ID 1514
Name Martha Gurney
Gender Female
Street Address 128 Holborn
City London
Start Date 1771
End Date 1805
Sources British Book Trade Index 29464
Related People Gurney, Martha
Related Firms Joseph and Martha Gurney


Displaying 26–50 of 122

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller The trial of John Motherhill, for committing a rape on the body of Miss Catharine Wade. Tried at the assize holden at East Grinstead for the county of Sussex, on Tuesday the 21st of March, 1786, ... Taken in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney. Motherhill , John (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller The trial of John Motherhill, for committing a rape on the body of Miss Catharine Wade. Tried at the assize holden at East Grinstead for the county of Sussex, on Tuesday the 21st of March, 1786, Before the Hon. Sir William Henry Ashhurst, Knt. One of the Justices of his Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench. Taken in Short-Hand, by Joseph Gurney. Motherhill , John (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Dipping not baptizing: or, the author’s opinion of the subject, mode, and importance of water-baptism, according to the scriptures: Wherein Dr. Gill’s Arguments for the Mode of Immersion, and Mr. Booth’s for the Importance of it, as contained in his Apology for the Baptists, are principally considered: With a Few Remarks on some other Baptist Writers, Namely, Mr. Martin, Mr. Jenkins, and Mr. Mc Lean, who, in their several late Publications, seem to be strenuous Advocates both for the Mode and Importance of it. By R. Elliot, A. B. Formerly of Bennet College, Cambridge. Elliot , Richard (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Observations on certain prophecies in the Book of Daniel, and the Revelation of St. John, which relate to the second appearing of our Lord; Shewing That IT IS Highly Probable That The Tremendous Day In Which HE Shall BE Revealed Will Shortly Come. To which are added, some remarks concerning the last antichrist and the killing of the witnesses. Moody , R. (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller A sermon on the African slave trade, preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, Lord’s day afternoon, Nov. 30, 1788, by James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller A sermon on the African slave trade, preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, Lord’s day afternoon, Nov. 30, 1788, by James Dore. Published at request. Second Edition. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Dore , James (Author)
Bookseller A sermon on the African slave trade, preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, Lord’s day afternoon, Nov. 30, 1788. By James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Publisher A dialogue between old Mr. Pious and Madam Finic his wife; occasioned by young Spoil-Text preaching his approbation sermon; who was made an able minister Of A Very New Test Ament: by The Rev. And Learned Dr. Know-Little, Dr. Grimace, Dr. Strut, and Dr. Reader, Heads Of The Academy, At -- , compiled from some fragments found amongst th papers of the late Mr. Thomas Gurney, Author of The Perfections of God a standing Rule to try all Doctrines and Experience by; The Mongrel Preacher, and other Poems. By one of his intimate friends. Gurney , Martha (Publisher)
Bookseller A sermon on the happy recovery of His Majesty King George the Third. Preached at Maze Pond, Southwark, April 26, 1789, by James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller Brachygraphy: or An easy and compendious system of short-hand, adapted to the various arts, sciences and professions; Improved after more than forty years practice & experience by Thomas Gurney: and brought still nearer to perfection upon the present method by Joseph Gurney. Gurney , Joseph (Author)
Gurney , Thomas (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller A Defence of the Decree of the National Convention of France, For emancipating the slaves in the West Indies. By W. Fox. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller The christian’s looking-glass, or the timorous soul’s guide; being a description of the work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart, Intended For The Relief Of The Disconsolate. By the Rev. T. Priestley. Priestley , Timothy (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Trapp , Mrs. (Bookseller)
Bookseller A sermon, Occasioned by the death of Mr. John Flight, who departed this life July 10, 1791, in the Twenty-Fifth Year of his age; preached in Angel-Street, Worcester, July 24, 1791. By James Dore. Dore , James (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller A vindication of the Address to the people of Great Britain, on the use of West India produce. With some observations and facts relative to the situation of slaves. In reply to a female apologist for slavery. The Second Edition, with Strictures on her reply to a reply, By Richard Hillier. Hillier , Richard (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller A vindication of the Address to the people of Great-Britain, on the use of West India produce. With some observations and facts relative to the situation of slaves. In answer to a female apologist for slavery. The second edition, with strictures on her reply to a reply, by Richard Hillier. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An Address to the People of Great Britain, on The Consumption of West-India Produce. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Fox , William (Author)
Bookseller An address to the people of Great Britain, on The Consumption of West-India produce. The Second Edition. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Fox , William (Author)
Bookseller An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Printer)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. The Eleventh Edition. Fox , William (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Bookseller An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. The Sixth Edition, with Additions. Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Fox , William (Author)

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"Martha Gurney" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1514, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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