Geoname ID 4930956
Name Boston
Titles 507
Firms 245
People Born: 31, Died: 40


Displaying 251–275 of 505

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
17069 More ways than one. A comedy, in five acts. By Mrs. Cowley. As performed at the theatres, Covent-Garden and Boston. Cowley , Hannah
John West [Boston] (Boston)
18617 Moses in the bulrushes: a sacred drama : In three parts. The subject is taken from the second chapter of the book of Exodus. By Hannah Moore. More , Hannah
Isaiah Thomas, Jun (Worcester)
18293 Narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Hannah Lewis, and her three children, who were taken prisoners by the Indians, near St. Louis, on the 25th May, 1815, and among whom they experienced all the cruel treatment which savage brutality could inflict—Mrs. Lewis, and her eldest son, fortunately made their escape on the 3d April last, leaving her two youngest children in the hands of the cruel barbarians. Second edition. Lewis , Hannah
1817 Second Edition.
18294 Narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Harriot [i.e., Hannah] Lewis, and her three children, who were taken prisoners by the Indians near St. Louis, on the 25th May, 1815, and among whom they experienced all the cruel treatment which savage brutality could inflict--Mrs. Lewis, and her eldest son fortunately escaped on the 3d April last leaving her two youngest children in the hands of the unmerciful barbarians Lewis , Hannah
George Billings (Boston)
18932 New Tales. By Mrs. Opie. In two volumes. Opie , Amelia
Samuel Griswold Goodrich (Boston)
17078 Observations on the real rights of women, with their appropriate duties, agreeable to Scripture, reason and common sense. By H. Mather Crocker. Crocker , Hannah Mather
17292 Old Poz. By Miss Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
17293 Old Poz. By Miss Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
17294 Old Poz. By Miss Edgeworth. With Cuts. Edgeworth , Maria
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Boston)
17438 Order of performances at the Boylston Hall, Oct. 11, 1820, being the annual meeting of the Fatherless and Widow's Society. Rowson , Susanna
17973 Order of performances at the Chapel Church on the 24th anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society, June 13, 1809. Belknap , Jeremy
Morton , Sarah Wentworth
Watts , Isaac
17974 Order of performances on the 22d aniversary [sic] of the Massachusetts Humane Society. Morton , Sarah Wentworth
16353 Original Compositions, in Prose and Verse. On Subjects Moral and Religious. By Miss. J. Fenno, of Boston Ames , Jane
16151 Original Moral Tales Intended for Children and Young Persons, Containing Emily Parker.--The Pet Lamb.--George Mills. The Little Girl Taught by Experience. The Shower.--Self Conquest. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Cleveland , Lucy Hiller Lambert
Dix , Dorothea Lynde
Bowles and Dearborn [72 Washington St] (Boston)
16152 Original Moral Tales Intended for Children and Young Persons, Containing The Advantages of a Good Resolution.--The Four Apples.--The Confession.--The Child Who Took What Did Not Belong to Her.--The Botanical Garden.--John Williams. Anna Ross.--Sophia Morton. Dix , Dorothea Lynde
Kennedy , Grace
Hall , Louisa Jane
Bowles and Dearborn [72 Washington St] (Boston)
16156 Original Moral Tales Intended for the Use of Young Persons, Containing Marrion Wilder.--Alice and Ruth.--The Dainty Boy.--The Rising Sun.--The Obstinate Children.--The Prize. Dix , Dorothea Lynde
Bowles and Dearborn [72 Washington St] (Boston)
16153 Original Moral Tales, Intended for Children and Young Persons Vol. VI. Containing Robert Woodward.--The Storm.--Sequel to Marrion Wilder.--Little Traveller.--The Beatitudes. Dix , Dorothea Lynde
Sedgwick , Elizabeth Buckminster [Mrs. Charles Sedgwick]
Bowles and Dearborn [50 Washington St] (Boston)
16154 Original Moral Tales, Intended for Children and Young Persons Vol. VIII. Containing The Black Velvet Bracelet.--Mary Jones. Cleveland , Lucy Hiller Lambert
Bowles and Dearborn [50 Washington St] (Boston)
16155 Original Moral Tales, Intended for the Use of Children and Young Persons Vol. V. Containing The Christmas Gift.--I'll Risk It.--The Young West Indian.--The Skaters.--Laura Somerville.--The Cabin Boy.--Little Edward. Little Agnes and Blind Mary. Tosca , William Augustus
Blackford , Martha
Dix , Dorothea Lynde
Bowles and Dearborn [50 Washington St] (Boston)
20164 Original poems, for infant minds, by several young persons. Taylor , Jane
Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor, Jr. , Isaac
O'Keeffe , Adelaide
Barton , Bernard
Taylor , Isaac
20167 Original poems, for infant minds, by several young persons. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor, Jr. , Isaac
O'Keeffe , Adelaide
Barton , Bernard
Taylor , Isaac
Taylor , Jane
West and Richardson (Boston)
16160 Particulars respecting the trial, condemnation, and execution of Major Henry Alexander Campbell, at the Armagh Assizes, August 10, 1808, for killing, in a duel, Captain Alexander Boyd. Together with two letters by Major Campbell, one to his confidential friend, written several months previous to his condemnation; the other to his wife, on the day previous to his execution, and which he continues writing and dating from hour to hour, until a few moments of his exit. Also, a letter by Mrs. Campbell to her condemned husband in prison, and a memorial to His Majesty, petitioning the life of her husband. To which are added, some interesting documents, furnished by a gentleman lately from London. Second Edition. Campbell , Henry Alexander
Campbell , Eliza
1808 Second Edition.
16159 Particulars respecting the trial, condemnation, and execution of Major Henry Alexander Campbell, at the Armagh Assizes, August 10, 1808. For killing, in a duel, Captain Alexander Boyd. Together with two letters by Major Campbell, one to his confidential friend, written several months previous to his condemnation; the other to his wife, on the day previous to his execution, and which he continues writing and dating from hour to hour, until a few moments of his exit. Also, a letter by Mrs. Campbell to her condemned husband in prison, and a memorial to His Majesty, petitioning the life of her husband Campbell , Henry Alexander
Campbell , Eliza
15523 Phillis's Poem on the Death of Mr. Whitefield. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
14403 Philothea. A romance. By Mrs. Child. Author of 'The Mother's Book,' &c. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Otis, Broaders, and Co. (Boston)
George Dearborn (New York City)