ID 11975
Last Name Dodd I
First Name Anne
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1685
Date of Death 1739
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Displaying 601–625 of 813

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Bookseller The harlot's progress: or, the humours of Drury-Lane. Being the life of the noted Moll Hackabout, in six hudibrastick cantos, with a curious print to each canto, engrav'd from the originals of Mr. Hogarth. I. Her coming to Town in the York Waggon; and being betray'd by an old Baud into the Arms of Colonel Ch-s; with several Comical Dialogues, &c. II. Her being kept by a Jew; with her Intrigues in his House. III. Her living in a Baudy-House in Drury-Lane. A diverting List of the Decorations of her Lodging. Her being detected by Sir Jn G---n, &c. IV. Her Usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; and the Humours of the Place. V. Her Sickness and Death. Disputes between two noted Quacks. Her last Will. VI. Her Burial. Characters of the principal Persons who constituted the Funeral Pomp, &c. The Fifth Edition. To which is now first added, a curious Riddle, which Moll learned of the Jew, while in his keeping, and which the learned Col. Ch-s could never answer to her full Satisfaction. 1732
Bookseller The harlot's progress: or, the humours of Drury-Lane. In six cantos. Being the tale of the noted Moll Hackabout, in hudibrastick verse, containing her whole life; which is a key to the six prints lately publish'd by Mr. Hogarth . I. Her coming to Town in the York Waggon; her being betray'd by an old Baud into the Arms of Colonel Ch-s; her early Improvement in the Sweets of Fornication; and some Dialogues, Serious and Comical, between a Country Girl in the Waggon, and a Parson. II. Her living with a Jew; some merry Intrigues in the Jew's House; with Satyric̀al Pictures in the Jew's Chamber. III. Her living in a Baudy-House in Drury-Lane; her Extravagance, Company, Baudy-House Equipage, Pictures, and other Drury Decorations; with her being detected by Sir J---n G---n. IV. Her Usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; with some merry Adventures of Fops, Pimps, Whores, Bauds, and Panders, who were committed to keep her Company. V. Her Sickness and Death; Disputes between two noted Quacks, Temple-Bar and Bow-Bell Doctors, on the Nature of her Distemper; and her last Will and Testament. VI. Her Burial; the Funeral Pomp of Harlots in Triumph; Six Mutes, Sisters of the Trade; the Parson, a very Wag; the Clerk, a Sly-Boots; and the Undertaker, one of the Family of the Sad Dogs. The Third Edition. 1732
Bookseller The harlot's progress: or, The humours of Drury-Lane. In six cantos. Being the tale of the noted Moll Hackabout, in Hudibrastick verse, containing her whole life; which is a key to the six prints lately publish'd by Mr. Hogarth. I. Her coming to town in the York waggon; her being betray'd by an old baud into the arms of Colonel Ch-s; her early improvement in the sweets of fornication; and some dialogues, serious and comical, between a country girl in the waggon, and a parson. II. Her living with a Jew; some merry intrigues in the Jew's house; with satyrical pictures in the Jew's chamber. III. Her living in a baudy-house in Drury-Lane; her extravagance, company, baudy house equipage, pictures, and other Drury decorations; with her being detected by Sir J---n G---n. IV. Her usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; ... V. Her sickness and death; ... VI. Her burial; the funeral pomp of harlots in triumph; six mutes, sisters of the trade; the parson, a very wag; the clerk, a sly-boots; and the undertaker, one of the family of the sad dogs. 1732
Bookseller The Harlot's Progress: or, the Humours of Drury-Lane. In six cantos. Being the tale of the noted Moll Hackabout, in hudibrastick verse, containing her whole life; which is a key to the six prints lately publish'd by Mr. Hogarth. I. Her coming to Town in the York Waggon; her being betray'd by an old Baud into the Arms of Colonel Ch-s; her early Improvement in the Sweets of Fornication; and some Dialogues, Serious and Comical, between a Country Girl in the Waggon, and a Parson. II. Her living with a Jew; some merry Intrigues in the Jew's House; with Satyrical Pictures in the Jew's Chamber. III. Her living in a Baudy-House in Drury-Lane; her Extravagance, Company, Baudy-House Equipage, Pictures, and other Drury Decorations; with her being detected by Sir J---n G---n. IV. Her Usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; with some merry Adventures of Fops, Pimps, Whores, Bauds, and Panders, who were committed to keep her Company. V. Her Sickness and Death; Disputes between two noted Quacks, Temple-Bar and Bow-Bell Doctors, on the Nature of her Distemper; and her last Will and Testament. VI. Her Burial; the Funeral Pomp of Harlots in Triumph; Six Mutes, Sisters of the Trade; the Parson, a very Wag; the Clerk, a Sly-Boots; and the Undertaker, one of the Family of the Sad Dogs. The Second Edition. 1732
Bookseller The history of the abdication of Victor Amedeus II. late King of Sardinia, with his confinement in the castle of Rivole; shewing the real motives, which induc'd that Prince to resign the Crown in Favour of his Son Charles Emanuel the present King: As also how he came to repent of his Resignation, with the secret Reasons that urg'd him to attempt his Restauration. In a letter from the Marquis de T***** a Piemontois, now at the Court of Poland; To the Count de C in London. 1732
Publisher The Interests of the Protestant dissenters considered. 1732
Bookseller The interests of the Protestant dissenters considered. The Second Edition. 1732
Publisher The merry masqueraders: or, the humorous cuckold. A comedy. 1732
Bookseller The progress of a rake: or, the Templar's exit. In ten cantos, in hudibrastick verse. Containing I. His coming out of the West of England, being put under the Care of his Uncle, a Middlesex Justice. II. His Learning at Westminster-School; and his creeping to Bed with the Maid, for fear of the Spirits. III. His going to Brasen-Nose College at Oxford; being expell'd for his Debaucheries; and Return into the Country; with his Whoring, Roaring, Ranting, Swearing, Fighting, &c. IV. His coming again to London; falling among Pettifoggers, and Solicitors; and the Disputes among his Friends, whether he should be a Priest, a Lawyer, or a Physician. V. His following all three successively; and his vast Improvement in each Faculty, especially that of a Cushion-Thumper. VI. His Natural Philosophy; other natural Parts, and natural Impudence. Vii. His Conversation with old Bauds, young Whores, and Town Sharpers. Viii. His ruining his Reputation, Estate, and Constitution. IX. His Pains, and Repentance; Sickness without Pity; and Misery without Mercy. X. His Death by a Halter; Burial by a Dunghil; and Funeral-Sermon by a converted Rake of Covent-Garden. The whole interspers'd with innocent Mirth, good Morals, and too much of the Author's own Experience. By the author of The harlot's progress. 1732
Publisher The romish doctrine of transubstantiation impartially considered: or a Plain, Rational, and Scriptural Defence of the Protestant Doctrine of the Eucharist; wherein all the Subtilties of the Romish Church, which relate to the Argument, are duly examined and fully confuted, By R. Cornthwaite. 1732
Bookseller The sermon that shou'd have been preach'd before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, on Monday, January 17. 1731-2. II. A specimen of the sentiments and genius of the primitive church, in some discourses and devotions, Ordinary and Sacramental. By John Henley, M.A. 1732
Publisher The tenets and principles of the Church of Rome; set forth in a short catechism; designed to remove the Prejudices of all Hereticks against her Apolstolical Doctrines and Worship, &c. Being the result of a private conference between a papist and a well dispos'd Heretick, i.e. a protestant of the Church of England, November the first, 1731. With a dedication to the Rev. Mr. Orator Henley (in the Henleyan stle) on account of his late Oration against Father Girard and Miss Cadiere 1732
Publisher The tryal of Father John-Baptist Girard, on an accusation of quietison, sorcery, incest, abortion and subordination, before the Great Chamber of Parliament at Aix, At the Instance of Miss Mary-Catherine Cadiere. Containing, I. Minutes of each of the Cases, as they were taken for the Use of the Judges. II. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. III. The Speech of M. Chaudon, Advocate for the Complainant, in Maintenance of the Charge. IV. The Examination of the several Witnesses. V. The Interrogatory of Father Girard. VI. The Harangue of his Advocate in his Defence. Vii. The Confrontation of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. Viii. The Reply of M. Chaudon to all urged in the Defence. IX. The Recapitulation of Monsieur, the President, and his pronouncing the Definitive Judgment of that Assembly, &c. With a preface by Monsieur C-, a learned refugee at the Hague. The Second Edition, corrected. 1732
Publisher Tryal of Father John-Baptist Girard, on an accusation of quietism, sorcery, incest, abortion and subornation before the Great Chamber of Parlement at Aix, at the instance of Miss Mary-Catherine Cadiere. Containing, I. Minutes of each of the Cases, as they were taken for the Use of the Judges. II. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. III. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. IV. The Examination of the several Witnesses. V. The Interrogatory of Father Girard. VI. The Harangue of his Advocate in his Defence. VII. The Confrontation of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. VIII. The Reply of M. Chandon to all urged in the Defence. IX. The Recapitulation of Monsieur, the President, and his pronouncing the Definitive Judgment of that Assembly, &c. With a preface by Monsieur C----, a learned Refugee at the Hague. 1732
Publisher Universal benevolence: or, A demonstration of the goodness of revealed religion, in the scripture account of charity. 1732
Publisher A letter from a merchant of London to a Member of Parliament: In Answer to a letter from a Member of Parliament to his Friends in the Country, Concerning the Duties on Wine and Tobacco. 1733
Bookseller A letter to a friend, Occasioned by Mr. Chandler's History of persecution. With a Postscript concerning his Answer to Dr. Berriman. 1733
Bookseller A letter to Sir John Eyles, Bart. sub-governour of the South-Sea company, occasioned by the debates at the last general court. 1733
Bookseller A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. And something more, which it is hope will be agreeable to every true Englishman. By Eustace Budgell, Esq; 1733
Bookseller A scheme or proposal for taking off the several taxes on land, soap, starch, Candles, Leather, Plate, Pots, &c. and replacing the said duties by another tax, which will bring in more Money, in a more Easy and Equal Manner, and less burthensome to the Subject: Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, as also the People of England, for whose Ease and Benefit this is design'd. Plainly proving, That the Duties on Soap, Candles, and Leather, which do not bring in 600,000 l. a Year, cost the Subject more than double that Sum: So that this Method is calculated to ease the People of one Half of the Sum they now pay, on Account of those several Taxes, and at the same Time Encrease the Revenue. To which is added, Some Considerations on the several Duties upon Tea, Coffee, Chocolat, and Salt, which may be also taken off, and replaced by the same Method, with any Thing else, that is either burthensome to Trade, or a Hardship upon particular Persons, of which the Pot-Act is a glaring Instance; and upon any Emergency a larger Sum may be raised. 1733
Publisher A second letter to the Right Reverend Richard, Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. In defence of a former letter to his Lordship. Wherein that misrepresented and injured Christian society, called Quakers, are impartially defended against his Lordship's vindicator. By T. S. 1733
Bookseller An answer to a book entitled, Things divine and supernatural conceiv'd by analogy with things natural and human. In which answer it is prov'd, that the author's notion of divine analogy is immediately destructive of all religion, both natural and reveal'd. By a presbyter of the Church of England. 1733
Bookseller An ode humbly inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, on his landing, to espouse the Princess Royal of England. 1733
Bookseller Eight speeches made in Parliament, on several important occasions. Recommended to the electors of Great-Britain, as a seasonable preparative for the ensuing elections. 1733
Bookseller Now or never: or Serious advice to the dissenters in general: In which is contained reasons for their patitioning for liberty this present sessions of Parliament, notwithstanding all the suggestions of false brethren. By Rachel Collins. 1733

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"Dodd I, Anne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 11975, Accessed 2025-03-06.

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