ID 231
Name Benjamin Clarke
Gender Male
Street Address 7 Well Street, Cripplegate
City London
Start Date 1809
End Date 1830


Displaying 1–25 of 31

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Clara; A Novel, in two volumes. By Madme. Cottin, author of Elizabeth, or The Exiles of Siberia; The Saracen, &c. &c. Cottin , Sophie Ristaud (Author)
Printer Le Duc de Lauzun, pour servir de suite a l'histoire de la Duchesse de la Valliere. Par Mad. de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Printer Striking Likenesses; or, The Votaries of Fashion. A Novel. In four volumes. By Louisa Sidney Stanhope, author of 'Montbrasil Abbey,' and 'The Bandit's Bride.' Stanhope , Louisa Sidney (Author)
Printer Amelie Mansfield par Madame Cottin, Auteur de Malvina, Claire D'Albe, &c. Cottin , Sophie Ristaud (Author)
Printer Angelo Guicciardini; or, The Bandit of the Alps. A Romance. In four volumes. By Sophia Frances, author of Vivonio, Constance de Lindensdorf, and The Nun of Misericordia. Frances , Sophia (Author)
Printer The Castle of Arragon; or The Banditti of the Forest. A Romance, in four volumes. By Miss Smith. Smith , Catherine (Author)
Printer Glencarron: A Scottish Tale. In Three Volumes. By Miss Wigley. Wigley , Sarah (Author)
Printer Julia de Vienne. A Novel. In Four Volumes. Imitated from the French, by a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Printer Œuvres Completes de Madame Cottin: Précédées de Memoirs Sur la Vie de L’auteur. En Quatorze Volumes. Cottin , Sophie Ristaud (Author)
Printer Sicilian Mysteries; or, The Fortress del Vechii. A Romance. In Five Volumes. Hatton , Ann Julia Kemble (Author)
Printer Travels in Southern Africa, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806, by Henry Lichtenstein, Doctor in Medicine and Philosophy, and Professor of Natural History in the University of Berlin; Member of several learned societies; and formerly in the Dutch service at the Cape of Good Hope. Translated from the Original German, by Anne Plumptre. Lichtenstein , Martin Heinrich Carl (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Printer The Lady of Martendyke; An Historical Tale of the Fifteenth Century. By a Lady. In Four Volumes. Phibbs , Mary (Author)
Printer The Wife and the Lover. A Novel, By Miss Holcroft. In Three Volumes. Holcroft , Fanny (Author)
Printer Zulma, and Other Tales: To Which is Prefixed an Essay on Fictions. By the Baroness de Stael Holstein. Translated from the French. In Two Volumes. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine (Author)
Printer Amabel; or, Memoirs of A Woman of Fashion. By Mrs. Hervey. Author of the Mourtray Family, &c. In Four Volumes. Hervey , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Mystery and Confidence: A Tale. By a Lady. In Three Volumes. Pinchard , Elizabeth Sibthorpe (Author)
Printer O'Donnel: A National Tale. By Lady Morgan, (Late Miss Owenson) Author of The Wild Irish Girl; Novice of St. Dominick, &c. In Three Volumes. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Printer Travels in Southern Africa, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806, by Henry Lichtenstein, Doctor in Medicine and Philosophy, and Professor of Natural History in the University of Berlin; Member of several learned societies; and formerly in the Dutch service at the Cape of Good Hope. Translated from the Original German, by Anne Plumptre. Vol. II Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Lichtenstein , Martin Heinrich Carl (Author)
Printer Glenarvon. In Three Volumes. Lamb , Caroline (Author)
Printer Tales Of Fancy by S. H. Burney, Author Of Clarentine, Traits Of Nature, &c. The Shipwreck. Second Edition. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Printer Tales of Fancy: By S. H. Burney, author of 'Clarentine,' 'Geraldine Fauconberg,' and 'Traits of Nature.' The Shipwreck. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Printer France. By Lady Morgan. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Morgan , Thomas Charles (Author)
Printer France. By Lady Morgan. Second Edition. In Two Volumes. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Morgan , Thomas Charles (Author)
Printer France. By Lady Morgan. Fourth Edition. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Morgan , Thomas Charles (Author)
Printer France. By Lady Morgan. Third Edition, with Additional Notes. In Two Volumes. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Morgan , Thomas Charles (Author)

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"Benjamin Clarke" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 231, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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