Titles by George Robinson [ii] in MLA format
There are 65 titles associated with this firm.
Fisher Slack, Ann.
An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added, an entire new dictionary of all the Heathen Gods and Goddesses: and also of the most illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other antient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, expolits, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English: the new English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching, &c. The second edition, much improved.
Unknown, [Woman].
Original poems, translations, and imitations, From the French, &c. By a lady.
Peckham, Ann.
The complete English cook; or, prudent housewife. Being, an entire new collection of the most general, yet least expensive receipts in every branch of cookery and good housewifery. With directions for roasting, boiling, stewing, ragoos, soups, sauces, fricaseys, pies, tarts, puddings, cheese-cakes, custards, jellies, potting, candying, collaring, pickling, preserving, made-wines, &c. Together with directions for placing dishes on tables of entertainment: and many other things equally necessary. The whole made easy to the meanest capacity, and far more useful to young beginners than any book of the kind extant. By Ann Peckham, of Leeds, who is well known to have been for forty years past one of the most noted cooks in the county of York.
Griffith Wright,
John Binns,
Fisher Slack, Ann.
The New English Tutor: or, Modern Preceptor. Consisting of Orthography (or the Art of Spelling and Reading) digested into a practical System, under a few plain early Rules, which any Child must be capable of retaining. Observations on the particular Powers of Letters, and such as vary in their Uses and Sounds, according to their different Positions, the Uses of the quiescent Letters, &c. All exemplified by Lessons, or Exercises under them, methodized to advance a Learner in the readiest Manner to read a modern Author. Also, A Practical Abstract of English Grammar. This Work is beautified with elegant Cuts, representing such Vices as Children are most addicted to, and such Virtues as should be first inculcated: Likewise several Fable Cuts, with striking Lessons, referring to each particular Passion, &c. The third edition, much improved and enlarged. By A. Fisher, Author of the New English Grammar with Exercises of bad English. The third edition. Much improved and enlarged.
Newcastle upon Tyne:
Glasse, Hannah.
The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soops and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which you may make use of at any other time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Things for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board a Ship. XII. Of Hogs Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheese-Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip-Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Mussins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicella, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Season of the Year for Butchers Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog. By Dr. Mead. XXIII. A Receipt to keep clear from Buggs. To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts, and a copious index. By a lady.
Stanley Crowder,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Thomas Durham [Charing Cross],
John Wilkie,
William Nicoll,
Thomas Davies [Russell Street],
Robert Baldwin I,
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
Henry Gardner,
William Johnston [Ludgate Street],
James Robson,
John Bell [132 Strand],
Thomas Becket and Co.,
William Owen,
Thomas Caslon,
William Strahan,
Thomas Longman II,
Benjamin White,
Robert Hawes,
John Richardson,
John Hinton [Newgate Street],
W. Cornish,
Richard Dymott,
B. Domville,
William Davis [Piccadilly],
John and Francis Rivington,
John Knox [London],
Peckham, Ann.
The Complete English Cook; or, Prudent Housewife. Being a collection of the most general, yet least expensive receipts in every branch of cookery and good housewifery, with directions for roasting, boiling, stewing, ragoos, soups, sauces, fricassees, pies, tarts, puddings, cheese-cakes, custards, jellies, potting, candying, collaring, pickling, preserving, made wines, &c. Together with Directions for placing Dishes on Tables of Entertainment: and many other Things equally necessary. Thr whole made easy to the meanest Capacity, and far more useful to young Beginners than any Book of the Kind extant. By Ann Peckham, of Leeds, well known to have been for Forty Years one of the most noted Cookes in the Country of York. The Third Edition. To which is added, A Supplement, Containing Forty-Nine Receipts, never before printed.
Griffith Wright,
John Binns,
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer.
Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author.
John and Francis Rivington,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
William Nicoll,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Thomas Caslon,
William Strahan,
Edward Johnston [Ludgate Street],
John Dixcey Cornish,
Lillo, George, et al.
The New English Theatre in Twelve Volumes, containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
James Dodsley,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Thomas Longman II,
Samuel Bladon [Paper Mill, Paternoster Row],
William Nicoll,
Thomas Becket [Strand],
Thomas Davies [Russell Street],
Robert Baldwin I,
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street],
William Johnston [Ludgate Street],
William Flexney [319 Holborn],
James Robson,
William Owen,
Thomas Caslon,
William Strahan,
William Woodfall,
Robert Horsfield,
William Owen and Son,
Benjamin White,
Edward Dilly,
James Barker [Drury Lane],
Lockyer Davis [High Holborn],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added an entire new dictionary of all the heathen gods and goddesses: and also of the most illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other ancient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, and exploits, and how represented by statuaries, painters, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the Practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English; the New English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching English, &c. &c. The third edition, much improved.
Reeve, Clara.
The champion of virtue. A Gothic story. By the editor of The Phœnix. A translation of Barclay's Argenis.
Gessner, Salomon.
The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. The eleventh edition.
Joseph Collyer [Clerkenwell],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
The Pleasing Instructor: Or, Entertaining Moralist. Consisting Of Select Essays, Relations, Visions and Allegories, Collected From The most Eminent English Authors. To which are prefixed, New Thoughts on Education. A New Edition.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Slack [Union Street],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English: or, an easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly. Containing, I. Orthography ; or true spelling, which treats the sounds and uses of several letters in all positions, of the division of words into syllables, and the use of points. II. Prosody ; or the art of pronouncing syllables in words truly, with tables of words properly accented. III. Etymology ; or the kinds of words, which explains the several parts of speech; their derivations and different endings; change and likeness to one another. IV. Syntax ; or construction, which teaches how to connect words aright in a sentence, or sentences together. To which is added, a curious and useful appendix. The seventeenth edition, enlarged and much improved. By A. Fisher.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Slack [Union Street],
L'Écluse des Loges, Pierre Mathurin de.
Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, prime minister to Henry the Great. Containing the History of the Life and Reign of that Monarch, and his own Administration under Him. Translated from the French, by the Author of the Female Quixote. To which is added, the Tryal of Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great. In Five Volumes. A new edition.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
James Dodsley,
Stanley Crowder,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row],
Glasse, Hannah.
The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soups and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes which may be made use of at any other Time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XII. Of Hog's-Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip-Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Mussins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicelli, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Season of the Year for Butchers Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog, by Dr. Mead. XXII. A Receipt to keep clear from Bugs. To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts; and also fifty receipts for different articles of perfumery. With a Copious Index. By a lady. A New Edition. With all the modern improvements. And also, the order of a bill of fare, for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the Table, in the present taste.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
Stanley Crowder,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Thomas Durham [Charing Cross],
Joseph Johnson,
John Wilkie,
William Nicoll,
John Fielding and John Walker II,
Robert Baldwin I,
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
Henry Gardner,
Francis Newbery,
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
James Robson,
William Owen,
Thomas Caslon,
William Strahan,
Thomas Longman II,
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
Benjamin White,
John Wallis [Ludgate Street],
John Richardson [Edinburgh],
John Hinton [Newgate Street],
William Fox,
Thomas Becket [82 Pall Mall],
William Davies,
Richard Dymott,
B. Domville,
John Knox [London],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English: or, an easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly. ... To which is added, a curious and useful appendix. The eighteenth edition, enlarged and much improved. By A. Fisher.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Slack [Groat Street],
Unknown, .
The Annals of Europe, or Regal register; Shewing the succession of the sovereigns, of Rome, Constantinople, Adrianople, Trebizond, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Lombardy, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Prussia, England, Scotalnd, and Ireland. Together with the bishops and Popes of Rome; from the foundations of their states to the present time: with the principal events in each of their reigns, and the time when they happened. To which are added tables of the cotemporary princes from the year 800. And an alphabetical arrangement of all their names, shewing the time of their accession and death; which concise characters of all, as handed down by the best historians.
George Robinson [ii],
Elizabeth Newbery,
Unknown, [Woman].
The Guardians; a Poem. By a Young Lady of Portsmouth.
George Robinson [ii],
Trimmer, Sarah.
An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the holy scriptures. Adapted to the capacities of children.
Gessner, Salomon.
The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. The twelfth edition embellished with an elegant engraving to each book.
Joseph Collyer [White Lion Row],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English: or, an easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly. ... The nineteenth edition, enlarged and much improved. By A. Fisher.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Slack [Groat Street],
Unknown, .
The Oxford sausage: or, Select poetical pieces, Written by the most celebrated wits of the University of Oxford.
George Robinson [ii],
Elizabeth Newbery,
William Jackson [Oxford Street],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
The Pleasing Instructor: Or, Entertaining Moralist. Consisting Of Select Essays, Relations, Visions and Allegories, Collected From The most Eminent English Authors. To which are prefixed, New Thoughts on Education. A New Edition.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Slack [Groat Street],
Seward, Anna.
Monody on Major Andrè. By Miss Seward. (author of the Elegy on Capt. Cook.) To which are added letters addressed to her by Major Andrè in the year 1769.
Seward, Anna.
Monody on Major Andrè. By Miss Seward. (author of the Elegy on Capt. Cook.) To which are added letters addressed to her by Major Andrè, in the year 1769. The second edition.
Macaulay, Catharine.
The History of England from the accession of James I to the Revolution. Vol. VI. By Catherine Macaulay Graham.
Macaulay, Catharine.
The History of England, from the accession of James I. to the Revolution. Vol. VII. By Catherine Macaulay Graham.
Trimmer, Sarah.
An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the Holy Scriptures. Adapted to the capacities of children. By Sarah Trimmer. The second edition.
James Dodsley,
George Robinson [ii],
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Longman II,
Fisher Slack, Ann.
An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added an entire new dictionary of all the heathen gods and goddesses: and also of the most illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other ancient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, and exploits, and how represented by statuaries, painters, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the Practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English; the New English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching English, &c. &c. The fourth edition, much improved.
Stevens, George Alexander.
Songs, comic, and satyrical. By George Alexander Stevens.
George Alexander Stevens,
Croxall, Samuel.
Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The twelfth edition, carefully revised, and improved.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
Stanley Crowder,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Joseph Johnson,
Charles Dilly,
Robert Baldwin I,
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
Thomas Caslon,
William Strahan,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Thomas Longman II,
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830],
Benjamin Collins,
Shakespeare, William.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Tragedy, Written by William Shakspeare, Marked with the Variations in the Manager’s Book, At the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street],
William Strahan,
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
Lockyer Davis [High Holborn],
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
Robert Horsfield,
William Owen and Son,
Thomas Caslon,
Stanley Crowder,
Benjamin White,
Thomas Longman II,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Charles Dilly,
Thomas Cadell [London],
George Keith,
Thomas Bowles,
James Robson,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Payne and Son,
Robert Baldwin I,
Henry Lasher Gardner,
James Nichols,
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
William Cater,
William Stuart,
Stephen Austen Cumberlege,
John Fielding [23 Paternoster],
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row],
Samuel Hayes,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Seward, Anna.
Poem to the memory of Lady Miller. By Miss Seward, Author of the Elegy on Capt. Cook, and Monody on Major Andrè.
George Robinson [ii],
Trimmer, Sarah.
Sacred history selected from the scriptures: with annotations and reflections, particularly calculated to facilitate the study of the Holy Scriptures in schools and families, and to render this important branch of education easy to the teacher, and pleasing to the pupil. ... By Mrs. Trimmer. Author of an Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature, &c.
James Dodsley,
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Longman II,
George Robinson [ii],
de Cervantes, Miguel.
The history and adventures of the renowned Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. To which is prefixed, Some Account of the Author's Life. By T. Smollett, M.D. Illustrated with twenty-eight new copper-plates, designed by Hayman, and elegantly engraved. The fifth edition, corrected. In fou volumes. ...
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
Thomas Longman II,
Thomas Caslon,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
William Nicoll,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Richardson and Urquhart,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Robert Baldwin I,
John Knox [London],
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
John Murray [25 Prince's Street],
John Debrett [178 Piccadilly],
James Fox,
Macaulay, Catharine.
The History of England from the accession of James I. to the Revolution. Vol. VIII. By Catherine Macaulay Graham.
Trimmer, Sarah.
An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the holy scriptures. Adapted to the capacities of children. By Mrs. Trimmer. The third edition. With additions and improvements.
James Dodsley,
George Robinson [ii],
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Longman II,
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer.
Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
John Nichols [Fleet Street],
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
William Strahan,
Thomas Longman II,
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
Johnson, Samuel.
The lives of the most eminent English poets; with critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. In four volumes. ...
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street],
James Buckland [57 Paternoster],
William Strahan,
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
Thomas Davies [Russell Street],
Thomas Payne I,
Lockyer Davis [High Holborn],
William Owen,
Benjamin White,
Stanley Crowder,
Thomas Caslon,
Thomas Longman II,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Charles Dilly,
James Dodsley,
John Wilkie,
James Robson,
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street],
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
James Nichols,
Elizabeth Newbery,
T. Evans [Bristol],
Peter Elmsley [Strand],
Robert Baldwin I,
George Nicholson [Ludlow],
John Bew [Clifford's Inn],
Joseph Bowen [New Bond Street],
Fisher Slack, Ann.
An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added an entire new dictionary of all the Heathen Gods and Goddesses: and also of the most illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other ancient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, and expolits and how represented by statuaries, painters, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English; the new English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching English, &c. &c. The fifth edition, much improved.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward. The Fourth Edition.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward. The second edition.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward. The Third Edition.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward. The Fourth Edition.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward. The second edition.
Seward, Anna.
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles. By Miss Seward. The Third Edition.
Unknown, .
A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation; Particularly The British And Irish; From the earliest Accounts of time to the present period. Wherein Their remarkable Actions and Sufferings, Their Virtues, Parts, and Learning, Are Accurately Displayed. With a Catalogue of their Literary Productions. A new edition in twelve volumes, greatly enlarged and improved.
William Strahan,
Thomas Payne and Son,
William Owen,
Benjamin White,
Thomas and William Lowndes,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
James Robson,
Joseph Johnson,
George Robinson [ii],
J. Nichols [Unknown],
John Murray I [Fleet Street],
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
George Nicol [441],
Peter McQueen [MaQueen],
William Chapman [1767-1791, 1800-1805; 36 King Street],
Thomas Bowles,
Elizabeth Newbery,
MacIver, Susanna.
Cookery, and pastry. As taught and practised by Mrs Maciver, teacher of those arts in Edinburgh. The fourth edition.
George Robinson [ii],
Charles Elliot [Edin],
Abercrombie, John and Thomas Mawe.
Every man his own gardener. Being a new, and much more complete gardener's kalendar than any one hitherto published. Containing, Not only an Account of what Work is necessary to be done in the Kitchen and Fruit Garden, Pleasure Ground, Flower Garden, and Shrubbery; Nursery, Green-House, and Hot-House for every Month in the Year, but also ample Directions for performing the said Work, according to the newest and most approved Methods now in Practice among the best Gardeners. With complete practical Directions for forcing all Kinds of choice Plants, Flowers, and Fruits, to early Perfection, in Hot-Beds, Hot-Houses, Hot-Walls, Forcing frames, Forcing-Houses, Vineries, &c. Also particular Directions relative to Soil and Situation, adapted to the different Sorts of Plants and Trees, &c. And to the Whole is added, complete and useful Lists of Kitchen Garden Plants, Fruit Trees, Forest Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Evergreens, Annual, Biennial, and Perennial Fibrous-Rooted Flowers, Bulbous and Tuberous-Rooted Flowers, Green-House, and Hot-House Plants, Proper for Cultivation in the English Gardens and Plantations. By Thomas Mawe, Mawe, (gardener To His Grace The Duke Of Leeds) John Abercrombie, (gardener, Tottenham Court) and other gardeners.
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
Thomas Longman II,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Thomas and William Lowndes,
Joseph Johnson,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
Robert Baldwin I,
John Murray [25 Prince's Street],
Elizabeth Newbery,
Jacob, Giles.
Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England in a new and instructive method, under the following Heads, Viz. I. Of Actions and Remedies, Writs, Process, Arrest, and Bail. II. Of Courts, Attornies and Solicitors therein, Juries, Witnesses, Trials, Executions, &c. III. Of Estates and Property in Lands and Goods, and how acquired; Ancestors, Heirs, Executors and Administrators. IV. Of the Laws relating to Marriage, Bastardy, Infants, Ideots, Lunaticks. V. Of the Liberty of the Subject, Magna Charta, and Habeas Corpus Act, and other Statutes. VI. Of the King and his Prerogative, the Queen and Prince, Peers, Judges, Sheriffs, Coroners, Justices of Peace, Constables, &c. Vii. Of publick Offences, Treason, Murder, Felony, Burglary, Robbery, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, &c. And their Punishment. All of them so plainly treated of, that all Manner of Persons may be particularly acquainted with our Laws and Statutes, concerning Civil and Criminal Affairs, and know how to defend Themselves and their Estates and Fortunes; In All Cases Whatsoever.
William Strahan,
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
Thomas and William Lowndes,
Thomas Longman II,
Joseph Johnson,
Richardson and Urquhart,
George Robinson [ii],
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
Elizabeth Newbery,
Shakespeare, William.
Measure for measure. A comedy written by William Shakspeare. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street],
William Strahan,
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
Lockyer Davis [Gray's Inn Gate],
Thomas and William Lowndes,
Richard Horsfield,
William Owen and Son,
Benjamin White,
Thomas Longman II,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Charles Dilly,
Thomas Cadell [London],
Thomas Bowles,
James Robson,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Payne and Son,
Robert Baldwin I,
Henry Gardner,
James Nichols,
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
William Cater,
William Stuart,
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row],
Samuel Hayes,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Upton, Catherine.
Miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse; By Mrs. Upton, authoress of the siege of Gibraltar, and governess of the ladies academy, No. 43, Bartholomew close.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas and John Egerton,
Glasse, Hannah.
The art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published. ... To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts. And also 50 receipts for different articles of perfumery. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition. With all the modern improvements: And also the order of a bill of fare, for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row],
Joseph Johnson,
William Nicoll,
Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831],
Robert Baldwin I,
Thomas Payne and Son,
Thomas and William Lowndes,
John Bew [Paternoster Row],
James Robson,
William Owen,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Thomas Longman II,
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
George and Thomas Wilkie,
John Sewell [Royal Exchange],
Benjamin White and Son,
William Fox,
David Ogilvy,
Lockyer Davis [High Holborn],
William and Charles Domville,
John Knox [London],
Unknown, [Woman].
The denouement: or, history of Lady Louisa Wingrove. By a lady.
George Robinson [ii],
Goldsmith, Oliver.
The history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith.
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Richardson and Urquhart,
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
John Murray [25 Prince's Street],
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row],
John Sewell [Cornhill],
Robert Baldwin I,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Samuel Hayes,
Richardson, Samuel.
Clarissa; or, the history of a young lady: comprehending the most important concerns of private life. and particularly shewing the distresses that may attend the misconduct, both of parents and children, in relation to marriage. In eight volumes. ...
Francis, Charles and John Rivington,
T. Davis,
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795],
Thomas Cadell [London],
George Robinson [ii],
Robert Baldwin I,
Joseph Johnson,
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street],
John Knox [London],
William Fox,
George and Thomas Wilkie,
Elizabeth Newbery,
du Crest de Saint-Aubin, Stéphanie Félicité.
Tales of the castle: or, stories of instruction and delight. Being Les veillées du chateau, written in French by Madame la comtesse de Genlis, Author of the Theatre of Education, Adela and Theodore, &c. Translated into English by Thomas Holcroft.
George Robinson [ii],
Trimmer, Sarah.
An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the Holy Scriptures. Adapted to the capacities of children. By Mrs. Trimmer. The fourth edition, with additions and improvements.
George Robinson [ii],
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Longman II,
Trimmer, Sarah.
An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the Holy Scriptures. Adapted to the capacities of children. By Mrs. Trimmer. The fourth edition, with additions and improvements.
George Robinson [ii],
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Longman II,
Lockman, John.
A New History of England, by Question and Answer, Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, particularly M. Rapin de Thoyras, For the Instruction and Entertainment of our Youth of Both Sexes. By the author of the Roman History by Question and Answer. The Twenty-First Edition corrected, and brought down to the present time. Adorned with Thirty-two Copper-Plates, representing the most remarkable Occurrences, and the Heads of all the Kings and Queens.
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington],
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Cadell [London],
James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker,
Charles Dilly,
Robert Baldwin I,
Thomas Carnan,
Elizabeth Newbery,
Thomas Longman II,
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row],
George and Thomas Wilkie,
James Buckland [57 Paternoster],
Alexander Strahan [Printers St],
Trimmer, Sarah.
An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the Holy Scriptures, adapted to the capacities of children. By Mrs. Trimmer. The fifth edition, with additions and improvements.
George Robinson [ii],
Joseph Johnson,
Thomas Longman II,
Fisher Slack, Ann.
The Pleasing Instructor: Or, Entertaining Moralist consisting Of Select Essays, Relations, Visions and Allegories collected From The most Eminent English Authors to which are prefixed New Thoughts on Education A New Edition.
George Robinson [ii],
Thomas Slack [Groat Street],