Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 226–250 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
7336 A scripture catechism, Part I. Containing a familiar explanation of the lessons selected from the Old Testament. For the use of schools and families. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
7319 A scripture catechism, Part II. Containing a familiar explanation of the lessons selected from the writings of the four evangelists. For the use of schools and families. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
13368 A scripture catechism: Part I. Containing a familiar explanation of the lessons selected from the old testament: for the use of schools and families. By Mrs. Trimmer. Sixteenth edition. Trimmer , Sarah
John, George, and Francis Rivington (London)
1836 Sixteenth edition.
21351 A seal upon the lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole, supreme, and exclusive divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Containing illustrations of one hundred and forty-four passages in the four Evangelists and the Apocalypse, in proof that Jesus Christ is the supreme and only God of heaven and earth. By Robert Hindmarsh, author of Letters to the late Dr. Priestley, in defence of the New Jerusalem doctrines. Reflections on the Unitarian and Trinitarian doctrines, &c. &c Hindmarsh , Robert
Johnson Taylor (Philadelphia)
25233 A second letter to Dr. Biss. Occasioned by some alterations made in his third edition of his sermons. Upon the beauty of holiness in the Common-prayer. By W. J. author of the first. J. , W.
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
24999 A second letter to the Right Reverend Richard, Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. In defence of a former letter to his Lordship. Wherein that misrepresented and injured Christian society, called Quakers, are impartially defended against his Lordship's vindicator. By T. S. S. , T.
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
9501 A Selection of Hymns, Designed Principally for the Use of Prisoners. By the author of Facts, &c. respecting Climbing Boys. Alexander , Ann
William Alexander (York)
14742 A serious address on certain important points, of evangelical doctrine and of Christian duty: being the substance of a sermon delivered at Woolwich in Kent. By James Upton. Published at Request. Upton , James
3774 A serious call, In tender Compassion to the sinners in Sion, of what rank, or degree soever. By Frances Henshaw. Henshaw , Frances
23106 A serious call, In tender Compassion to the Sinners in Sion, of what rank, or degree soever. By Frances Henshaw. Henshaw , Frances
7438 A serious meditation: or a Christian's duty briefly set forth. There is nothing that I ought to wish for so much, as to have my heart clean in the sight of God, so that after I die, my soul may be happy for ever. But how may I secure to myself this blessing? By performing with the assistance of his grace, my duty to him, my duty to my neighbour, and my duty to myself. Grubb , Sarah
s.n. [sine nomine]
7547 A serious meditation: or, a Christian's duty briefly set forth. There is nothing that I ought to wish for so much, as to have my heart clean in the sight of God, so that after I die, my soul may be happy for ever. But how may I secure to myself this blessing? By performing with the assistance of his grace, my duty to him, my duty to my neighbour, and my duty to myself Grubb , Sarah
s.n. [sine nomine]
7493 A serious meditation: or, a Christian's duty briefly set forth. There is nothing that I ought to wish for so much, as to have my heart clean in the sight of God; so that after I die, my soul may be happy for ever. But how may I secure to myself this blessing? By performing, with the assistance of his grace, my duty to him, my duty to my neighbour, and my duty to myself. Grubb , Sarah
5274 A sermon addressed to the people, pointing out the only sure method to obtain a speedy beace and reform. By Lady Wallace. Wallace , Eglantine
Samuel and James Reed (London)
14561 A sermon concerning the excellency and usefulness of the common prayer. Preached by William Beveridge, D.D. (late lord bishop of St. Asaph) at the opening of the Parish Church of St. Peter's Cornhill, London, the 27th of November, 1681. The thirty second edition. Beveridge , William
Edward and John Exshaw (Dublin)
1747 The thirty second edition.
14562 A sermon on occasion of the death of Dr. Arbuckle preached at Wood-street, January, 4th, 1746-7. By James Duchal, M. A. Duchal , James
John Smith [Blind Quay] (Dublin)
25342 A sermon on occasion of the death of Grey Neville Esq; preach'd May the 5th 1723. By Jeremiah Hunt. Hunt , Jeremiah
Samuel Billingsley (London)
25456 A sermon on occasion of the death of Grey Neville Esq; preach'd May the 5th 1723. By Jeremiah Hunt. The Second Edition. Hunt , Jeremiah
Samuel Billingsley (London)
1723 The Second Edition.
25094 A sermon on occasion of the death of Grey Neville, Esq; preach'd May the 5th, 1723. By Jeremiah Hunt. Hunt , Jeremiah
Samuel Billingsley (London)
14747 A sermon on the happy recovery of His Majesty King George the Third. Preached at Maze Pond, Southwark, April 26, 1789, by James Dore. Dore , James
25927 A sermon preach'd at Hatfield, on Sunday, October the 6th, 1745. On occasion of the Present troubles at Home, and Abroad. By William Drake, M. A. Rector of Full-Sutton, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Blaney. Drake , William
John Hildyard (York)
14563 A sermon preach'd at St. Andrew's, Dublin, before the Honourable House of Commons; on Tuesday, November the 5th, 1745. Being the anniversary day of Thanksgiving for the discovery of the Gun-Powder Plot: and also for the happy arrival of His late Majesty King William in England, for the deliverance of these nations. By Benjamin Barrington, M. A. Chancellor of the Cathedral Church of Down, and chaplin to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. Barrington , Benjamin
John Smith [Blind Quay] (Dublin)
14564 A sermon preach'd at St. Anne's, Dublin, on Thursday the 9th of October, 1746. Being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the suppression of the late unnatural rebellion, and deliverance of these kingdoms from the calamaties of an intestine war. By John Madden, D. D. Dean of Kilmore, and chaplain to His Excellency Phillip Earl of Chesterfield. Madden , John
Sarah Hyde (Dublin)
25431 A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in York, Before the Honourable Sir William Thompson, Knight; one of His Majesty's barons of the Exchequer, at the assizes held there March 11, 1734/5. By Richard Mosley, M.A. rector of St. Saviour's in the city, and of Wiggington in the county, of York. Published at the request of the high-sheriff, and the gentlemen of the grand-jury. Moseley , Richard
Thomas Hammond II (York)
25000 A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of York, September the 22d, 1745. On occasion of the present rebellion in Scotland. By Thomas, lord archbishop of York. Herring , Thomas
John Hildyard (York)