ID 4420
Last Name Reilly
First Name Alice
Gender Female
Date of Birth
Date of Death 1778
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Related Firms Alice Reilly [Cork Hill]
Alice Reilly and Edward Exshaw
Alice Reilly [Temple Bar]
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Displaying 51–75 of 87

Role Title Date
Printer The Fair Moralist: or, Love and Duty. A novel. A narrative, which has its foundation in truth and nature, and at the same time that it agreeably entertains by a variety of curious and affecting incidents, is entirely divested of all those images, which in too many pieces, calculated for amusement only, tend to inflame the minds they should instruct. Now first published in order to cultivate the principles of religion and virtue, in the minds of the youth of both sexes. 1747
Printer The private character of Admiral Anson. By a lady. 1747
Printer The Roman and English Comedy consider'd and compar'd with remarks on The Suspicious Husband. And an examen into the merit of the present comic actors. By S. Foote, Esq; 1747
Printer The umpire; being a serio-comi-critical dissection of three learned and important dissertations on the nature of Englishmen and Scots, lately exhibited to the public under the titles of Old-England; the Thistle, and the Rose. By Jest and Earnest, two independent-electors. 1747
Printer A Protestant catechism: Shewing the principal errors of the Church of Rome. Published by Order of the Incorporated Society in Dublin, for promoting English Protestant schools in Ireland. The fourth edition. 1749
Printer By-laws, rules, and orders, for the better regulating of hackney-coaches, chairs, brewers, drays, carts and carrs, and all other carts and carrs, plying for hire, and the drivers and carriers thereof, within the city of Dublin, and the liberties. Made by the governours of the work-house of the said city of Dublin, and approved of by the Lord High Chancellor, and chief judges. 1749
Printer The principles of the Christian religion explained: in a brief commentary upon the Church-catechism. By ... William Wake, ... 1749
Printer The antient and present state of the county and city of Cork, in four books. I. Containing, the antient names of the territories and inhabitants, with the civil and ecclesiastical division thereof, II. The topography of the county and city of Cork, III. The civil history of the county, IV. The natural history of the same. The whole illustrated by remarks on the baronies, parishes, towns, villages, seats, mountains, rivers, medicinal waters, fossils, animals and vegetables ; together with a new hydrographical description of the sea coasts. To which are added, curious notes and observations, relating to the erecting and improvement of several arts and manufactures, either neglected or ill prosecuted in this county. Embellished with new and correct maps of the county and city; perspective views of the chief towns, and other copper-plates. Published with the approbation of the Physico-Historical Society. By Charles Smith. 1750
Printer A letter to a Member of Parliament, concerning the laws which disable Papists from purchasing in this kingdom. 1751
Printer A letter to a Member of Parliament, concerning the laws which disable Papists from purchasing in this kingdom. 1751
Printer Lectures in natural philosophy, designed, as a foundation, to reason pertinently, upon the petrifications, gems, crystals and sanative quality of Lough Neagh in Ireland. To which is added, the master-piece of nature, or, a short description of a beautiful lake near Killarny, in the county of Kerry. By the author of The analogy of divine wisdom, in the material, sensitive, moral, civil, and spiritual system of things. 1751
Printer Lectures in natural philosophy, designed, to be a foundation, for reasoning pertinently, upon the petrifications, gems, crystals, and sanative quality of Lough Neagh in Ireland; and intended to be an introduction, to the natural history of several counties contiguous to that lake, particularly the county of Ardmagh. By Richard Barton, B.D. Author of The analogy of divine wisdom, in the material, sensitive, moral, civil, and spiritual system of things. 1751
Printer The recruiting officer. A comedy. Written by Mr. Farquhar. 1751
Printer Familiar letters to a gentleman, upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion. By Jonathan Dickinson, ... 1752
Printer The Irish comes commercii, or Trader's-Companion. Containing I. Exact and useful tables, shewing the value of any quantity of goods or wares ready cast up, more adapted to merchants use, than any other extant. Calculated by Edward Hatton, Gent. II. Tables of exchanges. In two parts. 1. English money exchanged into Irish. 2. Irish money exchanged into English. Each by addition only, for any sum from 300 pounds to 1 penny, and at the several rates, whether quarters or eighths, from five per cent. to eleven per cent. III. Tables of commission at the several rates mostly used in Ireland. IV. An index to interest. Containing tables of simple interest, at 5, 6, and 7 per cent. from 1 day to 30 days, and for 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 days, and 1 year. By E. Hatton, Gent. Together with tables of interest at the same rates, for 3, 6, and 9 months. To all which is prefixed, The new table of coin, as the same was made current by the Lords Justices proclamation from the 8th day of July, 1751. Together with a table of the number of yards in the several scores of linen, from 1 to 150. The tables of exchange, commission, and coin calculated originally: All the other tables cast up in manuscript, and the whole work corrected at the press, by John Watson, bookseller. The third edition: with an appendix at four per cent. from 1 month to 1 year. 1752
Printer The principles of the Christian religion explained: in a clear and easy comment on the several questions of our church catechism; designed for the use of families, of all communions and sects of religion in this Kingdom of Ireland. Chiefly for those, who are of the communion of the Church of Rome. By a clergyman of the Church of Ireland, by law established. 1752
Publisher The principles of the Christian religion explained: in a clear and easy comment on the several questions of our church catechism; designed for the use of families, of all communions and sects of religion in this Kingdom of Ireland. Chiefly for those, who are of the communion of the Church of Rome. By a clergyman of the Church of Ireland, by law established. 1752
Printer The whole heart; or, Unexceptionable obedience to the divine laws. Adapted to Christians of all names and capacities. A plain convincing reason may possibly operate upon the mind both of a learned and ignorant hearer, as long as they live; and will edify a thousand times more, than the art of wetting the handkerchiefs of a whole congregation, if you were sure to attain it. Letter to a young gentleman lately entered into holy orders. 1752
Printer Poems and fables. By John Dryden, Esq; Late Poet Laureat. Now first published together. In two volumes. To which is prefix'd, an account of his life and writings. 1753
Printer Some facts and observations relative to the fate of the late Linen Bill, last session of parliament in this kingdom. The third edition. 1753
Printer The beaux stratagem. A comedy. By Mr. George Farquhar. The thirteenth edition. 1753
Printer Catalogue of books: being, the library of Samuel Card, Esq; counsellor at law, deceased: consisting of above three thousand volumes of choice, scarce and valuable books, in most languages and faculties. To be sold by auction, by William Ross, at the coffee-house of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, on Monday, the seventeenth of November, 1755. The sale to begin every day at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Catalogues to be had at the place of sale, price three-pence. N.B. The books are in fine condition, and most of them elegantly bound, and collated by Mr. Card. 1755
Printer The history of Joshua Trueman, Esq; and Miss Peggy Williams. 1755
Printer The history of the Swedish Countess of G*. In two parts. Part I. Consisting of a narrative as well of the fortunate as disastrous revolutions of her life, in Livonia, Sweden, and Holland. Part II. Containing an account of the sufferings of the count, her husband, as well in Muscovy, as durring Five Years Banishment to Sibera. With the particulars which occured to both of them, in Holland and in England, after their meeting each other again. By C. F. Gellert, M.A. Professor at the University of Leipsick. Translated from the original German. 1755
Printer The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way, for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader. Divided into XVII chapters. One whereof being read every Lord's-Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year. Necessary for all families. With private devotions for several occasions. 1756

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"Reilly, Alice" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4420, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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