Name Publisher
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Displaying 23126–23150 of 23183

Firm Title
s.n. [sine nomine] Mary Smith, at the sign of the Porter and Dwarf, in the middle of the Great Cloysters, near West-Smithfield, London. sells all sorts of millinary wares, ...
s.n. [sine nomine] Mémoires de mademoiselle de Montpensier.
Elizabeth Smith Merry-Andrew's epistle to his old master Benjamin, a mountebank at Bangor-Bridge, on the river Dee, near Wales.
Richard Wilkin Moderation truly stated: or, a review of a late pamphlet, entitul'd, Moderation a vertue, or, the occasional conformist justify'd from the imputation of hypocricy. Wherein this justification is further consider'd, and as far as it is capable, justify'd.
s.n. [sine nomine] Mrs. Mortimer's proposals for collecting charity upon briefs, humbly presented to the Honourable the House of Commons.
s.n. [sine nomine] Mrs. Packer's answer to the Lady Ashe's reasons for passing the bill sent from the House of Lords.
s.n. [sine nomine] Mrs. Packer's answer to the Lady Ashe's reasons for passing the bill sent from the House of Lords.
s.n. [sine nomine] Proposals for the publick service for raising a loan of 260000 l. are humbly offered to the Honourable House of Lords, by Mrs. Dorothy Petty, the director, trustees and managers of the Trading Society of Insurers on Births, Marriages, and Servants, and the subscribers to the same, kept at the White-Lion without Temple-Bar, humbly praying a continuance thereof, the suppressing of which will be of utter ruin to several of Her Majesties subjects.
s.n. [sine nomine] Proposals humbly offer'd for a supplement to the late Act of Parliament, for collecting charity upon letters patents. By Margaret Mortimer widow.
s.n. [sine nomine] Queen Anne was very graceful and majestick in her person: religious, without affectation. She always meant well.
s.n. [sine nomine] Rebecca English, at the Old white Swan and Rowl over-against the iron gates on the south-side of St. Paul's Church-yard, sells all sorts of black and colour'd plain silks ...
Edmund Curll [Fleet Street] The wonder: a woman keeps a secret. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Her Majesty's servants. Written by the Author of The gamester.
s.n. [sine nomine] The wonder: a woman keeps a secret. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. Written by Mrs. Cent Livre.
William Owen The works of the Marchioness de Lambert. Containing advice to a son and a daughter. Treatises on friendship and old age. Reflections on the fair sex, taste and riches. With a number of genuine letters ... and several other pieces never before printed. Containing thoughts on ... education, on the writings of Homer, and on various publick eventss of the time. Carefully translated from the French.
F. & P. Vaillant Recueil et suite des remedes faciles et domestiques, choisis, expérimentez & très aprouvez pour toutes sortes de maladies internes & externes, & difficiles à guerir, recueillis par Madame Fouquet. Sixieme edition. Augmentée de divers secrets qu'on a mis à la fin, avec un régime de vie pour chaque complexion, & pour chaque Maldadie, & un traittée du lait.
s.n. [sine nomine] Sarah Gardiner, late wife of the famous William Kellitt for curing all sorts of agues, ...
s.n. [sine nomine] Sarah Gardiner, late wife of the famous William Kellitt for curing all-sorts of agues, ...
s.n. [sine nomine] Ann Askew, shoemaker, at the Boot, next door to the Three Tuns and Rummer in Grace-church-Street. Sells all sorts of men's shoes, boots, and slippers.
s.n. [sine nomine] Ann Wright, linnen draper, remov'd from the Star and Black-Moors-Head in West-Smithfield, to the Star and Black-Moors-Head the corner of Kings-Head-Court, near Bartletts-Buildings in Holbourn. Selleth all sorts of hollands, cambricks, muslins.
s.n. [sine nomine] At the Blew-Ball in Grays-Inn Lane near Holborn Barrs, next door to a tallow-chandler; where you may see my name upon a board over the door. Liveth Elizabeth Maris, the true German Gentlewoman. Lately arrived.
John Morphew Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the New Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean. In two volumes. Written originally in Italian.
George Sawbridge II Tully's two essays of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent.
John Wilford Tully's two essays, of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent.
Thomas Jauncy Tully's two essays, of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent.
Thomas Gardner A present for a servant-maid: or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads. Observance. Avoiding sloth. Sluttishness. ...