Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 826–850 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
9796 Hymns in Prose for Children. By the author of Lessons for Children. The seventh edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1797 The seventh edition.
13144 Hymns in prose for children. By the author of Lessons for children. The sixth edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1794 The sixth edition.
1903 Hymns in prose for children. By the author of Lessons for children. The third edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1784 The Third Edition.
13143 Hymns in prose for children. By the author of Lessons for children. The Twenty-third edition, with fifteen cuts. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Rowland Hunter (London)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
1820 The Twenty-third edition, with fifteen cuts.
1997 Hymns in prose, for children. By the author of Lessons for children. The seventh edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
William Baynes [1796–1820; 1828–1832] (London)
Benjamin Crosby (London)
1797 The seventh edition.
13575 Hymns of intercession for all mankind. Wesley , John
16057 Hymns on different spiritual subjects. In two parts. Part I. Containing xxvi hymns, on various subjects, suitable to Christian worship. By Benjamin Cleavland. Fourth edition. Part II. Containing xxxii hymns by Anna Beeman of Warren in Connecticut. And xxiv hymns by Amos Wells. To which is added a number of hymns by different authors particularly adapted to the Baptist worship. Cleaveland , Benjamin
Wells , Amos
Beeman , Anna
11390 Hymns on Various Subjects: Extracted from the Psalms. By the Author of the Essay on the Happiness of the Life to Come. 1806
12264 Hymns or Spiritual Songs, Composed from the Prophetic Writings of Joanna Southcott Southcott , Joanna
W. Tozer (London)
15629 Hymns or Spiritual Songs, Composed from the Prophetic Writings of Joanna Southcott, by Philip Pullen. Southcott , Joanna
13142 Hymns, In Prose, for children; calculated to impress the infant mind with early devotion. By Mrs. Barbauld. With beautiful Copper-plates. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (London)
12317 Hymns, or Spiritual Songs, Composed from the Prophetic Writings of Joanna Southcott. By Philip Pullen. And published by her order. Southcott , Joanna
E. J. Field (London)
W. Tozer (London)
W. Symonds (London)
The Miss Eveleighs (Exeter)
J. Middleton (York)
James Light (Stourbridge)
Richard Goldsmith (Gravesend)
12369 Hymns, Partly Collected, and Partly Original, Designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns. By William Bengo collyer, D. D. Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
12370 Hymns, Partly Collected, and Partly Original, Designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
737 Hymns; or, Spiritual Songs, composed from the prophetic writings of Joanna Southcott by P. Pullen, and published by her order Southcott , Joanna
W. Tozer (London)
E. J. Field (London)
W. Symonds (London)
The Miss Eveleighs (Exeter)
Samuel Hirst (Leeds)
J. Middleton (York)
James Light (Stourbridge)
Richard Gravesmith (Gravesend)
25835 Impartial reflections on the minute which the author received, from the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist board, by the hands of Mess. Gill and Brine, as an answer to his late proposal for an accommodation. In a letter to that reverend body. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. Rudd , Sayer
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Noon (London)
14351 Infant baptism stated and defended. A discourse delivered in the meeting-house, on the pavement, Moorfields, London; November 17, 1785: at the baptism of the Rev. William Bennet's child: with a practical address on the occasion. The second edition. By John Horsey, of Northampton. Horsey , John
1786 The second edition.
25377 Infants church-membership and baptism, most clearly and fully proved to be God's own ordinance; from plain testimony of the Holy Scripture, &c. And also, the Mode of Baptizing by Dipping or Plunging the Whole Body under Water, is a gross error and innovation, it having no Foundation in the Word of God. In a debate, managed by writing betwixt two friends, viz. One on each side of the Question, at a certain Coffee-House in London. Unknown ,
Thomas Cooper (London)
10022 Inni giovenili della Signora Barbauld; tradotti da un toscano. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Nathaniel Hailes [173 Piccadilly] (London)
18159 Jerusalem, a Hymn Written & Composed by a Lady. 1818
6377 Jesus altogether lovely: illustrated in a letter to some of the single women in the Methodist Society. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
G. Whitfield (London)
6397 Jesus altogether lovely: illustrated in a letter to some of the single women in the Methodist Society. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6394 Jesus altogether lovely: or, a letter to some of the single women in the Methodist Society. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6395 Jesus altogether lovely: or, a letter to some of the single women in the Methodist Society. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6436 Jesus, altogether lovely: or a letter to some of the single women in the Methodist Society. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet