ID 1273
Name William II and William IV Smith
Gender Male
Street Address the Hercules in Dame Street
City Dublin
Start Date 1763
End Date 1771
Notes William IV is son of William II


Displaying 1–16 of 16

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Love in a village: A comic opera. As it is performed at the theatres in London and Dublin. The Third Edition. Bickerstaff , Isaac (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Midas; an English burletta. As it is performed, at the Theatre-Royal, in Covent-Garden. O'Hara , Kane (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The guardian out-witted. A comic opera. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. The musick composed by Tho. Aug. Arne, doctor in music. Arne , Thomas Augustine (Composer)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Publisher Memoirs of the Marchion. of Pompadour. Written by herself. Wherein are displayed the motives of the wars, treaties of peace, embassies, and negotiations, in the several courts of Europe: The Cabals and Intrigues of Courtiers; the Characters of Generals, and Ministers of State, with the Causes of their Rise and Fall; and, in general, the most remarkable Occurrences at the Court of France, during the last twenty Years of the Reign of Lewis XV. Translated from the French. In two volumes. Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The busie body. A comedy. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. The Sixth Edition. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Publisher The picture. A novel. By the Miss Minifies, of Fairwater in Somersetshire; Authors of the History of Lady Frances S---, and Lady Caroline S---. Gunning , Susannah (Author)
Minifie , Margaret (Author)
Publisher The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale, Supposed to be written by himself. Goldsmith , Oliver (Author)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Bookseller The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. The eighth edition. Gessner , Salomon (Author)
Leathley , Ann (Bookseller)
Collyer , Mary (Translator)
Publisher A voyage round the world. In His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the honourable Commodore Byron. In which is Contained, A faithful account of the several places, people, plants, animals, &c. seen on the voyage: And, among other particulars, a minute and exact description of the streights of Magellan, and the gigantic poeple called Patagonians. Together with an accurate account of seven island lately discovered in the South Seas. By an officer on board the said ship. Unknown , (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The history of Miss Pittborough. In a series of letters. By a Lady. In two volumes. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The history of Miss Pittborough. In a series of letters. By a Lady. In two volumes. Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The works of the author of the Night-thoughts. Volume the fifth. Young , Edward (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The fruitless enquiry. Being a collection of several entertaining histories and occurrences, which fell under the observation of a lady in her search after happiness. By the author of The female-Spectator. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Publisher The School for Rakes: A Comedy. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Griffith , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Midas; an English burletta. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Covent-Garden. O'Hara , Kane (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The School for Rakes: a Comedy. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. Griffith , Elizabeth (Author)

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"William II and William IV Smith" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1273, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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