ID 4034
Name Anne Dodd II
Gender Female
Street Address Sign of the Peacock, without Temple Bar; opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand
City London
Start Date 1739
End Date 1757
Sources British Book Trade Index 20389 and 20390
Related People Dodd II, Anne
Related Firms Anne Dodd I
Notes Also spelled Dod. These dates represent the work of the younger Anne Dodd, who took over the shop from her mother in 1739; she worked here likely her whole life but documented from 1728.


Displaying 176–200 of 223

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. The Second Edition, Inlarged. Wesley , John (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Remarks on the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father. With a word to the author. By a spectator. W. , A. (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Solomon a serenata as perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, for a morning entertainment; written by Mr. Moore; the music compos'd by Dr. Boyce. Moore , Edward (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Boyce , William (Composer)
and 1 more.
Bookseller The story on which the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father, is founded. With some account of the author, and his writings. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Bookseller The story on which the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father, is founded. With some account of the author, and his writings. The Second Edition. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer Familiar letters from a gentleman at Damascus, to his sister in London. Containing, I. A curious and compendious Account of the ancient State of Asia. II. The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian and Median Monarchies. III. The ancient and present State of the Persian and Turkish (or Ottoman) Empires. IV. The History of Egypt, now a Province subject to the Turks. V. A Description of their chief Towns, with their ancient Names. VI. Their several and respective Manners, Customs, and Governments. VII. Their Religions, Genius, Tempers, Persons, Habits, Diversions, Exercises, and Curiosities Also an account of The Lives, Travels, Miracles, Sufferings and Deaths of our Blessed Saviour, and his Apostles. With Explanatory, Theological, Historical, Geographical and Miscellaneous notes: And proper References to the Holy Scriptures interspers'd throughout the Whole. By a gentleman of Oxford. Adorn'd with copper plates. Unknown , [Man] (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 4 more.
Printer Memoirs of the life of Mrs. A--a W--t. Shewing, I. The unkind Usage she receiv'd from an only Brother. II. The Cause of her coming to London. III. The Manner in which she was seduc'd from the Inn, to a House of ill Fame. IV. How she was there male-treated, debauch'd, and confin'd for the Space of two Years. V. Her Behaviour and Treatment there till the Time of her Deliverance, and how dispos'd of since. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Printer Remarks on the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father. With a word to the author. By a spectator. W. , A. (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer Solomon a serenata as perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, for a morning entertainment; written by Mr. Moore; the music compos'd by Dr. Boyce. Moore , Edward (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Boyce , William (Composer)
and 1 more.
Printer The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. Containing, I. His entering himself Trumpeter on board the Revenge Privateer, Capt. James Wimble, May 29, 1741. II. An Account of their Cruize; and of his being taken Prisoner by the Spaniards; with his wonderful Deliverance from Death. III. The Manner of his escaping from the Spaniards, with Capt. Robert Winter and five others. IV. How they were drove by contrary Winds on the Coast of Barbary; where they were taken Prisoners by the Moors, and the Hardships they endur'd among the Insidels. With the Manner of his Deliverance, and his Arrival safe in England after various Vicissitudes of Fortune. Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates Wyatt , James (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 2 more.
Printer The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. Containing, I. His entering himself Trumpeter on board the Revenge Privateer, Capt. James Wimble, May 29, 1741. II. An Account of their Cruize; and of his being taken Prisoner by the Spaniards; with his wonderful Deliverance from Death. III. The Manner of his escaping from the Spaniards, with Capt. Robert Winter and five others. IV. How they were drove by contrary Winds on the Coast of Barbary; where they were taken Prisoners by the Moors, and the Hardships they endur'd among the Insidels. With the Manner of his Deliverance, and his Arrival safe in England after various Vicissitudes of Fortune. Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates Wyatt , James (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 2 more.
Printer The story on which the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father, is founded. With some account of the author, and his writings. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Printer The story on which the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father, is founded. With some account of the author, and his writings. The Second Edition. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher An account of explosions in the atmosphere, or airquakes. Their distinction from true earthquakes. With some observations on the late shocks, near this city, &c. to shew that they were most probably of the former kind. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher The conduct and scandalous behaviour of the porters in Exchange Alley. To which is added, the heads of a remarkable trial at a Travest Sessions at Guildhall, London, on the twentieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and forty-nine. By a Society of twenty impartial inquirers. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
Bookseller Mother Midnight's miscellany. Containing, more than all the wit, and all the humour, and all the learning, and all the judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be. Likewise the Discovery of an unknown World; with some Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, and Ceremonies of the Glums and Gawrys, Men and Women that Fly: With the Marriage-Ceremony of a Lying Man to a Flying Woman, and many other extraordinary Events, which ought never to be forgotten. First discover'd by Selim, in a Vision, on the Hills of Bagdat, on the sixth Day of the fourth Moon, Anno Mundi, 5791. Dedicated to the King of the Fidlers, and to his Queen, and to the Great Mogul's Jester, and to the greatest Conjurer in all Lapland, and to Bajazet the famous Race-Horse, and to the Gnost of Black and All Black, &c. &c. &c. By Mary Midnight, Midwise to all the Inhabitants of this Cosmos, and to the Choice Spirits in the Elysian Shades. Publish'd (which she always observes) in Conformity to several Acts of Parliament, and by Permission of their Most Christian and Most Catholick Majesties, the Great Mogul, and the States General. Unknown , (Author)
Kingman , Mary (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 4 more.
Bookseller St. Patrick for Ireland. A tragi-comedy. First Acted By His Majesty's Company of Comedians, in the Year 1639. Written by James Shirley, Esq; To which is prefix'd, An Account of the Author, and his Works: And an abstract of The life of St. patrick, Collected from the best Historians. Shirley , James (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. ... Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates. Wyatt , James (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller The life of the most Reverend Dr Cranmer, Some Time Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan; One of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy-Council in the Reign of Henry Viii. Chairman of the Committee for Compiling the English Liturgy, and Martyr in the Reign of Queen Mary. The Whole including various remarkable Events in the History of the Reformation. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller The rural maid, a poem. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The true and genuine account of the confession (whilst under sentence of death) of Thomas Jones, and James Welch, for the barbarous rape and murder of Sarah Green, ... Together with a genuine account of the remarkable robberies committed by Matthias Keys, and Henry Bryan. ... Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer Mother Midnight's miscellany. Containing, more than all the wit, and all the humour, and all the learning, and all the judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be. Likewise the Discovery of an unknown World; with some Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, and Ceremonies of the Glums and Gawrys, Men and Women that Fly: With the Marriage-Ceremony of a Lying Man to a Flying Woman, and many other extraordinary Events, which ought never to be forgotten. First discover'd by Selim, in a Vision, on the Hills of Bagdat, on the sixth Day of the fourth Moon, Anno Mundi, 5791. Dedicated to the King of the Fidlers, and to his Queen, and to the Great Mogul's Jester, and to the greatest Conjurer in all Lapland, and to Bajazet the famous Race-Horse, and to the Gnost of Black and All Black, &c. &c. &c. By Mary Midnight, Midwise to all the Inhabitants of this Cosmos, and to the Choice Spirits in the Elysian Shades. Publish'd (which she always observes) in Conformity to several Acts of Parliament, and by Permission of their Most Christian and Most Catholick Majesties, the Great Mogul, and the States General. Unknown , (Author)
Kingman , Mary (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 4 more.
Printer The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. ... Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates. Wyatt , James (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller The only true and authentic trial of John Swan and Miss Elizabeth Jeffreys, for the murder of her uncle, Mr. Joseph Jeffreys, of Walthamstow in Essex, at the Lent assizes held at Chelmsford, on Wednesday the eleventh instant, before the Hon. Sir Martin Wright and Sir Michael Foster, Knts. Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of King's-Bench. To which are added, original letters, in which are included their own Confessions; and several Particulars relating to the Murder, never before made public. Also the will of the late Mr. Jeffreys. Swan , John (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Jeffreys , Elizabeth (Author)
Bookseller The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c. Unknown , (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 2 more.

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"Anne Dodd II" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 4034, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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