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Displaying 23151–23175 of 23183

Firm Title
Thomas Gardner A present for a servant-maid: or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads. Observance. Avoiding sloth. Sluttishness. ...
George Faulkner I [Essex Street] A present for a servant-maid. Or, the sure means of gaining love and esteem. Under the following heads: observance. Avoiding sloth ... With some rules for washing, &c. ...
Richard Wilkin A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. In two parts. By a lover of her sex.
Robert Knaplock A sermon preach'd at the cathedral-church of Norwich, on Monday, March the 8th 1713/14. Being the anniversary of Her Majesty's happy accession to the crown. By William Sutton, M.A. and vicar of Saxthorpe, in Norfolk.
Sarah Popping A speech made in the House of Commons, by Richard Hampden Esq; on Tuesday the 24th of April, 1716. at the second reading of the Bill for enlarging the time for continuance of Parliaments, &c.
s.n. [sine nomine] To His Grace, James Duke of Queensberry His Majesty's High Commissioner; and the Right Honourable, Right Worshipfull, and very Honoured, the Lords, Barons, and Burgesses, presently assembled in Parliament; Anna Fowler relict of Mr. William Arnot late Minister of the Gospel at Ebdie.
Elizabeth Mallet A true copy of a paper delivered by Robert Young, to the Reverend Mr. Allen, ordinary, at Tyburn, on the 19th of April, 1700. Published by permission of authority.
Mary Cooper [The Globe] A true copy of the last will and testament of her grace Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough: With the Codicil thereto annexed.
John Morphew A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: ...
s.n. [sine nomine] To ladies and all others of the female sex.
Mary Cooper [The Globe] A view of the British trade to the Mediterranean: shewing, its importance to us, its precarious situation at present, and that a total loss of it must ensue, unless the views of France and Spain are vigorously opposed. To which is prefix'd, a chart of the Mediterranean Sea; shewing, the principal trading ports and harbours belonging to the English, French, Spaniards and Italians; and by which may be seen the present situation of the different fleets of France, Spain, and England. By J. Cowley, geographer to his Majesty.
s.n. [sine nomine] A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in church and state.
Anne Dodd I Verses address'd to the imitator of the first satire of the second book of Horace. By a lady.
John Nutt Violenta, or the rewards of virtue: turn'd from Boccace into verse.
s.n. [sine nomine] Warnings of the eternal spirit, to the city of Glascow [sic], in Scotland. By the mouths of James Cuninghame, and Margaret Mackenzie.
s.n. [sine nomine] Warnings of the eternal spirit, to the priest and people of Chichester; pronounc'd by Mary Turner, Ann Topham, and Anna Maria King.
s.n. [sine nomine] Whitehall, June 19. The following paper is published by order of the trustees named in an Act of Parliament, intituled, "An Act for providing a reward to Joanna Stephens, upon a proper discovery to be made by her, for the use of the publick, of the medicines prepared by her for the cure of the stone." A full discovery of the medicines given by me Joanna Stephens, for the cure of the stone and gravel; and a particular account of my method of preparing and giving the same. My medicines are a powder, a decoction, and pills. The powder consists of egg shells and snailes ...
Sarah Malthus Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English.
Charles Harrison To the Reverend Mr. James Davenport on his departure from Boston, by way of a dream: with a line to the scoffers at religion, who make an ill improvement of his naming out our worthy minister. To which is added, a postcript to the Rev. Mr. A--d--w C--w-ll. By a female friend.
John Nutt Some reflections upon marriage, occasion'd by the Duke & Dutchess of Mazarine's case; which is also consider'd.
s.n. [sine nomine] Suite sur la religion essentielle à l'homme, servant de réponse aux objections qui ont été faites à l'ouvrage qui porte ce titre. Troisième partie.
Richard Burrough and John Baker I The academy of learned divines; shewing how to discern between the truth of God and the studied opinions of men. ... Part 1. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon.
Richard Burrough and John Baker I The academy of learned divines. Wherein certain marks are given to discern the spirit of God from the spirit of the devil, or of corrupt nature. ... Part II. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon.
Henry Mozley II [Brook Street] Eleanor and her dog Ranger; A Visit to Myrtlebank; and Lilyvale Wood. By Jane Harvey, author of "Sacred Hymns," "Poems," "Montague Grove," etc. etc.
Arthur Bettesworth Poetical Miscellanies on Several Occasions. By Samuel Jones, Gent.