The governess: or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Caculated [sic] for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The tenth edition.
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Fielding, Sarah. The governess: or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Caculated [sic] for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The tenth edition.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 7426, Accessed 2024-11-05.
Fielding, Sarah. The governess: or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Caculated [sic] for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The tenth edition. Belfast: s.n. [sine nomine], 1779.
Fielding , S. (1779). The governess: or, little female academy. being the history of mrs. teachum, and her nine girls. with their nine days amusement. caculated [sic] for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. by the author of david simple. the tenth edition. Belfast: s.n. [sine nomine]
Fielding, Sarah. The governess: or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Caculated [sic] for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The tenth edition. Belfast: s.n. [sine nomine], 1779.
@book{ wphp_7426 author={Fielding,Sarah}, year={1779}, title={The governess: or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Caculated [sic] for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The tenth edition.}, publisher={s.n. [sine nomine]}, address={Belfast}, }
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