ID 1514
Name Martha Gurney
Gender Female
Street Address 128 Holborn
City London
Start Date 1771
End Date 1805
Sources British Book Trade Index 29464
Related People Gurney, Martha
Related Firms Joseph and Martha Gurney


Displaying 101–122 of 122

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller On Peace. By William Fox. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller On the rewewal of the East India Charter. By William Fox. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller The good shepherd; or, the true character of the son of God stated and indicated, in two discourses, as delivered in Ship-Lane Chapel, Wisbech, September 14, 1794. By S. Fisher. Fisher , Samuel (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Brachygraphy: or an easy and Compendious System of Short-Hand, Adapted to the Various Arts, Sciences and Professions. Improved after more than Forty Years Practice & Experience by Thomas Gurney: And brought still nearer to Perfection upon the present Method by Joseph Gurney. The Twelfth Edition. Gurney , Joseph (Author)
Gurney , Thomas (Author)
Gurney , Joseph (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Bookseller The Principles of antipd̆obaptism, and the practice of female communion completely consistent. In answer to the arguments and objections of Mr. Peter Edwards in his candid reasons: with animadversions on his temper and conduct in that publication. The preface and notes, by James Dore. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Dore , James (Author)
Unknown , [Man] (Author)
Bookseller The trial of John Horne Tooke, for high treason, at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey, on Monday the seventeenth, Tuesday the eighteenth, Wednesday the nineteenth, Thursday the twentieth, Friday the twenty-first, and Saturday the twenty-second of November. Taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney. Gurney , Joseph (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Publisher Brachygraphy: or an easy and Compendious System of Short-Hand, Adapted to the Various Arts, Sciences and Professions. Improved after more than Forty Years Practice & Experience by Thomas Gurney: And brought still nearer to Perfection upon the present Method by Joseph Gurney. The Twelfth Edition. Gurney , Joseph (Author)
Gurney , Thomas (Author)
Gurney , Joseph (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Bookseller The incomprehensibility of God, stated and improved: A discourse, delivered at the Old Meeting-House, Kidderminster, September, 1796. By John Barrett. Barrett , John (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller A serious address on certain important points, of evangelical doctrine and of Christian duty: being the substance of a sermon delivered at Woolwich in Kent. By James Upton. Published at Request. Upton , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Printer A plain address, &c. to the churches of Christ, on the much neglected duty of mutual edification. In two letters to a friend By A. W. West , Aaron (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Printer)
Publisher An essay on the resurrection of Christ; in which proofs of the fact are adduced, its import is explained, and its beneficial influence illustrated. By James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Publisher)
Publisher The path of the just like the shining light: a sermon, occasioned by the death of Henry Keene, Esq. who departed this life February 14, 1797, in the Seventy-First year of His Age; preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, February 26, 1797, By James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Publisher)
Bookseller The trial of James O’Coigly, otherwise called James Quigley, otherwise called James John Fivey, Arthur O’Connor, Esq. John Binns, John Allen, and Jeremiah Leary, for High Treason, under a special commission, at Maidstone, in Kent, On Monday the Twenty-First, and Tuesday the Twenty-Second Days of May, 1798. Taken in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Christ crucified, the grand theme of Paul’s ministry; illustrated in a sermon, preached at the Baptist Monthly meeting, August 22, 1799, at Mr. Hutchings’ place of Worship, Unicorn-Yard, Southwark. By James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller The believer’s victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Being the substance of a sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Pike; ... 1799, ... To which is added A letter to a friend. By James Upton, ... Upton , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Walworth Hymns by J. Swain, late Pastor of the Baptist Church Meeting there. To which is subjoined, A short essay on church fellowship and social religion. The third edition, corrected. Swain , Joseph (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Author)
Bookseller An early acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures recommended in a sermon in behalf of the Walworth charity and Sunday-Schools for poor boys; preached at Mr. Booth’s meeting-house, ... London, August 13, 1797; by the Rev. Samuel Pearce, A.M. ... Pearce , Samuel (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller The triumph of truth, in the testimony of its foes; or proofs of the authenticity of the Bible, Derived from the Evidence of its Opposers, Perverters, and Revilers, Interspersed with Thoughts on Modern Infidelity, And on the Moral, Political and Religious Revolutions of the Present Age; in a series of letters to a disciple of Deism. By Thomas Bingham. Bingham , Thomas (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Publisher A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified, And proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance which is due to Jesus Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church: being the dissenting gentleman’s three letters and postscript, in answer to the letters of the Rev. Mr. White, on that subject. also a letter to the Bishops, on the present state of religion in this kingdom; And the opinions of three eminent lawyers, On the Question, Whether an action can be maintained against a Clergyman, for refusing to admit a notorious evil-liver to the Sacrament, who demands it as a qualification for an office. By Micaiah Towgood. Towgood , Micaiah (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Publisher)
Bookseller A grammatical game in rhyme. By a lady. Rowse , Elizabeth (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Poems, on Moral and Religious Subjects. By A. Flowerdew. Flowerdew , Alice (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Poems, on Moral and Religious Subjects. By A. Flowerdew. Flowerdew , Alice (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)

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"Martha Gurney" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1514, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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