Name Broadside
Abbreviation bs

A document printed on one side only of a single sheet of paper.


Displaying 251–271 of 271

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
22558 To His Grace, James Duke of Queensberry His Majesty's High Commissioner; and the Right Honourable, Right Worshipfull, and very Honoured, the Lords, Barons, and Burgesses, presently assembled in Parliament; Anna Fowler relict of Mr. William Arnot late Minister of the Gospel at Ebdie. Fowler , Anna
s.n. [sine nomine]
22532 To ladies and all others of the female sex. Laverenst , Anne
s.n. [sine nomine]
15592 To Mrs. Leonard, on the Death of her Husband. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
s.n. [sine nomine]
23268 To my Lord-Mayor and Court of Aldermen. James , Eleanor
22983 To the citizens. Unknown ,
15581 To the Hon'ble Thomas Hubbard, Esq; On the Death of Mrs. Thankfull Leonard. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
s.n. [sine nomine]
23518 To the Honorable the House of Commons. James , Eleanor
22506 To the Honourable House of Commons. Gentlemen, since you have been please to lay such a heavy tax upon paper, ... James , Eleanor
24763 To the Honourable House of Commons. I can assure your Honours that not anything rejoyc'd me more, than to hear that you ordered a bill to be brought in, to take off the priviledges of the House. James , Eleanor
23521 To the Honourable House of Commons. I can assure your honours, I did not think any thing of the bankers; James , Eleanor
24765 To the honourable House of Commons. May it please Your Honours, I give Your Honours thanks that you so bravely and generously flung out the Wine-Bill James , Eleanor
23141 To the honourable the House of Commons, the humble request of Mrs. Elianor James. James , Eleanor
24777 To the Honourable the House of Lords. Your Lordships is the support of the nation; as the shoulders supports the head and the body, so are Your Lordships the supporters of king and people; and you well know that the king's throne is established by righteousness, James , Eleanor
23273 To the Lords spiritual and temporal assembled in Parliament. May it please your Lordships, I have read a case that is before your Lordships, relating to one Dye; James , Eleanor
22293 To the Lords spiritual and temporal. The humble desire of Elianor James, that your Lordships should not hinder the bill from passing. James , Eleanor
15591 To the Rev. Mr. Pitkin, on the Death of his Lady. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
s.n. [sine nomine]
24766 To the Right Honourable the House of Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament. May it please your Lordships, &c. James , Eleanor
21962 To the Right Honourable the House of Lords. James , Eleanor
13334 Turn the carpet; or, both sides of the question. More , Hannah
21418 Very elegant work. Proposals of M. Carey & Son, for publishing by subscription, a work, entitled, Vegetable materia medica of the United States; or, Medical botany. Vegetable materia medica of the United States; or, Medical botany ... by William P.C. Barton, M.D. Carey , Mathew
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
22456 Whitehall, June 19. The following paper is published by order of the trustees named in an Act of Parliament, intituled, "An Act for providing a reward to Joanna Stephens, upon a proper discovery to be made by her, for the use of the publick, of the medicines prepared by her for the cure of the stone." A full discovery of the medicines given by me Joanna Stephens, for the cure of the stone and gravel; and a particular account of my method of preparing and giving the same. My medicines are a powder, a decoction, and pills. The powder consists of egg shells and snailes ... Stephens , Joanna
s.n. [sine nomine]