Name Publisher
Description The firm that takes on the financial responsibility for the editing, printing, and distribution of the work. Usually indicated by the phrase “printed for” in the imprint. In the event that a work has been self-published, this will be indicated in the Self-Published field.


Displaying 23101–23125 of 23183

Firm Title
Hannah Humphrey [18 New Bond Street] L—d Am—t on Duty. If I had power, I'd kill 20 in an hour.
Hannah Humphrey [18 New Bond Street] The Soliloquy.
Elizabeth Darchery A Coalision of Parties Give Justice her claims.
Elizabeth Darchery The Union.
Elizabeth Darchery The Montgolsier, a first rate of the French Aerial Navy.
Hannah Humphrey [51 New Bond Street] Orpheus and Eurydice.
Elizabeth Darchery Cecils Budget for Paying the National Debt
Elizabeth Darchery The Drum Major of Sedition
Hannah Humphrey [51 New Bond Street] A New Coat of Arms, granted to the H++ds of the U++++++++y of C+++++++e, since their late Edict against Dinners.
Mary Darly (also Darley) [Strand] Darly's Comic-Prints of Characters Caricatures Macaronies &c. Price 4 . 4 . 0 Dedicated to D. Garrick, Esq.
Mary Darly (also Darley) [Strand] Chloe's Cushion or the Cork Rump
John Berney Crome Norfolk Picturesque Scenery; consisting of a series of Thirty-One Etchings, by the late John Crome, Founder of the Norwich Society of Artists, and Printed from the Plates as Left by Himself.
Phoebe Crome Norfolk Picturesque Scenery; consisting of a series of Thirty-One Etchings, by the late John Crome, Founder of the Norwich Society of Artists, and Printed from the Plates as Left by Himself.
B. Steel Norfolk Picturesque Scenery; consisting of a series of Thirty-One Etchings, by the late John Crome, Founder of the Norwich Society of Artists, and Printed from the Plates as Left by Himself.
William Freeman Norfolk Picturesque Scenery; consisting of a series of Thirty-One Etchings, by the late John Crome, Founder of the Norwich Society of Artists, and Printed from the Plates as Left by Himself.
Ann and Charles Corbett A TREATISE ON THE VIRTUES and EFFICACY OF A CRUST of BREAD, Eat early in a Morning FASTING, To which are added, Some particular Remarks concerning the great CURES accomplished by the SALIVA or FASTING SPITTLE, as well when externally applied as when internally given, in the SCURVY, GRAVEL, STONE, RHEUMATISM, and diverse other Diseases, arising from Obstructions. With some critical Observations concerning the RECREMENTS of the BLOOD; demonstrating, that when regularly secreted, they both contribute to preserve the Life of Animals, and keep them in Health. By an Eminent PHYSICIAN. The THIRD EDITION.
Mrs. Newcomb [Strand] Remarkable Satires. The Causidicade, The Triumvirade, The Porcupinade, The Processionade, The 'Piscopade, The Scandalizade, and the Pasquinade, with Notes variorum.
Richard Wilkin An impartial enquiry into the causes of rebellion and civil war in this kingdom: In an examination of Dr. Kennett's sermon, Jan. 31. 1703/4. And Vindication of the Royal Martyr.
C. Davis The power of love: in seven novels. Viz. I. The fair hypocrite. II. The physician's stratagem. III. The wife's resentment. IV.V. The husband's resentment, in two examples. VI. The happy fugitives. VII. The perjur'd beauty. By Mrs. Manley.
s.n. [sine nomine] A key to the second volume of the Memoirs of Europe, by the author of the New Atalantis.
s.n. [sine nomine] The renovation of the Gospel Spirit. Part the second. Which treats concerning the corruption which sin has brought to man. Of the glorious estate in which god has created him. Of Eternal felicity. And of many proper motives to move the hearts of men to resolve to imbrace a life truly evangelical. By Anthoinette Bourignon. Translated from the French.
s.n. [sine nomine] A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe.
s.n. [sine nomine] Margaret Searl, Wife to the late Samuel Searl, Famous for Relieving and Curing deafness, Depending on any External Obstruction Of the Organ of the Ear; Who had Practised This art above Thirty Eight Years past, and Communicated the Secret to me only, who Practis'd it with him, in his Life time, for many Years, after the same Way and Method. Still living in Pye-Corner, over-against the Golden Ball, by West-Smithfield, London; (though it is Reported that I was Dead, by some Pretenders to deceive the World) where I am ready, upon any Occasion of that Nature, to serve such as apply themselves to me: Being the Surviver of my Father Edmund Searl, and late Husband Samuel Searl. Whereas several Servants of my Father Edmund Searl, have put out Bills for Curing of deafness. This is to Certifie, That neither my Father, or Husband, ever Instructed, or Communicated this Secret to any of their Servants, or any Apprentice whatsoever.
Jean Nourse Anecdotes de la cour de François I. Par Mlle de Lussan.
s.n. [sine nomine] Mary Coleman, at the sign of the Porter and dwarf, and the Hand and shears, over the common shore in Houndsditch, sells all sorts of linen goods in the piece or made up, as dowlas, garlicks, isinghams, Irish and Russia cloths of all sorts, ...