Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale.
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Unknown. Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25828, Accessed 2025-03-29.
Unknown, . Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale. London: M. Cook, Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange], Anne Dodd I, 1734.
Unknown , . (1734). Kitty and dick: or, the nightingale. a tale. to which is added, the milk-maid, or the heifer; a tale. isabella's sparrow, a ballad. an epigram. the two thousand pounds bond, or a necessary settlement: a tale. the hermit and his son, or father philip's geese: a ballad. the irishman, a tale. London: M. Cook. Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown, . Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale. London: M. Cook, Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange], Anne Dodd I, 1734.
@book{ wphp_25828 author={Unknown,}, year={1734}, title={Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale.}, publisher={M. Cook \& Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] \& Anne Dodd I}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Kitty and Dick: or, the nightingale. A tale. To which is added, The milk-maid, or the Heifer; a Tale. Isabella's sparrow, a Ballad. An epigram. The Two Thousand Pounds Bond, or a necessary Settlement: A Tale. The Hermit and his Son, or Father Philip's Geese: A Ballad. The Irishman, a Tale.