Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English.
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Sharpe, Isaac. Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 22573, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Sharpe, Isaac. Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English. London: Sarah Malthus, 1704.
Sharpe , I. (1704). Yet plainer english: or, the shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. the third edition. dedicated to the reverend mr. william bisset author of the reformation sermons; intituled, plain english, and more plain english. London: Sarah Malthus.
Sharpe, Isaac. Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English. London: Sarah Malthus, 1704.
@book{ wphp_22573 author={Sharpe,Isaac}, year={1704}, title={Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English.}, publisher={Sarah Malthus}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English.