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Cibber, Susannah Maria Arne. The oracle, A comedy of one act, as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in London and Dublin. Written by Mrs. Cibber.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 5886, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Cibber, Susannah M. A. The oracle, A comedy of one act, as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in London and Dublin. Written by Mrs. Cibber. Dublin: Samuel Price [Dame Street], Henry Saunders [High Street], 1758.

@book{ wphp_5886
  author={Cibber,Susannah Maria Arne},
  title={The oracle, A comedy of one act, as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in London and Dublin. Written by Mrs. Cibber.},
  publisher={Samuel Price [Dame Street] \& Henry Saunders [High Street]},
  address={Dublin},    }

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