Bookseller |
1714 |
Bookseller |
1714 |
Bookseller |
, John
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1714 |
Bookseller |
, John
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1714 |
Bookseller |
, John
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1714 |
Bookseller |
, John
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1714 |
Publisher |
1714 |
Publisher |
1714 |
Bookseller |
, Daniel
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
, William
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
, Anne
, S.
1715 |
Bookseller |
A memorial of the proceedings of the late ministery and Lower House of Parliament. With an account of several secret correspondences with foreign ministers of state, Letters and Messages, sent from London to Paris and Utrecht, and from Utrecht and Paris to London; Abstracts of Speeches, Addresses, Answers, &c. with Reflections upon each Head. To which is added, A short History of a Plot to dethrone Queen Anne, and what has been attempted to bring in the Romish Pretender, since the King ascended the Throne. At the end of the Memorial is a Black List of the Names of many of those Persons concern'd in one or both Conspiracies. Also Particulars cast up in it, of Men, Horses, Money, Provisions, Cloaths, Quarters, Arms, Ammunition, &c. promis'd to the Assistance of the Treason. Writ by the author of An inquiry into the miscarriages of the four last years reign The Copic are Counterseit that have not this Coat of Arms on the Title-Page, viz. A Bend engrail'd between Six Cinque - foils, Crest a Grif |
1715 |
Bookseller |
1715 |
Bookseller |
1715 |
Bookseller |
, John
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
Bungey: or The false brother, prov'd his own executioner, In a sermon, upon these words, and went and hang'd himselself, Matth. XXVII. 5. In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S-rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; and the black charge exhibited against him, offer'd to be attested in any Court of Justice (or even in St. Andrews Pulpit) when ever the Dr. will appoint the time. By Mr. John Dunton. Author of Neck or nothing, and the three late sermons intitled, The hereditary bastard, Ox- and Bull- and King Abigail. The Third Edition. |
, John
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
Frank Scammony: or, the restoring clergy detected, in their names, haunts, plots, heresies, and lewd conversation, in a sermon, Upon these Words, Her Priests have violated my Law-And I am profaned among them, Ezek. 22. 26. Occasion'd By a certain B-p's swearing, We'll have the Pretender by G-d. To which is added, The Pulpit Trumpeter; or the Substance of all The Treasonable Sermons that have been preach'd at Whitechappel, by that Passive Rebel, that drinks a Health to the Fatherless Child and the Widdow. Attested by Two of his constant Hearers. The Sermon (with all the Discoveries) dedicated to that Pious, Loyal, and Healing Prelate, Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of Neck or Nothing; and of those Four Sermous, Intitled,-The Hereditary Bastard, Ox-And Bull Bungey-And King Abigail. |
, John
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
1715 |
Bookseller |
1715 |
Bookseller |
Ox- and Bull- or, A funeral sermon for the two beasts That are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, upon these words, but these as natural brute beasts, made to be taken, and destroy'd. 2 Pet. ii. 12. With the serious advice that was given to Ox- and Bull--, to prepare for the Axe; at a time when beasts could speak, and pretended to reason and loyalty. Also, an elegy upon their untimely end, to be sung the same day they are quarter'd. The whole dedicated to that state-butcher, Jack Catch, Esq; By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing, and the sermon, intituled, the hereditary-bastard) and in his second attempt to reform the pulpit. The third edition. |
, John
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
, John
, Sarah
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
Ox---- and Bull---- or, a funeral sermon for the two beasts that are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, Upon these Words, With the Serious Advice that was given to Ox-And Bull-, to prepare for the Axe; at a time when Beasts could Speak, and pretended to Reason and Loyalty. Also, An Elegy upon their Untimely End, to be sung the same Day they are Quarter'd. The whole dedicated to that State-Butcher, Jack Catch, Esq; By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing, and the Sermon, intituled, The Hereditary-Bastard) and is his second Attempt to Reform the Pulpit. |
, John
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 1 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
, Sarah
Dodd I
, Anne
and 4 more. |
1715 |
Bookseller |
1715 |
Bookseller |
1715 |
Suggestions and Comments for Anne Boulter