The mountain cottager; or, Wonder upon wonder. A tale. Translated from the German of C.H. Spiess.
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Spiess, Christian Heinrich. The mountain cottager; or, Wonder upon wonder. A tale. Translated from the German of C.H. Spiess.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 8461, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Spiess, Christian H. The mountain cottager; or, Wonder upon wonder. A tale. Translated from the German of C.H. Spiess. Cork: 1800.
@book{ wphp_8461 author={Spiess,Christian Heinrich}, year={1800}, title={The mountain cottager; or, Wonder upon wonder. A tale. Translated from the German of C.H. Spiess.}, publisher={}, address={Cork}, }
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