There are 54 titles associated with this person.

Aikin , J., & Barbauld , A.L. (1822). The farm-yard journal, also, the history of the marten. New Haven: John Babcock and Son. S. Babcock and Co.
Barbauld , A.L., & Aikin , J. (1836). Evenings at home; or, the juvenile budget opened. consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces, for the instruction and amusement of young persons; by dr. aikin and mrs. barbauld. fifteenth edition. carefully revised and corrected throughout by arthur aikin, esq. f.l.s., &c., and miss aikin, with some additional pieces, by the authors. illustrated with fine engravings after harvey. London: Rowland Hunter. Joseph Booker. Thomas Hamilton, William Adams, and Co. John Murray II [Albemarle] Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. George Smith, Alexander Elder and Co. Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock. Simpkin, Marshall and Co. Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38]