Titles by Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] in MLA format
There are 88 titles associated with this firm.
Unknown, [Man].
A demonstration of the falsity of the narration, published to draw a parallel between the election of Stanislaus Leszezynski and ... Augustus III, Duke ... of Saxony, ... By a Polish nobleman. To which is added, a ... genealogical table, shewing how ... Augustus III. descends ... from Jagello King of Poland.
John Brindley,
Unknown, .
The behaviour of the cl-gy, as well as their traditions, destructive of religion. Or, a succinct history of priestcraft, Throughout all ages. Containing, A general Introduction of the Institution of all pretended Revelations. - Remarks on Priestcraft amongst the Greeks: The strange Superstition of that learned People, proved to be the Ruin of Athens. - Remarks on Roman Priestcraft, their Augurs, Pontiffs, &c. - An Account of the Bramins, Bonzees, Talapoins, and other Eastern Priests: with a curious History of the Pharisees and Sadduces among the Jews. - Popish Priestcraft unveil'd, particularly with regard to our own Island. Concluding with The Secret Intrigues of the Gown with all Parties from the Reformation to the Vicars Ap---cy. Dedicated to the Most Worthy Sect of Free-Thinkers. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops, Priests and Deacons, with true Knowledge and Understanding of thy Word; and that both by their Preaching and Living they may set it forth and shew it accordingly. Liturgy of the Ch. of England.
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Joseph Crichley,
John Jolliffe,
Unknown, .
The behaviour of the cl-gy, as well as their traditions, destructive of religion. Or, a succinct history of priestcraft, Throughout all Ages. Containing, A general Introduction of the Institution of all pretended Revelations. - Remarks on Priestcraft amongst the Greeks: The strange Superstition of that learned People, proved to be the Ruin of Athens. - Remarks on Roman Priestcraft, their Augurs, Pontiffs, &c. - An Account of the Bramins, Bonzeés, Talapoins, and other Eastern Priests: with a curious History of the Pharisees and Sadduces among the Jews. - Popish Priestcraft unveil'd, particularly with regard to our own Island. Concluding with The Secret Intrigues of the Gown with all Parties from the Reformation to the Vicars Ap---cy. Dedicated to the Most Worthy Sect of Free-Thinkers.
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Joseph Crichley,
John Jolliffe,
Radicati, Alberto.
The history of the abdication of Victor Amedeus II. late King of Sardinia, with his confinement in the castle of Rivole; shewing the real motives, which induc'd that Prince to resign the Crown in Favour of his Son Charles Emanuel the present King: As also how he came to repent of his Resignation, with the secret Reasons that urg'd him to attempt his Restauration. In a letter from the Marquis de T***** a Piemontois, now at the Court of Poland; To the Count de C in London.
Budgell, Eustace.
A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. And something more, which it is hope will be agreeable to every true Englishman. By Eustace Budgell, Esq;
Samuel Tuckey,
Unknown, .
A scheme or proposal for taking off the several taxes on land, soap, starch, Candles, Leather, Plate, Pots, &c. and replacing the said duties by another tax, which will bring in more Money, in a more Easy and Equal Manner, and less burthensome to the Subject: Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, as also the People of England, for whose Ease and Benefit this is design'd. Plainly proving, That the Duties on Soap, Candles, and Leather, which do not bring in 600,000 l. a Year, cost the Subject more than double that Sum: So that this Method is calculated to ease the People of one Half of the Sum they now pay, on Account of those several Taxes, and at the same Time Encrease the Revenue. To which is added, Some Considerations on the several Duties upon Tea, Coffee, Chocolat, and Salt, which may be also taken off, and replaced by the same Method, with any Thing else, that is either burthensome to Trade, or a Hardship upon particular Persons, of which the Pot-Act is a glaring Instance; and upon any Emergency a larger Sum may be raised.
Unknown, .
A friendly epistle to the author of The state dunces.
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Unknown, .
The finish'd rake; or, Gallantry in Perfection. Being the genuine and entertaining adventures, of a young gentleman of fortune. Faithfully extracted from memoirs written with his own Hand, and design'd by him to be publish'd, as is believed, had he not been prevented by Death. The whole being interspers'd with several Curious, Whimfical, and Uncommon incidents; particularly his intrigue with a fine coquette milliner, near one of our most noted Inns of Court, whilst he was a student.
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
John Jolliffe,
Unknown, .
A modest reply, to the author of the Letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author.
Anne Dodd I,
Unknown, .
A Modest reply, to the author of the letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author.
Anne Dodd I,
Unknown, .
Modern Patriotism, a Poem.
John Brindley,
Unknown, .
Modern patriotism, or faction display'd: a poem. Being a satire on political writers.
John Brindley,
John Jolliffe,
Oliver Payne,
Alexander Lyon,
Charles Corbett,
Peck, Frances.
A Complete Catalogue of all the Discourses Written, Both for and against Popery, in the Time of King James II. Containing in the Whole, An Account of Four Hundred and Fifty seven Books and Pamphlets, a great Number of them not mentioned in the three former Catalogues. With References after each Title, for the more speedy finding of a further Account of the said Discourses, and of their Authors, in sundry Writers: and an Alphabetical List of the Writers on each Side. A tract very necessary for these Times, and for all those who are desirous to complete their Sets of those Pieces, or would sort them to the best Advantage. Drawn up in a new Method, by Francis Peck, M.A. rector of Godeby, near Melton in Leicestershire.
Silvester, Tipping.
A critical dissertation on Titus iii. 10,11. Wherein Mr. Foster's notion of heresy is consider'd, and confuted. And the power of the Church to censure hereticks is vindicated. By Tipping Silvester, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College Oxon, and Lecturer of St. Bartholomew the Great.
Unknown, .
A full and genuine account of the murder of Mrs. Robinson, by Elton Lewis, On Monday Night, April 21, 1735.
Unknown, .
A vindication of Mr. Ward, from the aspersions and reflections cast upon him by Doctor Turner's late letter to Doctor Jurin. In which the honesty, integrity, charity, candour and generosity of those worthy gentlemen call'd licensed physicians, is impartially examin'd and set forth. Also antimonial and mercurial medicines clear'd from the dangerous qualities they are charged with, and the use of them recommended as very prevalent in many obstinate and deplorable distempers and diseases incident to human bodies. Humbly inscribed to the Lord Chief Baron Reynolds. By Eugenius Philalethes.
Carey, Henry.
Of stage tyrants. An epistle to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield. Occasion'd by the Honest Yorkshire-Man being rejected at Drury-Lane Play-House, and since Acted at other Theatres with Universal Applause. By Mr. Carey.
John Shuckburgh,
Lawton Gilliver,
James Leake I,
John Jackson,
Silvester, Tipping.
A critical dissertation on Titus iii. 10,11. Wherein Mr. Foster's notion of heresy is consider'd, and confuted. And the power of the Church to censure hereticks is vindicated. By Tipping Silvester, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College Oxon, and Lecturer of St. Bartholomew the Great.
Blyth, Francis.
Advice to a friend on his marriage, a poem.
Thomas Cooper,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Ruth Charlton [Charleton],
Anne Dodd I,
Unknown, .
Some seasonable remarks upon a pamphlet entitled The reasons alledged against Dr. Rundle's promotion to the see of Gloucester, seriously and dispassionately consider'd. Being a full detection of the gross absurdities, scandalous invectives, fulsom panegyrics, and unjust misrepresentations of the author of that pamphlet. To which is annexed, by way of supplement, a short answer to the reasons alledged, &c. Published in the weekly miscellany on Saturday, December, 7. 1734.
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Unknown, [Man].
Some seasonable remarks upon a pamphlet entitled the reasons alledged against Dr. Rundle's promotion to the See of Gloucester, seriously and dispassionately consider'd. Being a full detection of the gross absurdities, scandalous Invectives, fulsom Panegyries, and unjust Misrepresentations of the Author of that Pamphlet. To which is annexed, by way of Supplement, A short answer to the reasons alledged, &c. Published in the Weekly miscellany on Saturday, December, 7. 1734.
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Unknown, .
The 1736 Court Kalendar: Containing I. The BIRTHS of the Sovereign Princes now living, and the Original or first founding of all the Kingdoms, States and Republicks, now in Europe p. 5. II. A LIST of the Cardinals, with the Time of their Births, and by whom promoted. p. 11. III. The Deaths of the Princes since the Year 1720. p. 34. IV. Remarks Historical, &c. concerning the Antiquity of the World. p. 42. V. Of the Names of the Months. p. 43. VI. A LIST of the Privy Council. p. 45. VII. A SCHEME of the Stalls of Knights of the Order of the Garter. p. 48. VIII. —— of those of the Bath. p. 50. IX. a LIST of the Knights of the Thistle. p. 52. XX. A LIST of the Foreign Ministers Abroad. p. 54. XI. A LIST of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. XII. RATES of the Coachmen and Watermen. p. 62. XIII. MEMORABLE EVENTS since 1688. p. 68. [ited] to bind up with Rider's Almanack, and a LIST of the present PARLIAMENT.
Unknown, .
The fall of Bob: or, the oracle of gin. A tragedy. By Timothy Scrubb, of Rag-Fair, Esq;
John Purser,
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Ruth Charlton [Charleton],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Unknown, .
The 1736 Court Kalendar: Containing I. The BIRTHS of the Sovereign Princes now living, and the Original or first founding of all the Kingdoms, States and Republicks, now in Europe p. 5. II. A LIST of the Cardinals, with the Time of their Births, and by whom promoted. p. 11. III. The Deaths of the Princes since the Year 1720. p. 34. IV. Remarks Historical, &c. concerning the Antiquity of the World. p. 42. V. Of the Names of the Months. p. 43. VI. A LIST of the Privy Council. p. 45. VII. A SCHEME of the Stalls of Knights of the Order of the Garter. p. 48. VIII. —— of those of the Bath. p. 50. IX. a LIST of the Knights of the Thistle. p. 52. XX. A LIST of the Foreign Ministers Abroad. p. 54. XI. A LIST of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. XII. RATES of the Coachmen and Watermen. p. 62. XIII. MEMORABLE EVENTS since 1688. p. 68. [ited] to bind up with Rider's Almanack, and a LIST of the present PARLIAMENT.
Unknown, .
Occasional remarks upon the Act for laying a duty upon the retalers of spirituous liquors, &c. and for licensing the retalers thereof.
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Unknown, .
The fall of Bob: or, the oracle of gin. A tragedy. By Timothy Scrubb, of Rag-Fair, Esq;
John Purser,
Anne Dodd I,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Ruth Charlton [Charleton],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Unknown, .
Order, a poem.
John Brindley,
Sabourn, Reay.
The scotch prophecy: or, the Lord Belhaven's remarkable speech before the union, examin'd and compar'd with the articles afterwards concluded, and now subsisting Wherein The Advantages accruing to Scotland by the Union, are discovered. By Reay Sabourn.
G., T.
Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein his many inconsistences are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd.
G., T.
Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein his many inconsistences are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd. The whole shewing the Dangerous Tendency of his Doctrine. Address'd to the Religious Societies.
Cowley, John.
A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies.
Cowley, John.
A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole.
Cowley, John.
A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole.
G., T.
Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein many of his inconsistences [sic] are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd. The Whole shewing the Dangerous Tendency of His Doctrine. Address'd to the Religious Societies.
Dodd, John.
The Irresistible Fair, a Poem. Humbly Inscrib'd to that Incomparable, and Celebrated Beauty, Miss F--y Be--l. By J. Dodd, Philomathes.
Unknown, .
True Character of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield; In a Letter from a Deist in London, to his Friend in the Country. With some Observations on the Dispute between Dr. Trapp and Mr. Whitefield, and the Behaviour of the Clergy. Likewise the sentiments, manners, &c. of deists, fairly stated by real truths.
Cowley, John.
A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies.
Cowley, John.
A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole.
Cowley, John.
A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole.
Whitefield, George.
A Collection of papers, lately printed in the daily advertiser. Containing, I. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to a friend in London, dated at New-Brunswick in New-Jersey, April 27, 1740. II. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, to the inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South-Carolina. III. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to a friend in London; shewing the fundamental error of a book called The Whole Duty of Man. IV. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, at Georgia, to a friend in London, wherein he vindicates his asserting, that Archbishop Tillotson knew no more of true Christianity than Mahomet. V. A second letter on the same subject. VI. Some observations on the Rev. Mr. Whitefield and his opposers. VII. The manner of the childrens spending their time at the Orphan-House in Georgia.
Seward, William.
Journal of a voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to England, M, DCC.XL. By William Seward, Gent. Companion in Travel with the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield.
Unknown, .
The History of Thamas Kuli Khan, Shah, or Sophi of Persia. Extracted from the French.
John Wilcox,
Anne Dodd II,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Barnard, John.
A present for an apprentice: Or, A sure guide to gain both esteem and estate. With rules for his conduct to his master, and in the world. Under the following heads, lying, dishonesty, fidelity, temperance, excess of all kinds, government of the tongue, other peoples quarrels, quarrels of one's own, affability, frugality, industry, value of time, company, friendship, bonds and securities, recreations, gaming, company of women, horse-keeping, proper persons to deal with, suspicion, resentment, complacency, tempers and faces of men, irresolution and indolence, caution in setting-up great rents fine shops, servants, choice of a wife, happiness after marriage, domestick quarrels, house-keeping, education of children, politicks, religion. By a late Lord Mayor of London.
Francis Coggan [Cogan],
Unknown, .
Seasonable advice to the disinterested freeholders of Great Britain: in which the conduct and designs both of the court and country parties are impartially stated and examined, and such pointed out as are most deserving in the approaching elections.
Mary Cooper,
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St],
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Anne Dodd II,
George Woodfall [Charing Cross],
Henry Chapelle [Chappelle],
Unknown, .
A new court register...
Thomas Cooper,
Harrison, Amos.
Remarks on the vicar's complaint, By Way of petition, in the High Court of Chancery, Against some of his parishioners For not paying their Tythes, Mortuaries, &c. By Amos Harrison, The Second Edition.
Cowley, John.
The candidates guide; or, the electors rights decided. Shewing the determination of the rights of elections, by the Honble the Commons of Great Britain ... in all contraverted elections ... The third edition, corrected and improved with great additions. To which is added the like determinations in contraverted elections for North Britain, since the union. ... Together with the heads of the statutes now in force ... By J. C. Gent.
John Brindley,
Cromwell, Oliver.
Enthusiasm display'd: being a true copy of a most learned, conscientious, and devout exercise, or sermon, held forth the last Lord's day of April, 1649. at Sir P---- T----'s house in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by Lieutenant General Oliver Cromwell. As it was faithfully taken in characters by Aaron Guerdon. To which are added, I. The general character of Oliver, extracted from various Authors. II. His Particular Character. By Bevil Higgons; Esq; III. An exact Account of his Magnificent Lying in State, and Pompous Funeral. IV. Some Conjectures concerning the Place of his Burial. By Bishop Kennet. V. Poems on his death. By Mr. Waller and Mr. Cowley.
Cromwell, Oliver.
Enthusiasm display'd: being a true copy of a most learned, conscientious, and devout exercise, or sermon, held forth the last Lord's day of April, 1649. at Sir P---- T----'s house in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by Lieutenant General Oliver Cromwell. As it was faithfully taken in characters by Aaron Guerdon. To which are added, I. The general character of Oliver, extracted from various Authors. II. His Particular Character. By Bevil Higgons; Esq; III. An exact Account of his Magnificent Lying in State, and Pompous Funeral. IV. Some Conjectures concerning the Place of his Burial. By Bishop Kennet. V. Poems on his death. By Mr. Waller and Mr. Cowley.
Unknown, .
The Equity of Parnassus: A Poem.
Charles Corbett,
Cowley, John.
A description of the Windward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also an account of the trade winds, and of the variable winds and currents on the coasts thereabouts, at different seasons of the year. Illustrated with a chart of the coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller islands, shoals, rocks, and other remarkable things in the course of the navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, ... To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. ... To which is now annexed, a very remarkable letter, ... By the late John Cowley, geographer to His Majesty. The fourth edition with additions.
Thomas, John.
A sermon preached before the House of Lords, in the Abbey-Church of Westminster, on Wednesday, January 30th, 1744. Being the Day appointed to be observed as the Day of the Martyrdom of King Charles I. By John Lord Bishop of Lincoln. The Second Edition.
Unknown, .
An address to that honest part of the nation, call'd the lower sort of people; on the subject of popery and the pretender.
Charles Corbett,
Unknown, .
An Address to that Honest Part of the Nation, Call'd the Lower Sort of People; on the Subject of Popery and the Pretender. The Second Edition.
Charles Corbett,
Cowley, John.
A description of the Windward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also an account of the trade winds, and of the variable winds and currents on the coasts thereabouts, at different seasons of the year. Illustrated with a chart of the coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller islands, shoals, rocks, and other remarkable things in the course of the navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, ... To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. ... To which is now annexed, a very remarkable letter, ... By the late John Cowley, geographer to His Majesty. The fourth edition with additions.
Mead, Richard.
A discourse of the small-pox and measles. By Richard Mead, Fellow of the London and Edinburgh Colleges of Physicians, and of the Royal-Society, and Physician to the King. To this is subjoined The commentary of Rhazes, a most celebrated Arabian physician, on the same diseases. Translated from the Latin, by a physician.
Anne Dodd II,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Elizabeth Amey,
Unknown, .
Memoirs of the life and times, of Sir Thomas Deveil, Knight, one of His Majesty's justices of the peace, For the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, Surry and Hertfordshire, the City and Liberty of Westminster, the Tower of London, and the Liberties thereof, &c.
Unknown, .
The fool: being a collection of essays and epistles, moral, political, humourous, and entertaining. Published in the Daily Gazetteer. With the author's preface, and a complete index.
Henley, John.
The informer's winding-sheet: or, Nine oaths for a shilling. Being a parable, in five allegorical discourses: on I. St. Paul's treatment and apology, on a charge of preaching against the government. II. Gallio's prohibiting the prosecution of St. Paul, for words; and a sketch of words accused, in a manuscript paper, privately handed about the public, answered. III. The liberty of one Protestant dissenter's preaching in his own way, asserted; proving the words were for the government: and a reply to the censure of indecent or light expressions, pretense of religion, ridiculing religion, wicked purpose, sedition, treason, blasphemy, disorder, &c. IV. The justice's and counsellor's Vade-Mecum, a disquisition on false witness, by the laws of God, nature, nations, philosophy, the civil, canon, and common laws; and the validity or nullity of evidence of words decided. V. The right to free speaking and reasoning in all lights, on trustees of government, no sedition, but one weight in the people's choice on occasion between in English free Protestant authority, and a supposed French popish dominion: and sedition defin'd. By Sir Mawdcope Moreclarke, of Hull, in Coates's rents, Garrn-Street, opposite the sign of the seven affidavits.
Lilburn Shaftsbury,
Defoe, Daniel.
The true-Born Englishman. A satire. Corrected and enlarg'd by the author.
John Wilford,
Unknown, .
Memoirs of the life and times, of Sir Thomas Deveil, Knight, one of His Majesty's justices of the peace, For the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, Surry and Hertfordshire, the City and Liberty of Westminster, the Tower of London, and the Liberties thereof, &c.
Unknown, .
The fool: being a collection of essays and epistles, moral, political, humourous, and entertaining. Published in the Daily Gazetteer. With the author's preface, and a complete index.
Wyatt, James.
The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. Containing, I. His entering himself Trumpeter on board the Revenge Privateer, Capt. James Wimble, May 29, 1741. II. An Account of their Cruize; and of his being taken Prisoner by the Spaniards; with his wonderful Deliverance from Death. III. The Manner of his escaping from the Spaniards, with Capt. Robert Winter and five others. IV. How they were drove by contrary Winds on the Coast of Barbary; where they were taken Prisoners by the Moors, and the Hardships they endur'd among the Insidels. With the Manner of his Deliverance, and his Arrival safe in England after various Vicissitudes of Fortune. Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Eleazer Duncomb,
T. Taylor,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Loredano, Giovanni Francesco.
The life of Adam. Translated from Gio Francisco Loridano. To which is subjoyn'd, An essay towards an analysis of the human mind. Being, An Enquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Good and Evil, and the Nature, Rise, and Progress of the Passions, Habits, and Affections of the Human Soul. By Richard Murray, A. M. & J. U. B.
Thomas Osborne II,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Mary Cooper,
Charles Corbett,
Anne Dodd II,
George Woodfall [Charing Cross],
John Jackson,
Henry Chapelle [Chappelle],
Elizabeth Amey,
Unknown, .
A serious and affectionate address to the cities of London and Westminster; occasioned by the late earthquake. The second edition.
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St],
Jacob Loyseau,
George Woodfall [Charing Cross],
Henry Chapelle [Chappelle],
Shower, John.
An appendix to the Reverend Mr. John Shower's Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, &c. Being a continuation of his account, and Practical Reflections, after his Manner, from the year 1693, down to these last shocks that were felt at London and Westminster, on February 8th and March 8th, 1749-50, with an Application, adapted to the present times, &c.
Unknown, [Man].
Familiar letters from a gentleman at Damascus, to his sister in London. Containing, I. A curious and compendious Account of the ancient State of Asia. II. The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian and Median Monarchies. III. The ancient and present State of the Persian and Turkish (or Ottoman) Empires. IV. The History of Egypt, now a Province subject to the Turks. V. A Description of their chief Towns, with their ancient Names. VI. Their several and respective Manners, Customs, and Governments. VII. Their Religions, Genius, Tempers, Persons, Habits, Diversions, Exercises, and Curiosities Also an account of The Lives, Travels, Miracles, Sufferings and Deaths of our Blessed Saviour, and his Apostles. With Explanatory, Theological, Historical, Geographical and Miscellaneous notes: And proper References to the Holy Scriptures interspers'd throughout the Whole. By a gentleman of Oxford. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Upton, Robert.
Poems, on several occasions. Containing, I. On Retirement. A Miltonic Essay. II. Isaiah, Chap. xi. versify'd. III. Rural Happiness. IV. Philander's Petition. V. The Fortunate Clown. VI. The Lucky Minute. Vii. Advice to Daphne. Viii. Songs. IX. Epigrams. By Robert Upton.
Shower, John.
Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. With a particular and historical account of them, and divers other earthquakes. By John Shower, D.D.
Shower, John.
Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. With a particular and historical account of them, and divers other earthquakes. By John Shower. The Second Edition.
Unknown, [Man].
Familiar letters from a gentleman at Damascus, to his sister in London. Containing, I. A curious and compendious Account of the ancient State of Asia. II. The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian and Median Monarchies. III. The ancient and present State of the Persian and Turkish (or Ottoman) Empires. IV. The History of Egypt, now a Province subject to the Turks. V. A Description of their chief Towns, with their ancient Names. VI. Their several and respective Manners, Customs, and Governments. VII. Their Religions, Genius, Tempers, Persons, Habits, Diversions, Exercises, and Curiosities Also an account of The Lives, Travels, Miracles, Sufferings and Deaths of our Blessed Saviour, and his Apostles. With Explanatory, Theological, Historical, Geographical and Miscellaneous notes: And proper References to the Holy Scriptures interspers'd throughout the Whole. By a gentleman of Oxford. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Wyatt, James.
The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. Containing, I. His entering himself Trumpeter on board the Revenge Privateer, Capt. James Wimble, May 29, 1741. II. An Account of their Cruize; and of his being taken Prisoner by the Spaniards; with his wonderful Deliverance from Death. III. The Manner of his escaping from the Spaniards, with Capt. Robert Winter and five others. IV. How they were drove by contrary Winds on the Coast of Barbary; where they were taken Prisoners by the Moors, and the Hardships they endur'd among the Insidels. With the Manner of his Deliverance, and his Arrival safe in England after various Vicissitudes of Fortune. Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Wyatt, James.
The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. Containing, I. His entering himself Trumpeter on board the Revenge Privateer, Capt. James Wimble, May 29, 1741. II. An Account of their Cruize; and of his being taken Prisoner by the Spaniards; with his wonderful Deliverance from Death. III. The Manner of his escaping from the Spaniards, with Capt. Robert Winter and five others. IV. How they were drove by contrary Winds on the Coast of Barbary; where they were taken Prisoners by the Moors, and the Hardships they endur'd among the Insidels. With the Manner of his Deliverance, and his Arrival safe in England after various Vicissitudes of Fortune. Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Unknown, .
A serious and affectionate address to the cities of London and Westminster; occasioned by the late earthquake. The second edition.
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange],
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St],
Jacob Loyseau,
George Woodfall [Charing Cross],
Henry Chapelle [Chappelle],
Unknown, .
The conduct and scandalous behaviour of the porters in Exchange Alley. To which is added, the heads of a remarkable trial at a Travest Sessions at Guildhall, London, on the twentieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and forty-nine. By a Society of twenty impartial inquirers.
Anne Dodd II,
Unknown, .
Mother Midnight's miscellany. Containing, more than all the wit, and all the humour, and all the learning, and all the judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be. Likewise the Discovery of an unknown World; with some Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, and Ceremonies of the Glums and Gawrys, Men and Women that Fly: With the Marriage-Ceremony of a Lying Man to a Flying Woman, and many other extraordinary Events, which ought never to be forgotten. First discover'd by Selim, in a Vision, on the Hills of Bagdat, on the sixth Day of the fourth Moon, Anno Mundi, 5791. Dedicated to the King of the Fidlers, and to his Queen, and to the Great Mogul's Jester, and to the greatest Conjurer in all Lapland, and to Bajazet the famous Race-Horse, and to the Gnost of Black and All Black, &c. &c. &c. By Mary Midnight, Midwise to all the Inhabitants of this Cosmos, and to the Choice Spirits in the Elysian Shades. Publish'd (which she always observes) in Conformity to several Acts of Parliament, and by Permission of their Most Christian and Most Catholick Majesties, the Great Mogul, and the States General.
Shirley, James.
St. Patrick for Ireland. A tragi-comedy. First Acted By His Majesty's Company of Comedians, in the Year 1639. Written by James Shirley, Esq; To which is prefix'd, An Account of the Author, and his Works: And an abstract of The life of St. patrick, Collected from the best Historians.
Wyatt, James.
The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. ... Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Unknown, .
The life of the most Reverend Dr Cranmer, Some Time Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan; One of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy-Council in the Reign of Henry Viii. Chairman of the Committee for Compiling the English Liturgy, and Martyr in the Reign of Queen Mary. The Whole including various remarkable Events in the History of the Reformation.
Unknown, .
Mother Midnight's miscellany. Containing, more than all the wit, and all the humour, and all the learning, and all the judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be. Likewise the Discovery of an unknown World; with some Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, and Ceremonies of the Glums and Gawrys, Men and Women that Fly: With the Marriage-Ceremony of a Lying Man to a Flying Woman, and many other extraordinary Events, which ought never to be forgotten. First discover'd by Selim, in a Vision, on the Hills of Bagdat, on the sixth Day of the fourth Moon, Anno Mundi, 5791. Dedicated to the King of the Fidlers, and to his Queen, and to the Great Mogul's Jester, and to the greatest Conjurer in all Lapland, and to Bajazet the famous Race-Horse, and to the Gnost of Black and All Black, &c. &c. &c. By Mary Midnight, Midwise to all the Inhabitants of this Cosmos, and to the Choice Spirits in the Elysian Shades. Publish'd (which she always observes) in Conformity to several Acts of Parliament, and by Permission of their Most Christian and Most Catholick Majesties, the Great Mogul, and the States General.
Wyatt, James.
The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. ... Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates.
Unknown, .
The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c.
Unknown, .
The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c.
Charke, Charlotte.
A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charke, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing Vicissitudes of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourous and interesting Occurrences. written by herself.
William Reeve,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Anne Dodd II,
Charke, Charlotte.
A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charks, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, going by the Name of Mr. Brown, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing vicissirudes [sic] of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourons [sic] and interesting Occarrences [sic]. Written by herself. The Second Edition.
William Reeve,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Anne Dodd II,
Unknown, .
The laugher; or, The art of jesting: shewing every man in his humour, from the throne to the cottage; in particular of kings, queens and princes. Of noblemen and ambassadors. Of Gentlemen and Ladies. Of Gallants and Upstarts. Of Soldiers. Of Travellers. Of Politicians. Of Gamesters. Of Popes and Prelates. Of Poets and Musicians. Of Physick and Physicians. Of Lawyers. Of Love and Lovers. Of Husbands and Wives. Of Women. Of Dress. Of Jesters. Of Servants. Of Fools. Of Countrymen and Clowns. Of Thieves. Of Sharpers. Of Beggars. Of drunkards. Of noses, &c. &c.
William Reeve,
Anne Dodd II,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Unknown, .
The laugher; or, The art of jesting: shewing every man in his humour, from the throne to the cottage; in particular of kings, queens and princes. Of noblemen and ambassadors. Of Gentlemen and Ladies. Of Gallants and Upstarts. Of Soldiers. Of Travellers. Of Politicians. Of Gamesters. Of Popes and Prelates. Of Poets and Musicians. Of Physick and Physicians. Of Lawyers. Of Love and Lovers. Of Husbands and Wives. Of Women. Of Dress. Of Jesters. Of Servants. Of Fools. Of Countrymen and Clowns. Of Thieves. Of Sharpers. Of Beggars. Of drunkards. Of noses, &c. &c. The Second Edition.
William Reeve,
Anne Dodd II,
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook],
Unknown, .
The comments of bull face double fee, on the petition of the freeholders of the county of Middlesex; abounding with the most scurrilous abuse, indecent Invectives, and audacious Manaces; against the petitioners, and every other Person concerned in preparing and supporting that Petition, continued in the Gazeteer, from the 6th of June last, to the 7th of July inclusive.