ID 5104
Name s.n. [sine nomine]
Gender Unknown
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Notes This firm is added to titles that do not name a publisher, printer, or bookseller.


Displaying 451–475 of 490

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Cheap Repository. The day of judgment, or, the grand reckoning. More , Hannah (Author)
Publisher La Pucelle; or, The Maid of Orleans: a Poem, in XXI Cantos. From the French of M. de Voltaire. With the Author's Preface and Original Notes. Vol. II. Arouet , Francois-Marie (Voltaire) (Author)
Bury , Catherine Maria (Translator)
Publisher Mrs. Buckham, (wife to the Chaplain of the London-Hospital,) candidate for the Office of Matron, in the room of Mrs. Guion, resigned, begs leave to solicit your vote and interest. ... Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher New collection of voyages and travels, ... This day is published, ... An historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, ... By William Mavor, LL.D. Newbery , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher On the fast day, 1797, the following was given to Joanna Southcott, in answer to the Rev. J. Pomeroy. ... Southcott , Joanna (Author)
Publisher Poems on several occasions. By a lady. Bury , Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell (Author)
Publisher Proposals for printing by subscription, "Exhibitions of the heart," a novel, in four volumes. ... By A. A. H. Hutchinson , Miss A. A. (Author)
Publisher The last dying speech and confession of Rebecca Howard, who was executed this day, August 9, 1797, on the Castle Ditches, for the murder of her male bastard child. Howard , Rebecca (Author)
Printer A part of Isobel Johnston's trials and entertainments, in the year 1795. Johnston , Isobel (Author)
Publisher A complete catalogue of Mrs. Teachwell's books. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
Publisher Airs and chorusses in The Princess of Georgia, an opera: written by Her Serene Highness the Margravine of Anspach, and performed at Brandenburgh-House Theatre, 1798. Craven , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Dusseldorf; or, the fratricide. A romance. In three volumes. By Anna Maria Mackenzie. Mackenzie , Anna Maria (Author)
Publisher Fugitive pieces. Greensted , Frances (Author)
Publisher Memoirs, or spiritual exercises of Elisabeth West: written by her own hand. West , Elisabeth (Author)
Publisher Sir, having had the honor of being approved by the House-Committee of the London Hospital, as candidate for matron; I beg leave to re-solicit the favor of your vote and interest. ... Bradbury , Eliza (Author)
Publisher The experienced English housekeeper, for the use and ease of ladies, housekeepers, cooks, &c. written purely from practice; ... Consisting of several hundred original receipts, ... By Elizabeth Raffald. A new edition, in which are inserted some celebrated receipts by other modern authors, to which is added a treatise on brewing. Raffald , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The life of Mrs. Margaret Leeson alias peg plunket. Written by herself: in which are given anecdotes and sketches of the lives and bon mots of some of the most celebrated characters in Great-Britain and Ireland, particularly of all the filles des joys and men of pleasure and gallantry, who usually frequented her Citherean temple for these thirty years past. Three volumes complete in one. A new edition with considerable additions. Leeson , Margaret (Author)
Publisher The passage of the mountain of Saint Gothard, a poem; by Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
Printer An address on the subject of the projected union, to the illustrious Stephen III. King of Dalkey, Emperor of the Mugglins, elector and archtreasurer of Lambay, lord protector of the Holy Island of Magee, Grand Duke of Bullock, grand master of the noble, illustrious, and ancient orders of the lobster, crab, scollop, &c. &c. By Patt. Pindar. Battier , Henrietta (Author)
Publisher "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God "in vain, for he will not hold him guiltless, that "taketh his Name in vain." Was this high and holy command more seriously considered, and the awful consequences of disobeying it taken home by all ranks of people, ... King , Martha (Author)
Publisher A bold stroke for a wife. A comedy, by Mrs. Centlivre. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. ... Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Publisher A letter to the Irish Parliament, on the intended bill for legalizing military law. Emmet , Mary Anne (Author)
Publisher An account of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements, of Mrs. Janet Hamilton, the deceased lady of Alex. Gordon of Earlston; Upon the several diets, and at the several places under-written, which were found in her cabinet among her papers after her death, at Earlston Feb. 26. 1696. Being all written and subscribed with her own hand; and thought fit to be discovered for the encouragement of others to the like duty. Taken from a Glasgow copy, printed in the year 1754. Hamilton , Janet (Author)
Publisher An address to the people of Ireland; shewing them why they ought to submit to an union. Emmet , Mary Anne (Author)
Publisher Hymns in prose for children. By the author of Lessons for children. A New Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)

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"s.n. [sine nomine]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5104, Accessed 2024-09-16.

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