ID 1815
Name Charles Nourse
Gender Unknown
Street Address opposite Catherine-Street, in the Strand
City London
Start Date 1780
End Date 1789


Displaying 1–7 of 7

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A curious herbal, containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick. Engraved on folio copper plates, after drawings taken from the life. By Elizabeth Blackwell. To which is added a short description of ye plants; and their common uses in physick. Blackwell , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The young misses magazine, containing dialogues between a governess and several young ladies of quality her scholars: in which each lady is made to speak according to her particular genius, temper and inclination; their several faults are pointed out, and the easy way to mend them, as well as to think, and speak, and act properly; no less care being taken to form their hearts to goodness, than to enlighten their understandings with useful knowledge. A short and clear abridgment is also given of sacred and profane history, and some lessons in geography. The useful is blended throughout with the agreeable, the whole being interspersed with proper reflections and moral tales. By Madam Le Prince de Beaumont. The fourth edition. Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie (Author)
Publisher Magasin des enfans, ou dialogues entre une sage gouvernante et plusieurs de ses e'leves de la première distinction, dans lesquels on fait penser, parler, agir les jeunes gens suivant le génie, le tempérament, & les inclinations d'un chacun. On y représente les désauts de leur âge, & l'on y montre de quelle maniére on peut les en corriger: on s'aplique autant à leur former le cœur, qu'à leur éclairer l'esprit. On y donne un abrègé de l'Histoire sacrée, de la fable, de la géographie, &c. le tour rempli de réflexions utiles, & de contes moraux pour les amuser agréablement; & Cerit d'un stile simple & proportionné à la tendresse de leur années. Par Made. Le Prince de Beaumont. Nouvelle edition, soigneusement corrigée par M. Perrin. Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie (Author)
Publisher The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. By the Archbishop of Cambray. In French and English. The original carefully printed according to the best editions of France; and corrected by John Perrin. ... Fénelon , François de Salignac de La Mothe (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher A treatise on female, nervous, hysterical, hypochondriacal, bilious, convulsive diseases; apoplexy and palsy; with thoughts on madness, suicide, &c. in which the principal disorders are explained from anatomical facts, and the treatment formed on several new principles. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher An essay on the malignant, ulcerated sore throat; Containing reflections on its causes and fatal effects in 1787. With a remarakable case, accompanied with large purple spots all over the body, a mortification of the leg, &c. &c. By William Rowley, M.D. member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. To which are added, animadversions on the present defects in treating the disorder, improved and successful methods of cure, and an account of a new species of temporary madness, &c. Rowley , W. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher An essay on the malignant, ulcerated sore throat; containing reflections on its causes and fatal effects in 1787. With a remarkable case, ... By William Rowley, M.D. ... To which are added, animadversions on the present defects in treating the disorder, ... Rowley , W. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)

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"Charles Nourse" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1815, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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