Bookseller |
Plain-dealing: Or, Separation without schism, and schism without separation. Exemplify'd in the case of Protestant-dissenters and church-men. By Charles Owen. The Second Edition. |
, Charles
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
Plain-dealing: Or, Separation without schism, and schism without separation. Exemplify'd in the case of Protestant-dissenters and church-men. By Charles Owen. The Third Edition. |
, Charles
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
Reasons for repealing the Occasional and Schism-Acts. To which is added, A true and correct list of the Lords and Commons of the Fifth Parliament of Great-Britain, to meet at Westminster, the 17th of March. Dedicated to a certain Earl. |
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 4 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
Reflections on the management of some late party-disputes, and the notorious abuse of the words church, Schismatick, fanatick, &c. and upon the present conduct of those called High-Church, Shewing how Destructive it hath been both to Religion and Civil Society. With a postscript to the present jacobites. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
Some considerations on the danger of the church from her own clergy. Humbly Offer'd to the Lower-House of Convocation. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
The hereditary-bastard: or, the royal-intreague of the warming-pan: fully detected, in a sermon upon these words, And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, Zech. 9. 6. Being a full answer to the Pretender's late declaration, wherein he affirms he has an indefeasible hereditar right to His Majesty's crown. This sermon was deliver'd (I can't say preach'd) in publick by a lay-man, and is now publish'd as his first essay to reform the pulpit, ... The third edition. |
, John
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
The hereditary-Bastard: or, the royal-intreague of the warming-pan: fully detected, in a sermon upon these words, And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, Zech. 9. 6. Being a full answer to the Pretender's late declaration, wherein he affirms he has an indefeasible hereditar right to His Majesty's crown. This sermon was deliver'd (I can't say preach'd) in publick by a lay-man, and is now publish'd as his first essay to reform the pulpit, which (as appears by his Majesty's Directions to our Archbishops and Bishops) has been greatly profan'd by the bitter Invectives and scurrilous Language of some of the Clergy. |
, John
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
The important letter relating to the affairs of Great-Britain: with proper remarks on them; and on the Lord Bolingbroke's letter therein contained. From a Gentleman in Town to a friend in North-Britain. |
, [Man]
, Anne
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
The Infatuated faction, dedicated to the Bedlamitish high-flyers of Great Britain, in church and state. To which is added the instructions of the citizens of London to their representatives in Parliament. |
, Anne
, S.
1715 |
Bookseller |
The mob-war: or a detection of the present state of the Brittish nation: but more especially with respect to that wou'd be King (or little Polish Work of Darkness) that threatens us with a speedy invasion. In sixteen letters. Containing such Discoveries (in Church and State) as were never Publish'd before. Subscrib'd to our Reightful and Ever Glorious Sovereign King George, and other Persons of Great Quality, who have distinguish'd themselves either by their Treason or Loyalty. To these Letters is added, A Trip to the Pope, or the Papists Farewell to Great Britain, spoke in the Person of a Roman Catholick. Also, the Neck-Adventure, or the Case and Sufferings of Mr. John Dunton, for early detecting the Secret Steps taken by Oxford and Bolingbroke, to Restore the Pretender. The Whole Pacquet Humbly addres'd to that Truly Noble and most Illustrious Patriot, Holles, Duke of Newcastle. |
, John
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
The shortest way with the King: or, plain English spoke to His Majesty. Being the third part of Neck or nothing; containing, The Secret History of King George's Reign, from the Death of the late Queen, to the Report made in the House of Commons, by the Committee of Secrecy. Introduc'd with the Secret Reign of the Monarchs of Great-Britain, for the last Sixty Years. The whole Discoveries humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Right Honourable James Stanhope, Esq; one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of the First and Second Part of Neck or Nothing. |
, John
Dodd I
, Anne
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
Truth, truth, truth: |
, Anne
1715 |
Printer |
Reasons for repealing the Occasional and Schism-Acts. To which is added, A true and correct list of the Lords and Commons of the Fifth Parliament of Great-Britain, to meet at Westminster, the 17th of March. Dedicated to a certain Earl. |
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 4 more. |
1715 |
Printer |
The important letter relating to the affairs of Great-Britain: with proper remarks on them; and on the Lord Bolingbroke's letter therein contained. From a Gentleman in Town to a friend in North-Britain. |
, [Man]
, Anne
, Anne
1715 |
Publisher |
A letter to the free-holders of Great-Britain; Occasion'd by the cry of the Danger of the Church. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Publisher |
A Short History of the Warming-Pan: or a Review of the Intrigues at St. James's in 1688. For Imposing a Sham Prince upon these Nations. With an Appendix. Showing the Presents and Invocations then made by the Queen Mary, to the Virgin at Loretto, for obtaining a Male Heir to the Crown of Great Britain. And also an Account of several Medals struck at Paris in 1702, in Honour of the Pretender. |
, Stephen
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Publisher |
The tryal of several rioters for high-treason; at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, April 4. 1668. Some of whom were afterwards executed. To which is added, the judgment of the judges on that occasion, as reported by my Lord Chief Justice Kelyng. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1715 |
Bookseller |
A perswasive oration to the people of Great Britain. To stand up in defence of their liberty and religion. By George Waldron, Late of Queen's-College in Oxford. |
, George
, Anne
, S.
1716 |
Bookseller |
A perswasive oration to the people of Great Britain. To stand up in defence of their religion and liberty. By George Waldron, Late of Queen's-College in Oxford. |
, George
, Anne
, S.
1716 |
Bookseller |
A supplement to The grammar of heraldry, now in the press: or, a catalogue of the nobility of Scotland and Ireland, With their Arms in Blazon. By Lewis P'ugh, Gent. |
, Anne
Dodd I
, Anne
, Lewis
1716 |
Bookseller |
A vindication of plain-dealing, from the base and malicious aspersions of two country curates, contain'd in a little scurrilous pamphlet entitled, Plain-Dealing proved to be plain-lying. |
, Charles
Dodd I
, Anne
1716 |
Bookseller |
Mordecai's Memorial: or, There's Nothing done for Him. Being A Satyr upon Some-Body, but I name No-Body: (or, in Plainer English, A Just and Generous Representation of Unrewarded Services, by which the Protestant Succession has been sav'd out of Danger.) Written By an Unknown and Disinterested Clergy-Man, And most humbly Inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Guardian of these Realms. |
, John
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
1716 |
Bookseller |
Plain-Dealing, and its vindication, defended. Against a certain pamphlet, entitled, The Church of England vindicated, and separation from her communion, shew'd to be causeless and schismatical; by an anonymous clergyman. |
, Charles
Dodd I
, Anne
1716 |
Bookseller |
The desolations of a Popish succession. A Discourse Shewing, I. That Popery would be the certain Ruin of all the valuable Branches of our Secular and Religious Happiness. II. That this compleat Ruin must come with any Branch of a Popish Succession, and gain an everlasting Settlement. III. That no Pretence of Indefeasible Right, allowing it in any tolerable Sense, will by any means vindicate us to pull so great a Ruin upon our selves. Written in Compassion to the disaffected Protestants, that they mayn't dash themselves against the Laws. By a Citizen of Exon. |
Dodd I
, Anne
1716 |
Bookseller |
The true Britons vade mecum: or, Queen Anne's last legacy to her good people of England. With the lives, condemnation, and death of six sisters, virgins, and martyrs, in the reign of Queen Mary I. ... By a divine of the Church of England lately deceased. |
, Anne
, S.
and 1 more. |
1716 |
Suggestions and Comments for John Harrison