ID 4162
Last Name Carey
First Name Henry
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1687-08-26
Date of Death 1743-10-05
Place of Birth
Place of Death Clerkenwell
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Displaying 1–15 of 15

Role Title Date
Author A pindaric ode dedicated to the lasting memory of the most illustrious and pious King William III. the most renowned monarch of Great-Britain, &c. as it relates unto the occasion of his famous expedition into England, his excellent reign, his illustrious character, and his most lamented death. And likewise unto his most virtuous and pious successor, Queen Anne. 1702
Author A learned dissertation on dumpling; its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And Many other Useful Dicoveries, of great Benefit to the Publick. To which is added, Namby pamby; a panegyric on the new versification address'd to A- P- Esq; the Sixth Edition. 1726
Author A learned dissertation on dumpling; Its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. The Fourth Edition. 1726
Author A learned dissertation on dumpling; its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. The Third Edition. 1726
Author A learned dissertation on dumpling; its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. To which is added, Namby pamby; a panegyric on the new versification address'd to A- P- Esq; The Fifth Edition 1726
Author Mocking is catching, or, a pastoral lamentation for the loss of a man and no man. In the simple stile. By the author of Namby Pamby. 1726
Author A learned dissertation on dumpling: its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And Many other Useful Discoveries, Of great Benefit to the Publick. To which is added, Namby pamby: a panegyric on the new versification, address'd to A- P- Esq; The Seventh Edition. 1727
Author Pudding and dumpling burnt to pot. Or, a compleat key to the dissertation on dumpling. Wherein all the mystery of that dark treatise is brought to light; in such a manner and method, that the meanest capacity may know who and who's together. Published for the general information of mankind. By J. W. author of 684 treatises. 1727
Author A learned dissertation on dumpling: its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. ... To which is added, Namby pamby: a panegyric on the new versification, address'd to A- P- Esq; The Seventh Edition. 1728
Author Blunderella: or, the impertinent. A tale. To which is added The beau monde, or, the pleasures of St. James's. A new ballad. To the Tune of, Oh! London, is a fine Town, &c. 1730
Author Blundrella: or, the impertinent. A tale. To which is added The beau monde, or, the pleasures of St. James's. A new ballad. To the Tune of, Oh! London, is a fine Town, &c. The Second Edition. 1730
Author The tragedy of Chrononhotonthologos: being the most tragical tragedy, that ever was tragediz'd by any company of tragedians. Written by Benjamin Bounce, Esq; 1734
Author Of stage tyrants. An epistle to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield. Occasion'd by the Honest Yorkshire-Man being rejected at Drury-Lane Play-House, and since Acted at other Theatres with Universal Applause. By Mr. Carey. 1735
Author The Modern British Drama. In five volumes. 1811
Author The London Stage; a collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces, and interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised. 1824

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"Carey, Henry" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4162, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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