ID 1209
Name George Faulkner I [Essex Street]
Gender Male
Street Address Essex Street
City Dublin
Start Date 1730
End Date 1762


Displaying 1–25 of 34

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The presbyterians plea of merit; in order to take off the test, (in Ireland,) impartially examined. With an account of the state of Popery in that Kingdom, and of the origin and principles of the Dissenters in general. The Second Edition. To which added, A Narrative of the Attempts the Dissenters in Ireland have made for procuring the Repeal of the Test. Swift , Jonathan (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher The presbyterians plea of merit; in order to take off the test, (in Ireland,) impartially examined. With an account of the state of Popery in that Kingdom, and of the origin and principles of the Dissenters in general. To which is added, An Ode to Humphry French, Esq; Late Lord Mayor of Dublin. Swift , Jonathan (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer The hardships of the English laws. In relation to wives. With an explanation of the original curse of subjection passed upon the woman. In an humble address to the legislature. Chapone , Sarah (Author)
Publisher The hardships of the English laws. In relation to wives. With an explanation of the original curse of subjection passed upon the woman. In an humble address to the legislature. Chapone , Sarah (Author)
Publisher An account of the conduct of the Dowager Dutchess of Marlborough, from her first coming to court, to the year 1710. In a letter from herself to My Lord - Churchill , Sarah (Author)
Hooke , Nathaniel (Author)
Printer A present for a servant-maid. Or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads: observance. Avoiding sloth ... With some rules for washing, &c. ... Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Publisher A present for a servant-maid. Or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads: observance. Avoiding sloth ... With some rules for washing, &c. ... Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Printer A present for a servant-maid. Or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads: observance. Avoiding sloth. Sluttishness. Staying on Errands. Telling Family Affairs. Secrets among Fellow-Servants. Entering into their Quarrels. Tale-Bearing. Being an Eye-Servant. Carelesness of Children. Of Fire, Candle, Thieves. New Acquaintance. Fortune-Tellers. Giving saucy Answers. Liquorishness. Apeing the Fashion. Dishonesty. The Market-Penny. Delaying to give Change. Giving away Victuals. Bringing in Chair-Women. Wasting Victuals. Quarrels with Fellow-Servants. Behaviour to the Sick. Hearing Things against a Master or Mistress. Being too free with Men-Servants. Conduct towards Apprentices. Mispending Time. Publick Shews. Vails. Giving Advice too freely. Chastity. Temptations from the Master. If a single Man. If a married Man. If from the Master's Son. If from Gentlemen Lodgers. To which are added, Directions for going to Market: Also, For Dressing any Common Dish, whether Flesh, Fish or Fowl. With some Rules for Washing, &c. The whole calculated for making both the Mistress and the Maid happy. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher A present for a servant-maid. Or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads: observance. Avoiding sloth. Sluttishness. Staying on Errands. Telling Family Affairs. Secrets among Fellow-Servants. Entering into their Quarrels. Tale-Bearing. Being an Eye-Servant. Carelesness of Children. Of Fire, Candle, Thieves. New Acquaintance. Fortune-Tellers. Giving saucy Answers. Liquorishness. Apeing the Fashion. Dishonesty. The Market-Penny. Delaying to give Change. Giving away Victuals. Bringing in Chair-Women. Wasting Victuals. Quarrels with Fellow-Servants. Behaviour to the Sick. Hearing Things against a Master or Mistress. Being too free with Men-Servants. Conduct towards Apprentices. Mispending Time. Publick Shews. Vails. Giving Advice too freely. Chastity. Temptations from the Master. If a single Man. If a married Man. If from the Master's Son. If from Gentlemen Lodgers. To which are added, Directions for going to Market: Also, For Dressing any Common Dish, whether Flesh, Fish or Fowl. With some Rules for Washing, &c. The whole calculated for making both the Mistress and the Maid happy. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The adventures of David Simple: containing an account of his travels through the cities of London and Westminster, in the search of a real friend. By a lady. In two volumes. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Printer A letter humbly addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. By Mrs. Teresia Constantia Muilman. Phillips , Teresia Constantia (Author)
Printer Letters from Julia, the daughter of Augustus, to Ovid. A manuscript discovered at Herculaneum. Translated from a copy of the original. To which is annexed, The lady and the sylph. A visionary tale. de Bressay , Charlotte-Antoinette (Author)
Printer The most remarkable tryals of Mary Squires and Susanna Wells, for the robbery and inhuman treatment of Elizabeth Canning, spinster. Squires , Mary (Author)
Printer The most remarkable tryals of Mary Squires and Susanna Wells, for the robbery and inhuman treatment of Elizabeth Canning, spinster. At the Old-Bailey. Before the Rt. Hon. Sir Crisp Gascoyne, Knt. Lord-Mayor of the City of London. The second edition. Squires , Mary (Author)
Printer The cry: a new dramatic fable. In two volumes. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Douglas: a tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres in Great Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. John Home. To which are prefixed, I. An address to the author. By David Hume, Esq.; ... III. Copy of a declaration, by the Rev. Presbytery of Glasgow. James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Douglas: a tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres in Great Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. Mr. Hume. To which are prefixed, I. An address to the author. By David Hume, Esq. Author of the History of Great Britain, &c. II. Copy of an Admonition and Exhortation, by the Rev. Presbytery of Edinburgh. III. Copy of a Declaration, by the Rev. Presbytery of Glasgow. James , Alice (Publisher)
Home , John (Author)
Hume , David (Introducer)
Publisher The proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, upon the bill, intituled, An act to release the from the obligation of the oath of secrecy, the members of the court-martial appointed for the tryal of Admiral John Byng, pursuant to the exception contained in the said oath. Together with the examinations of the several members of the said court-martial, taken upon oath at their lordships bar. To which is prefixed, an abstract of the proceedings of the Hon. House of Commons, upon the said bill. James , Alice (Publisher)
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords (Author)
Publisher Henrietta. By the author of The female Quixote. In two volumes. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The Male-Coquette: or, Seventeen Hundred-Fifty-Seven. In two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Garrick , David (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher High Life Below Stairs. A farce of two acts. As it is perfromed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. James , Alice (Publisher)
Townley , James (Author)
Publisher Lethe. A dramatic satire: with the additional character of Lord Chalkstone. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. The sixth edition. By David Garrick, Esq. Garrick , David (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Lethe. A dramatic satire: with the additional character of Lord Chalkstone. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. The sixth edition. By David Garrick, Esq. Garrick , David (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Printer The Auction: a Modern Novel. In Two Volumes. Woodfin , A. (Author)
Publisher High Life Below Stairs. A farce of two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. James , Alice (Publisher)
Townley , James (Author)

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"George Faulkner I [Essex Street]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1209, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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