Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 151–175 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
22509 A letter to Staffordshire, occasioned by the dissenters complaint of their persecution. Povey , Mercy
25247 A letter to the author of a late pamphlet, ironically intitled, Mr. Leslie's defence from some erroneous and dangerous principles, &c. By Matthias Earbery, Presbyter of the Church of England Earbery , Matthias
Nathaniel Mist (London)
25280 A letter to the author of the enthusiasm of methodists and papists compar'd Wesley , John
7307 A letter to the publisher of Brothers's prophecies, by Mrs. S. Green: in which she bears testimony to the sanity of Mr. Brothers. And relates several visions, which she has had in confirmation of his mission. Green , Sarah
George Riebau (London)
5843 A letter to the Rev. Mr Huntington. By Maria De Fleury. Second edition. de Fleury , Maria
1787 Second edition.
5838 A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Huntington. By Maria De Fleury. Third edition. de Fleury , Maria
1787 Third edition.
6505 A letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley. By a gentlewoman. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6063 A letter to the Rev. Mr. Madan, occasioned by Reading two Pamphlets relative to the Presentation to the Rectory of Aldwinckle. By the Widow of the late Mr. Fleetwood. Fleetwood , Martha
John Williams [Mitre Tavern] (London)
Humanitas Jackson [corner Orchard Street] (London)
6482 A letter to the Rev. Mr. Wesley on the death of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley in Shropshire. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
John Edmunds (Madeley Heath)
6337 A letter to the Rev. Mr. Wesley on the death of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Vicar of Madley in Shropshire. Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord: even so saith the Spirit; for they rest from their Labours and their works do follow them. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
25314 A letter to the Reverend Dr. Conyers Middleton, Occasioned by his late Free Enquiry. Wesley , John
25668 A letter to the Reverend Mr. Brydges, rector of Croscombe in Somersetshire. Occasion'd by a sermon preach'd at that place, by Mr. H---- Arch-deacon of W---s. Being a vindication of the dissenters. By a student of the Temple. Blenman , Jonathan
John Clark (London)
25329 A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Henley, A.M. containing remarks on the plan of his oratory, otherwise call'd by him, a church. By William Wood, ... Wood , William
22313 A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley: In vindication of the doctrines of absolute, unconditional election, particular redemption, special vocation, and final perseverance. Occasioned chiefly by some things in his dialogue between a predestinarian and his friend; and in his hymns on God's everlasting love. Dutton , Anne
22915 A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley. In vindication of the doctrines of absolute, unconditional election, particular redemption, special vocation, and final perseverance. Occasioned chiefly By some Things in his Dialogue between a Predestinarian and his Friend; and In his Hymns on God's Everlasting Love. Dutton , Anne
25574 A letter to the reverend the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist persuasion, meeting at Blackwell's coffee-house, near Queen's-Street, London: remonstrating on the difference which has subsisted between that body and the author, since his professing the doctrine of one God and one mediator. Together with a proposal for accommodating that difference. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. Rudd , Sayer
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Noon (London)
6440 A letter written to Elizabeth A----ws, on her removal from England. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
17462 A letter, written by Mrs. Sally Ferriss, after the death of her husband, the Rev. Walter Ferriss, of Charlotte, Vt. to the Rev. Isaac Sawyer, of Monkton, occasioned by some uncharitable expressions, made use of by Mr. Sawyer, against Mr. Ferriss in particular, and the Universalists at large. Ferriss , Sally
6442 A letter, written to Elizabeth A----ws, on Her Removal from England. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6184 A letter, written to Elizabeth A---ws, on her removal from England. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6433 A letter, written to Elizabeth written to Elizabeth A---ws, on Her Removal from England. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6204 A list of a few cures performed by Mr. and Mrs. de Loutherbourg, of Hammersmith Terrace, without medicine. By a lover of the Lamb of God. M. P. Most respectfully dedicated to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Pratt , Mary
6463 A list of a few cures performed by Mr. and Mrs. de Loutherbourg, of Hammersmith Terrace, without medicine. By a lover of the Lamb of God. M. P. Most respectfully dedicated to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Pratt , Mary
22508 A list of the monasterys, nunnerys, and colleges, belonging to the English papists in several popish countrys beyond sea. Published to inform the people of England of the measures taken by the popish party for the reestablishing of popery in these nations. In a letter to a member of Parliament. Unknown ,
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
21783 A list of the presbyteries, ministers, probationers, and congregations, both settled and vacant, within the bounds of the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia. Made in the year 1788. The presbyteries are placed in the order in which they lie from New-York to Georgia inclusive.--The Ministers according to their seniority in the ministry, in their respective Presbyteries with the Congregations in which they are settled annexed to their names--And the collections annexed to the congregations which contributed in the year 1787, for the purpose of printing the Draught of a Form of Government and Discipline, and defraying of other Synodical expences. With an Account of the Disbursements. , Synod of New York and Philadelphia