ID 11975
Last Name Dodd I
First Name Anne
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1685
Date of Death 1739
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Displaying 651–675 of 813

Role Title Date
Publisher The theatric squabble: or, The p---ntees. A satire. 1733
Publisher Verses address'd to the imitator of the first satire of the second book of Horace. By a lady. 1733
Bookseller A defence of the essay for a review of the Book of Common Prayer, so far as relates to the Athanasian creed. In answer to a letter in the Weekly Miscellany of Octob. 19th last. Wherein Every Argument made use of by the Letter-Writer, is fairly Considered, and clearly Refuted. And that the Nicene Creed is sufficient to secure the Christian Faith from all Heresies, especially the Arian, is fully demonstrated from Athanasius himself. By the author of the essay. 1734
Publisher A letter from a gentleman in London to his friend in Amsterdam. Translated from the French. 1734
Publisher A modest reply, to the author of the Letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author. 1734
Publisher A Modest reply, to the author of the letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author. 1734
Bookseller A vindication of the Protestant Dissenters, from the aspersions cast upon them, in a late pamphlet, intitled, The Presbyterians plea of merit, in order to take off the test, impartially examined. To which are added, some remarks upon a paper, called, The Correspondent. Containing: A pretended Narrative of the Attempts the Dissenters in Ireland, have made for procuring the Repeal of the Test. 1734
Bookseller An essay for a review of the Book of common prayer. To which is added, a specimen thereof. Submitted to the Consideration of those in Authority. Attempted by an impartial hand. 1734
Publisher Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale. 1734
Bookseller Modern Patriotism, a Poem. 1734
Bookseller Modern patriotism, or faction display'd: a poem. Being a satire on political writers. 1734
Bookseller The candidates guide: or the electors rights decided. Shewing the resolutions of the Honble the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament. Concerning the rights of elections For Representatives of all such Counties, and Boroughs, in South Britain, as have been Controverted, and Heard, before that Honourable House, at any Time, from the controverted Election for New-Castle-Under-Line, in April 1624, to that of Weymouth in May 1730. With References to the Journals of the House of the several Sessions, wherein the same were Respectively decided. Digested into alphabetical order, with the Names of the Counties, wherein the several Boroughs are Situate; and the Numbers of both severally continued through the Alphabetical List. To which added, Several other useful Particulars mentioned in the following Introduction. By J. Cowley. 1734
Bookseller The Case of bankrupts and insolvents consider'd. Wherein it is shewn, I. That the most criminal of all insolvents do not, by the laws now in being, meet with any punishment. II. That their creditors have no proper relief. III. That all other insolvents are too severely punished. IV. That the truly unfortunate are most inhumanly dealt with. And, V. That the present method of treating insolvents in general is inconsistent with the laws of nature, and the maxims of true polity. Together with the draught of a bill for amending the law in every one of these particulars: I. By distinguishing insolvents into their proper and natural classes. II. By alloting a proportional punishment to each. III. By granting mercy in a proper way to the truly unfortunate. And, IV. By giving relief to the creditors of fraudulent insolvents. Part I. 1734
Printer The Case of bankrupts and insolvents consider'd. Wherein it is shewn, I. That the most criminal of all insolvents do not, by the laws now in being, meet with any punishment. II. That their creditors have no proper relief. III. That all other insolvents are too severely punished. IV. That the truly unfortunate are most inhumanly dealt with. And, V. That the present method of treating insolvents in general is inconsistent with the laws of nature, and the maxims of true polity. Together with the draught of a bill for amending the law in every one of these particulars: I. By distinguishing insolvents into their proper and natural classes. II. By alloting a proportional punishment to each. III. By granting mercy in a proper way to the truly unfortunate. And, IV. By giving relief to the creditors of fraudulent insolvents. Part I. 1734
Bookseller The case of bankrupts and insolvents consider'd. Wherein it is shewn, I. That the Most Criminal of all Insolvents do not, by the Laws now in Being, meet with any Punishment. II. That their Creditors have no Proper Relief. III. That all other Insolvents are too severely Punished. IV. That the truly Unfortunate are most Inhumanly dealt with. And, V. That the present Method of treating Insolvents in general is inconsistent with the Laws of Nature, and the Maxims of True Polity. Together with the Draught of a Bill for Amending the Law in every one of these Particulars: I. By Distinguishing Insolvents into their Proper and Natural Classes. II. By allotting a Proportional Punishment to each. III. By granting Mercy in a proper Way to the truly Unfortunate. And, IV. By giving Relief to the Creditors of fraudulent Insolvents. Part I. 1734
Printer The case of bankrupts and insolvents consider'd. Wherein it is shewn, I. That the Most Criminal of all Insolvents do not, by the Laws now in Being, meet with any Punishment. II. That their Creditors have no Proper Relief. III. That all other Insolvents are too severely Punished. IV. That the truly Unfortunate are most Inhumanly dealt with. And, V. That the present Method of treating Insolvents in general is inconsistent with the Laws of Nature, and the Maxims of True Polity. Together with the Draught of a Bill for Amending the Law in every one of these Particulars: I. By Distinguishing Insolvents into their Proper and Natural Classes. II. By allotting a Proportional Punishment to each. III. By granting Mercy in a proper Way to the truly Unfortunate. And, IV. By giving Relief to the Creditors of fraudulent Insolvents. Part I. 1734
Bookseller The contest: being poetical essays on the Queen's grotto: wrote in consequence of an invitation in the Gentlemen's Magazine for April, 1733 Wherein was Proposed, That the author of the Best Piece be Entitled to a Volume for that Year, Royal Paper, and finely bound in Morocco; and the Author of the Second Best, to a Volume Common Paper. To These are added, The gift of Pallas, and the lover's webb, Two poems on the Fine Piece of Linen made in Ireland, and presented by the Trustees of the Linen Manufacture to the Princess Royal. Also An Epithalamivm On the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Orange. 1734
Bookseller The dependant. An epistle to the Honourable Sir George Oxenden Bart. one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. 1734
Printer The dependant. An epistle to the Honourable Sir George Oxenden Bart. one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. 1734
Publisher The fatigues of a great man: or, the plague of serving one's country. A satyre. 1734
Bookseller The jurisdiction of the chancery as a court of equity researched. And the traditional obscurity of its commencement cleared. With a short essay on the judicature of the lords in Parliament, upon appeals from courts of equity. The second Edition corrected, to which is added a Table of the Contents. 1734
Bookseller The lady's revenge: or, The Rover Reclaim'd. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. 1734
Bookseller The life of Sir Robt. Cochran, prime-minister to King James III. of Scotland. 1734
Printer The life of Sir Robt. Cochran, prime-minister to King James III. of Scotland. 1734
Bookseller The life of Sir Robt. Cochran, prime-minister to King James III. of Scotland. The Second Edition, with several Amendments. 1734

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"Dodd I, Anne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 11975, Accessed 2025-03-06.

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