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Displaying 23176–23183 of 23183

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Edmund Curll [Fleet Street] Poetical Miscellanies on Several Occasions. By Samuel Jones, Gent.
Thomas Cooper A complete practice of midwifery. Consisting of Upwards Forty Cases or Observations in that valuable Art, selected from many Others, in the Course of a very Extensive Practice. And Interspersed With many necessary Cautions and useful Instructions, proper to be observed in the most Dangerous and Critical Exigencies, as well when the Delivery is difficult in its own Nature, as when it becomes so by the Rashness or Ignorance of Unexperienc'd Pretenders. Recommended to All Female Practitioners in an Art so important to the Lives and Well-Being of the Sex. By Sarah Stone, Of Piccadilly.
Sarah Malthus Athenae redivivae: or, the new Athenian oracle, under three general heads, viz. the divine, philosophick, and secret oracle. The whole resolving such nice and curious questions in divinity, history, philosophy, law, physick, trade, mathematics, love, poetry, &c. Vol. I. Part IV. To be continued in this method till the question-project is compleated.
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Bath-Intrigues. In four letters to a friend in London. The Third Edition.
P. Bradshaw Bradshaw's valuable family jewel, being a store-house of such curious matters as all ought to be acquainted with who intend to spend their lives either pleasantly or profitably. By Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw, and the late ingenious Mr. Lambart.
P. Bradshaw Bradshaw's valuable family jewel. Being a store-house of such curious matters, as all aught to be acquainted with, who intend to spend their lives either pleasant or profitable. Containing all that relates to cookery, pastry, pickling, preserving, wine making, brewing, bread making, oat cakes, &c. With a great number of other necessary articles, not to be met with in any other book: Particularly, an excellent method for the management of a beer-cellar: how to keep ale, or beer, always exceedingly fine; and how to restore sour beer to its first perfection; which article has been of the utmost service to the purchasers of this book. Likewise, an excellent method to preserve a constant stock of yeast, even in the most fearce seasons. In this book is likewise inserted, mons. Millien's method of preserving meals from rust, such as guns, grates, candle-sticks, &c. for the discovery of which, the parliament of Paris gave him 10,000 l. By Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw, and the late ingenious Mr. Lambart, confectioner. The 10th edition.
John Morphew Britain's golden mines discover'd: or, the fishery trade considered, Under these Three Heads, I. What Benefit Britain may reap by it. II. Which is the most probable Way of recovering it. III. The Three great Fishing Trades, viz. That upon our own Coasts, That upon our own Coasts, That upon the Coasts of Greenland, and that upon the Coasts of Newfoundland, particularly examined. In a letter from Sally Fisher, at Paris, to Mally Loverus, at London.
s.n. [sine nomine] By Ann Topham, under the operation of the Holy Spirit, at Edinburgh, January 13, 1710.