal matters; never before printed.},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Doctor and student: or dialogues between a doctor of divinity, and a student in the laws of England, Containing the Grounds of those Laws, together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity and Conscience thereof; also comparing the Civil, Canon, Common and Statute Laws, and shewing wherein they vary from one another. To which is now added an account of the author, and a general table of the principal matters; never before printed.
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