ID 5104
Name s.n. [sine nomine]
Gender Unknown
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Notes This firm is added to titles that do not name a publisher, printer, or bookseller.


Displaying 301–325 of 499

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A Bold Stroke for a Husband. A comedy. Written by the ingenious Mrs. Cowley: Authoress of the Run-A-Way, Belles-Stratagem, and which is the Man: and performed forty nights last season at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Cowley , Hannah (Author)
Publisher Encyclopedie des dames: ou, introduction a l'etude de quelques sciences, essentielles a l'education des jeunes demoiselles: Telles, Que, la Chronologie, l'histoire Ancienne, la Geographie, et l'histoire Romaine: precedee d'undiscours preliminaire, sur l'education. Par Mademoiselle E. Cacouault de la Mimardiere, Auteur de La Philosophie Morale, & de La Mythologie des Jeunes Demoiselles. Cacaoult de la Mimardière , Élisabeth (Author)
Publisher Hardyknute. A Scottish fragment. See Percy's Antient ballads, vol. 2 p. 94. Edit. 2. N.B. Modern spelling is substituted for the ancient. Wardlaw , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Les mille et une faveurs, contes de cour, tirés de l'ancien Gaulois, par la Reine de Navarre. ... de Navarre , Marguerite (Author)
Publisher Les petits soupers et les nuits de l'hôtel Bouill-n. Lettre de Milord Comte de ******, à Milord ********. Au sujet des récréations de M. de C-stri-s ou de la danse de l'ours, anecdote singuliere d'un cocher qui s'est pendu à l'hôtel Bouill-n, le 31 décembre 1778 à l'occasion de la danse de l'ours. de La Fitte , Anne-Gédéon (Author)
Publisher The Belle's Stratagem; a New Comedy, of five acts: as it is now performing at the Theatre in Smock-Alley. Written by Mrs. Cowley. Cowley , Hannah (Author)
Publisher The bud of the rose. Sung by Mr. Bannister, in in [sic] Rosina. Brooke , Frances (Author)
Publisher The bud of the rose. Sung by Mr. Bannister, in the opera of Rosina. Brooke , Frances (Author)
Publisher The gleaners. A favourite song, sung in the opera of Rosina. Brooke , Frances (Author)
Publisher The house-keeper's pocket book, and compleat family cook. Containing several hundred curious receipts ... Glasse , Hannah (Author)
Publisher The maid of the mill. Sung by Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Martyr, in the favorite entertainment of Rosina, performed at Covent-Garden Theatre. Brooke , Frances (Author)
Publisher The young ladies mythology. Or fabulous history of the pagan divinities. Digested on an entire new plan, in French and English. The second edition. By Miss Elizabeth Cacouault de la mimardiere. Cacaoult de la Mimardière , Élisabeth (Author)
Publisher A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English, or, An easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly ... : to which is added, a curious and useful appendix Fisher Slack , Ann (Author)
Publisher Contes et nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre, Faisant suite aux contes de J. Bocace. Tome premier. de Navarre , Marguerite (Author)
Publisher Epistle from Miss Mark'em, in London, to Lady Barbary Courtley, at Castle-Lizard in the county of Cornwall. Written in Feb. 1784. (Continued from Thursday last.) Unknown , (Author)
Publisher The last speech, confession & dying words of Margaret Neil, who was execute at Stirling on Friday the 19th of Novr. 1784, for the crimes of theft and house-breaking. Neil , Margaret (Author)
Publisher The last speech, confession and dying words of Sarah Cameron, who was execute at Stirling on Friday the 29th of October 1784, and her body given to the doctors to be dissected, for the murder of her own child. Cameron , Sarah (Author)
Publisher The prison groans! Or, sorrowful lamentation of Patience Elsom, when under sentence of death in Lincoln Castle: and who was executed on Friday the 12th day of November, 1784, for wilfully setting fire to the dwelling-house of Mr. Goulding of Ingoldsby. Elsom , Patience (Author)
Printer Facts dedicated to Her Majesty. The female spy; or Mrs. Tonkin's journey through France, in the late war, undertaken by the express order of the Rt. Hon. Charles James Fox, secretary of state, this pamphlet contains a particular narrative of the hardships, dangers, and distress, she met with, the various intelligence the furnished to government, the means by which it was obtained, and in what manner the escaped being taken. Not having received any compensation for her sercies [sic] from government-she submits her case to the candor and liberality of a generous public. Tonkin , Mary (Author)
Publisher A letter from Mrs Barclay to her son, on the subject of a difference presently subsisting between her and the Roman-Catholic clergy of Aberdeen. Barclay , Mrs. (Author)
Publisher Copy of a letter from the Countess of Huntingdon, to one of her students, who had desired her ladyship's opinion and advice with respect to the ministry:-which is now published at the request of the ministers in her connection, for the use of the students in general. Hastings , Selina (Author)
Publisher Dialogues raisonnés D'Hortence & de Julie, sur les principes fondamentaux de la sagesse, ou philosophie morale, & autres sujets Egalement Propres a Former Le Coeur & L'Esprit. A L'Usage des Jeunes Demoiselles. Dédiés (par Permission) à Lady Charlotte Finch, Par Mademoiselle Cacouault de la Mimardiere, Auteur de La Mythologie des Jeunes Demoiselles, & de L'Encyclopedie des Dames. Cacaoult de la Mimardière , Élisabeth (Author)
Publisher Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world. In two volumes. The second edition. Burney , Frances (Author)
Publisher On the death of Mr. Cipriani: by Mrs. Rigaud. Rigaud , Mrs. (Author)
Publisher On the Dutchess of Atholl and Lady Wright fishing at Atholl-House. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)

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"s.n. [sine nomine]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5104, Accessed 2025-01-10.

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