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Displaying 23076–23100 of 23183

Firm Title
Richard Chiswell The mothers blessing, or the Godly counsel of a gentlewoman, not long since deceased, left behind her for her children. Containing many good exhortations and good admonitions, profitable for all Parents to leave as a Legacy to their Children, By Mrs. Dorothy Leigh.
Benjamin Walford The mothers blessing, or the Godly counsel of a gentlewoman, not long since deceased, left behind her for her children. Containing many good exhortations and good admonitions, profitable for all Parents to leave as a Legacy to their Children, By Mrs. Dorothy Leigh.
John Sprint The mothers blessing, or the Godly counsel of a gentlewoman, not long since deceased, left behind her for her children. Containing many good exhortations and good admonitions, profitable for all Parents to leave as a Legacy to their Children, By Mrs. Dorothy Leigh.
Matthew Wotton The mothers blessing, or the Godly counsel of a gentlewoman, not long since deceased, left behind her for her children. Containing many good exhortations and good admonitions, profitable for all Parents to leave as a Legacy to their Children, By Mrs. Dorothy Leigh.
George Conyers The mothers blessing, or the Godly counsel of a gentlewoman, not long since deceased, left behind her for her children. Containing many good exhortations and good admonitions, profitable for all Parents to leave as a Legacy to their Children, By Mrs. Dorothy Leigh.
Sarah Bates The new history of the Trojan Wars and Troy's destruction. In four books. Containing, I. An account of the birth, life, death, and glorious actions of the mighty Hercules of Greece. II. The renowned and valiant deeds of the most famous Hector of Troy. III. The rape of fair Helen of Greece; together with the last destruction of Troy, by the stratagem of the wooden horse. IV. The arrival of Brute in Britain, and how he conquered Albion and his giants, and built Troynovant, now London. To which is added, The siege of Troy, a tragi-comedy, as it has been often acted with great applause.
J. Hodges The new history of the Trojan Wars and Troy's destruction. In four books. Containing, I. An account of the birth, life, death, and glorious actions of the mighty Hercules of Greece. II. The renowned and valiant deeds of the most famous Hector of Troy. III. The rape of fair Helen of Greece; together with the last destruction of Troy, by the stratagem of the wooden horse. IV. The arrival of Brute in Britain, and how he conquered Albion and his giants, and built Troynovant, now London. To which is added, The siege of Troy, a tragi-comedy, as it has been often acted with great applause.
Sarah Malthus The new practice of piety: writ in imitation of Dr. Browne's Religio medici: or, The Christian virtuoso: discovering the right way to Heaven, between all extreams: together with I. The character of a moderate (or right) Christian, in all the degrees of perfection attainable in this world. II. A specimen of holy living and dying; copied from the lives of the primitive Christians. III. The secret diary, shewing how the author intends to govern his thoughts, words and actions, for the remaining part of his life. The whole being a system of uncommon thoughts (speculative and practical) extracted from the Christian experiences of forty years. By a member of the New Athenian Society: the second edition. Dedicated to the learned Mr. John Lock, author of the Essay upon humane understanding.
s.n. [sine nomine] The pedigree of Catharine Knyvet, wife of Richard Bokenham of Weston-Mercate in the county of Suffolk, ... and lineal heir to Sir John Bourchier, ... the first Lord Berners.
Thomas Warner The penitent lady: or Reflections on the mercy of God, in form of prayers. Written by the Dutchess La Valliere, favourite mistress to Lewis the 14th, King of France, in her retirement from his court. Written originally in French, and translated by Lewis Atterbury, L. L. D. and rector of Shipperton in Middlesex. The fourth edition corrected. To which is added, her life, by another hand.
Jeremiah Battley The penitent lady: or Reflections on the mercy of God, in form of prayers. Written by the Dutchess La Valliere, favourite mistress to Lewis the 14th, King of France, in her retirement from his court. Written originally in French, and translated by Lewis Atterbury, L. L. D. and rector of Shipperton in Middlesex. The fourth edition corrected. To which is added, her life, by another hand.
H. Newman The penitent lady: or reflections on the mercy of God, in form of prayers. Written by the Dutchess of La Valliere, in her retirement from the court of France. Translated from the French by Lewis Atterbury, L. L. D. The Third Edition Corrected
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] The perplex'd dutchess: or, Treachery Rewarded. Being some memoirs of the court of Malfy. In a letter from a Sicilian nobleman, who had his Residence there, to his friend in London.
Owen Lloyd The perplex'd lovers. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre.
William Lewis The perplex'd lovers. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre.
John Graves The perplex'd lovers. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre.
Thomas Harbin The perplex'd lovers. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre.
Edmund Curll [Covent Garden] Select Translations from Tasso's Jerusalem. Three Pastorals, with some other pieces. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe.
Patrick Dugan The power of love: in seven novels viz. I. The fair hypocrite. II. The physician's stratagem. III. The wife's resentment. IV. V. The husband's resentment. In two examples. VI. The happy fugitives. VII. The perjur'd beauty. Never before published. By Mrs. Manley.
Ann and Charles Corbett A TREATISE ON THE VIRTUES and EFFICACY OF A CRUST of BREAD, Eat early in a Morning FASTING: To which are added, Some particular REMARKS concerning CURES accomplished by the SALIVA, or FASTING SPITTLE, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the SCURVY, GRAVEL, STONE, RHEUMATISM, and divers other Diseases arising from Obstructions. With some critical OBSERVATIONS concerning the RECREMENTS of the BLOOD; demonstrating, that, when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals, and keep them in Health. By an eminent PHYSICIAN. The FIFTH EDITION.
Mary Cooper The Northern Heroes; or, The Bloody Contest, Between Charles the Twelfth, King of Sweden, and Peter the Great, Czar of Muscovy. With the loves of Count Gillensternia, and the Princess Elimira. With a Comic Interlude, call'd The Volunteers; Or, the Adventures of Roderick Random, and his Friend Strap. Also, the comical amours of Corporal Garbage, and Serjeant Slim, with Mrs. Vanspriggen, the Sutler's Widow; the merry Pranks of her Son Janny, and many other diverting incidents. A new Historical Drama. As it is now acting, by a company of comedians from both the Theatres, at the Great Booth in the George Yard, in West-Smithfield.
Ann and Charles Corbett Oroonoko. A tragedy. Altered from the Original Play of that Name, written by the late Thomas Southern, Esq; to which The Editor has added near Six Hundred Lines, in place of the comic scenes. Together with an addition of two new characters. Intended for one of the theatres.
Ann and Charles Corbett Genuine letters from a volunteer, in the British Service, at Quebec.
Henry Whitridge [Royal Exchange] Genuine letters from a volunteer, in the British Service, at Quebec.
Mary Darly (also Darley) [Strand] England, Roast Beef & Plum Pudding. France, Toad Stools & Garlick.