Bookseller |
A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. And something more, which it is hope will be agreeable to every true Englishman. By Eustace Budgell, Esq; |
, Eustace
, Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
and 2 more. |
1733 |
Bookseller |
An ode humbly inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, on his landing, to espouse the Princess Royal of England. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1733 |
Bookseller |
Now or never: or Serious advice to the dissenters in general: In which is contained reasons for their patitioning for liberty this present sessions of Parliament, notwithstanding all the suggestions of false brethren. By Rachel Collins. |
, Rachel
Dodd I
, Anne
, Elizabeth
1733 |
Publisher |
The finish'd rake; or, Gallantry in Perfection. Being the genuine and entertaining adventures, of a young gentleman of fortune. Faithfully extracted from memoirs written with his own Hand, and design'd by him to be publish'd, as is believed, had he not been prevented by Death. The whole being interspers'd with several Curious, Whimfical, and Uncommon incidents; particularly his intrigue with a fine coquette milliner, near one of our most noted Inns of Court, whilst he was a student. |
Dodd I
, Anne
, Elizabeth
1733 |
Publisher |
Modern patriotism, or faction display'd: a poem. Being a satire on political writers. |
Dodd I
, Anne
, Elizabeth
and 2 more. |
1734 |
Publisher |
The remembrancer: being a daily chronicle and yearly journal of the remarkable occurrences in Great Britain, and even throughout Europe, from William the Conqueror to the present year 1735. Including not only the Births, Marriages, Coronations, and Deaths of the Sovereign Princes; But the most considerable Battles and Sieges during the late Wars; with the several Alliances and other Treaties betwixt this and foreign Nations; And all the Grand Conspiracies, Rebellions, Massacres, Executions, Plagues, Fires, &c. that have happen'd during the seven last Centuries. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1735 |
Bookseller |
The sighs of Albion: or the universal mourner. An ode sacred to the memory of ... Caroline, queen-consort of Great-Britain. Inscrib'd to the ... Lord Harvey, ... |
, Elizabeth
Dodd I
, Anne
and 2 more. |
1737 |
Printer |
The sighs of Albion: or the universal mourner. An ode sacred to the memory of ... Caroline, queen-consort of Great-Britain. Inscrib'd to the ... Lord Harvey, ... |
, Elizabeth
Dodd I
, Anne
and 2 more. |
1737 |
Bookseller |
A present for an apprentice: Or, A sure guide to gain both esteem and estate. With rules for his conduct to his master, and in the world. Under the following heads, lying, dishonesty, fidelity, temperance, excess of all kinds, government of the tongue, other peoples quarrels, quarrels of one's own, affability, frugality, industry, value of time, company, friendship, bonds and securities, recreations, gaming, company of women, horse-keeping, proper persons to deal with, suspicion, resentment, complacency, tempers and faces of men, irresolution and indolence, caution in setting-up great rents fine shops, servants, choice of a wife, happiness after marriage, domestick quarrels, house-keeping, education of children, politicks, religion. By a late Lord Mayor of London. |
, John
, Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
and 1 more. |
1741 |
Bookseller |
The Death of M-l-n in the Life of Cicero. Being a proper criticism on that marvellous performance. By an Oxford scholar. |
, Elizabeth
Dodd II
, Anne
1741 |
Publisher |
An answer to a scandalous libel, entitled, The impertinence and imposture of modern antiquaries display'd: or, a refutation of the Reverend Mr. Wise's letter to Dr. Mead, concerning the White Horse, and other Antiquities in Berkshire. |
, Elizabeth
, George
1741 |
Bookseller |
A declaration of Monsieur de la Noue, to the diet of the Empire, at Francfort, in the name of the French King. With proper observations upon that masterpiece of French policy. Translated from the Dutch. |
de La Noüe
, Denis Malbrand
Dodd II
, Anne
, Elizabeth
and 1 more. |
1743 |
Bookseller |
Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as it's trade in particular) labours under: with a proposal for preventing the running of goods, discharging the trader from any search, and raising all the publick supplies by one single tax. By a well-wisher to the good people of Great-Britain. |
, Matthew
Dodd II
, Anne
1743 |
Bookseller |
Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as it's trade in particular) labours under: With a proposal for preventing the running of goods, discharging the trader from any search, and raising all the publick supplies by one single tax. By a Well-wisher to the good people of Great-Britain. The Fourth Edition. |
, Matthew
Dodd II
, Anne
, Elizabeth
1744 |
Bookseller |
Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as it's trade in particular) labours under: with a proposal for preventing the running of goods, discharging the trader from any search, and raising all the publick supplies by one single tax. By a well-wisher to the good people of Great-Britain. The Second Edition. |
, Matthew
Dodd II
, Anne
1744 |
Publisher |
Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as it's trade in particular) labours under: With a proposal for preventing the running of goods, discharging the trader from any search, and raising all the publick supplies by one single tax. By a Well-wisher to the good people of Great-Britain. The Third Edition. |
, Matthew
, Elizabeth
Dodd II
, Anne
1744 |
Bookseller |
An address to that honest part of the nation, call'd the lower sort of people; on the subject of popery and the pretender. |
Dodd II
, Anne
, Elizabeth
and 3 more. |
1745 |
Bookseller |
An Address to that Honest Part of the Nation, Call'd the Lower Sort of People; on the Subject of Popery and the Pretender. The Second Edition. |
Dodd II
, Anne
, Elizabeth
and 3 more. |
1745 |
Bookseller |
New and correct lists of both Houses of Parliament: summoned to meet the 10th of November 1747. Containing, 1. A list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with the posts they hold under the government; the titles of their eldest sons, and their residence in town. 2. An alphabetical list of the lords, with their country seats. 3. Lists of the knights of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath; with a table of fees paid at their creation. 4. A list of the counties, boroughs, &c. In the order they are call'd over in the House; with the names of the members return'd for each, the places they possess, and their country seats. 5. An Alphabetical list of the members of the House of Commons, the place each is chosen for, and their residence in town. And an alphabetical list of the counties, cities, and boroughs, with the pages where their representatives are to be found; and several other useful particulars and distinctions throughout the whole: also, a list of members in the last parliament not in this. Carefully done by the compilers of the former lists and revis'd by several members of Parliament. |
Parliament of Great Britain
, House of Commons
Parliament of Great Britain
, House of Lords
, Elizabeth
and 7 more. |
1747 |
Printer |
New and correct lists of both Houses of Parliament: summoned to meet the 10th of November 1747. Containing, 1. A list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with the posts they hold under the government; the titles of their eldest sons, and their residence in town. 2. An alphabetical list of the lords, with their country seats. 3. Lists of the knights of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath; with a table of fees paid at their creation. 4. A list of the counties, boroughs, &c. In the order they are call'd over in the House; with the names of the members return'd for each, the places they possess, and their country seats. 5. An Alphabetical list of the members of the House of Commons, the place each is chosen for, and their residence in town. And an alphabetical list of the counties, cities, and boroughs, with the pages where their representatives are to be found; and several other useful particulars and distinctions throughout the whole: also, a list of members in the last parliament not in this. Carefully done by the compilers of the former lists and revis'd by several members of Parliament. |
Parliament of Great Britain
, House of Commons
Parliament of Great Britain
, House of Lords
, Elizabeth
and 7 more. |
1747 |
Bookseller |
Remarks on the different constructions of bridges, and improvements to secure their foundations on the different soils where they are intended to be built. Which hitherto seems to have been a thing not sufficiently consider'd. |
, Charles
Dodd II
, Anne
1749 |
Bookseller |
An appendix to the Reverend Mr. John Shower's Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, &c. Being a continuation of his account, and Practical Reflections, after his Manner, from the year 1693, down to these last shocks that were felt at London and Westminster, on February 8th and March 8th, 1749-50, with an Application, adapted to the present times, &c. |
, John
, Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
and 3 more. |
1750 |
Bookseller |
Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. With a particular and historical account of them, and divers other earthquakes. By John Shower, D.D. |
, John
, Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
and 3 more. |
1750 |
Bookseller |
Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. With a particular and historical account of them, and divers other earthquakes. By John Shower. The Second Edition. |
, John
Dodd II
, Anne
, Mary
and 3 more. |
1750 |
Publisher |
Pensées diverses, dediées à Madame la Marquise de Pompadour, par M. Ange Goudar. |
, Ange
, Elizabeth
1750 |
Suggestions and Comments for John Jolliffe