ID 20
Name Minerva Press, William Lane
Gender Unknown
Street Address No. 33 Leadenhall Street
City London
Start Date 1790
End Date 1802


Displaying 1–25 of 172

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Laurentia. A novel. In two volumes. , Sabina (Author)
Publisher Charlotte. A tale of truth. In two volumes. ... Rowson , Susanna (Author)
Publisher Danish massacre: an historic fact. By the author of Monmouth, a tale. In two volumes. ... Mackenzie , Anna Maria (Author)
Publisher Mentoria; or The young lady's friend. In two volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, author of Victoria, &c. &c. Rowson , Susanna (Author)
Publisher The errors of education. In three volumes. By Mrs. Parsons. Dedicated (by permission) to the Right Hon. The Countess of Hillsborough. Parsons , Eliza (Author)
Publisher The family party. In three volumes. ... Young , Mary Julia (Author)
Publisher The lake of Windermere. A novel. In two volumes. ... By the editor of The letters of Maria. Street , Miss (Author)
Printer Virginius and Virginia; a poem, in six parts. From the Roman history. By Mrs. Gunning. Dedicated to supreme fashion; but not by permission. Gunning , Susannah (Author)
Publisher Anecdotes of the Delborough family. A novel. In five volumes. By Mrs. Gunning. Gunning , Susannah (Author)
Publisher Anecdotes of the Delborough family. A novel. In five volumes. By Mrs. Gunning. Second edition. Gunning , Susannah (Author)
Publisher Ashton Priory. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By the Author of Benedicta and Powis Castle. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher Fitzroy; or, impulse of the moment. A novel. In two volumes. By Maria Hunter. ... Hunter , Maria (Author)
Publisher The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. A new edition. Gessner , Salomon (Author)
Collyer , Mary (Translator)
Publisher The Fille de Chambre, a novel, in three volumes, by the author of The Inquisitor, &c. &c. Rowson , Susanna (Author)
Publisher The intrigues of a morning. In two acts. As performed at Covent Garden. By Mrs. Parsons, author of the errors of education, and miss Meredith, Parsons , Eliza (Author)
Publisher Theodore, a domestic tale, in two volumes. Street , Miss (Author)
Printer Massacre of the French King by which the unfortunte Louis XVI (late King of France) suffered on the Scaffold, January 21st, 1793. Unknown , (Author)
Harlow , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Publisher A trip to Paris, in July and August, 1792 Twiss , Richard (Author)
Harlow , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Publisher Castle of Wolfenbach; a German story. In two volumes. By Mrs. Parsons, author of errors of education, Miss Meredith, woman as she should be, and intrigues of a morning. ... Parsons , Eliza (Author)
Harlow , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Publisher Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Reviewed and published, at her request, by I. Watts, D.D. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)
Publisher Ellen and Julia. A novel in two volumes. By Mrs. Parsons. Author of Errors of Education, Woman as She Should Be, Intrigues of a Morning, and Castle of Wolfenbach. Parsons , Eliza (Author)
Harlow , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Publisher Mental improvement for a young lady, on her entrance into the world; addressed to a favourite niece. Green , Sarah (Author)
Harlow , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Mortimore Castle; a Cambrian tale. In two volumes. Howell , Ann (Author)
Publisher Rosina: a novel. In five volumes. By the author of Delia, an interesting tale, in Four Volumes. ... Pilkington , Laetitia (Author)
Publisher The advantages of education, or, the history of Maria Williams, a tale for misses and their mammas, by Prudentia Homespun, in two volumes. ... West , Jane (Author)

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"Minerva Press, William Lane" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 20, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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