The servants directory, improved; or, house-keepers companion. ... To which is added, cookery and pickling sufficient to qualify a person to act as thorough servant in any family :and many other particulars, fit to be known by the mistress of the family... Also, a table to cast up expences or wages ... The fourth edition. By H. Glass, ..
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Glasse, Hannah. The servants directory, improved; or, house-keepers companion. ... To which is added, cookery and pickling sufficient to qualify a person to act as thorough servant in any family :and many other particulars, fit to be known by the mistress of the family... Also, a table to cast up expences or wages ... The fourth edition. By H. Glass, ..The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 4495, Accessed 2025-03-26.
Glasse, Hannah. The servants directory, improved; or, house-keepers companion. ... To which is added, cookery and pickling sufficient to qualify a person to act as thorough servant in any family :and many other particulars, fit to be known by the mistress of the family... Also, a table to cast up expences or wages ... The fourth edition. By H. Glass, .. Dublin: 1762.
Glasse , H. (1762). The servants directory, improved; or, house-keepers companion. ... to which is added, cookery and pickling sufficient to qualify a person to act as thorough servant in any family :and many other particulars, fit to be known by the mistress of the family... also, a table to cast up expences or wages ... the fourth edition. by h. glass, .. Dublin:
@book{ wphp_4495 author={Glasse,Hannah}, year={1762}, title={The servants directory, improved; or, house-keepers companion. ... To which is added, cookery and pickling sufficient to qualify a person to act as thorough servant in any family :and many other particulars, fit to be known by the mistress of the family... Also, a table to cast up expences or wages ... The fourth edition. By H. Glass, ..}, publisher={}, address={Dublin}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The servants directory, improved; or, house-keepers companion. ... To which is added, cookery and pickling sufficient to qualify a person to act as thorough servant in any family :and many other particulars, fit to be known by the mistress of the family... Also, a table to cast up expences or wages ... The fourth edition. By H. Glass, ..