ID 6774
Name Daniel Farmer
Gender Male
Street Address King's Arm's at St Paul's Church-Yard
City London
Start Date 1728
End Date 1750
Sources British Book Trade Index 23614


Displaying 1–3 of 3

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A plain and rational account of the law of the Sabbath; being a defence of a late pamphlet, intitled, The fourth commandment abrogated by the Gospel: or, an answer to Mr. Robert Cornthwaite's farther defence of the seventh-day Sabbath: In which Gen. ii. 2, 3. (called by him the Original Institution,) is more particularly consider'd; and his most material Objections and Criticisms refuted. In a letter to Mr. Cornthwaite. By Caleb Fleming, Author of The Fourth Commandment abrogated by the Gospel. Fleming , Caleb (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher The artless muse: being six poetical essays on various subjects. By a person in obscure life. Viz. I. A poem to the memory of John Milton, the British Homer: Occasioned by a Letter, some Time since published, in behalf of his daughter, Mrs. Clark, who then subsisted on the Labour of her poor Son, a Weaver in Spittle-Field: Lamenting, the Ingratitude of his Country to the Manes of that incomparable Bard; and celebrating the Royal Bounty of her Present Majesty, and several of the Nobility and Gentry to that unfortunate Gentlewoman. II. Damon's dispair, a Soliloquy. III. Stephen Duck's Translation from the Threshing floor to the Court. IV. Alexis's Farewel. V. On the mutability of sublunary Things, and their Insufficiency to Happiness. VI. The abandon'd shepherd, a Pastoral Tale. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Bookseller The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered. Shewing the common fees demanded for performing any office of the Church, as christening, marrying, burying the dead, &c. to be contrary to law. With a Touch upon divers Clerical, and Parochial Errors, that are crept into the Church. And the Opinion of Mr. Strange, Sollicitor General to his Majesty, on a Case here stated. The second edition corrected. By Francis Sadler. Sadler , Francis (Author)

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"Daniel Farmer" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6774, Accessed 2025-02-22.

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