ID 4420
Last Name Reilly
First Name Alice
Gender Female
Date of Birth
Date of Death 1778
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Related Firms Alice Reilly [Cork Hill]
Alice Reilly and Edward Exshaw
Alice Reilly [Temple Bar]
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Displaying 76–87 of 87

Role Title Date
Printer An essay on coin. By Bryan Robinson, M.D. 1757
Printer The husband man's manual spiritualized. Plow, sow, reap, and eat the fruit of thy labour with Thanksgiving. 1758
Printer The Irish comes commercii, or Trader's-Companion. Containing I. Exact and useful tables, shewing the value of any quantity of goods or wares ready cast up, more adapted to merchants use, than any other extant. Calculated by Edward Hatton, Gent. II. Tables of exchange. In two parts. 1. English money exchanged into Irish. 2. Irish money exchanged into English. Each by addition only, for any sum from 300 pounds to 1 penny, and at the several rates, whether quarters or eighths, from five per cent. to eleven per cent. With an appendix of exchange at par. III. Tables of commission at the several rates mostly used in Ireland. IV. An index to interest. Containing tables of simple interest, at 4, 5, and 6 per cent. from 1 day to 30 days; for 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 days; for 3, 6 and 9 months; and for 1 year. To all which is prefixed, The new table of coin, as the same was made current by the lords justices proclamation from the 8th day of July, 1751. Together with a table of the number of yards in the several scores of linen, from 1 to 150. The table of exchange, commission, and coin calculated originally: all the other tables cast up in manuscript, and the whole corrected at the press, by John Watson, bookseller. 1758
Printer A catalogue of books; being the collections of H. Cuningham, Esq; and a member of parliament, deceased. To be sold by auction, by William Ross, Dick's Coffee-House in Skinner-Row. On Monday the 18th of February, 1760. The sale to begin every evening at six o'clock. Catalogues to be had at the place of sale. The conditions of sale as usual. 1760
Printer A list of the regiments which compose the present establishment of Ireland. With the officers names, [...] With a general abstract of the forces on this establishment, [...] To which is added, a list of the general and field officers [...] And the succession of colonels [...] to September 1760. 1760
Printer Practical book-keeping made easy, in theory and practice, according to the true Italian modern method. Wherein; the theory of the art is reduced to practice, by a greater variety of practical examples, in all the different branches of trade, than any extant; adapted to real business; and the useless though troublesome accompts which have been hitherto used in, are intirely omitted, and easier and shorter methods in introduced. The whole delivered in a methodical from, agreeable to the trade of this kingdom. With a useful and necessary appendix; containing, particular methods and directions, for the use of agents, stewards, tradesmen, artificers, and retailers, by the help of which, each person will be able compleatly to manage his affairs without any other assistance. The mercantile rules of arithmetic, fully exemplified. Also, sundry precedents of merchants writings. The whole fitted to the lowest capacity. Intended for the use of schools, and a companion for young accompants. By David Talbot, writing-master and accomptant. Author of the new arithmetical catechism. 1761
Printer The Fair of Malmantile. (*) A comic-opera: as it is to be performed on the Theatre in Smock-Alley. 1762
Printer The Guardian Trick'd. A comic-opera: as it is performed at the Theatre in Smock-Alley; the music composed by the celebrated Senr. Galluppi, called Buranello. 1762
Printer The rivals, a comic-opera: in three acts. As it is to be performed at the Theatre in Smock-Alley. The musick by Signor Nicolo Tommelli. 1762
Printer A catalogue of books being the entire library of the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Downes, Lord Bishop of Raphoe, deceas'd, to be sold by auction, at the Coffee-House of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, on Monday the 23d of January, 1764. The hours of sale from twelve o'clock to three each day, untill all are sold. Catalogues to be had of William Ross's bookseller in Grafton-Street. 1764
Printer The Irish comes commercii, or Trader's-Companion. Containing exact and useful tables, shewing the value of any quantity of goods or wares ready cast up, more adapated to merchants use, than any other extant. Calculated mostly by Edward Hatton, Gent. To which are prefixed, The new table of coin, as the same was made current by the Lords Justices proclamation, since the 8th day of July, 1751: and a table of the number of yards in the several scores of linen, from 1 to 150. These last calculated originally, and the whole book cast up in manuscript, and corrected at the press, by John Watson, Bookseller. 1765
Printer The Irish comes commercii, or, Trader's-Companion. Containing I. Exact and useful tables, shewing the value of any quantity of goods or wares ready cast up, more adapted to merchants use, than any other extant. Calculated mostly by Edward Hatton, Gent. II. Tables of exchange. In two parts. 1. English money exchanged into Irish. 2. Irish money exchanged into English. Each by addition only, for any sum from 300 pounds to 1 penny, and at the several rates, whether quarters or eighths, from five per cent. to eleven per cent. With the appendix of exchange at par. III. Table of commission at the several rates mostly used in Ireland. IV. An index to interest. Containing tables of simple interest, at 4, 5, and 6 per cent. from 1 day to 30 days, for 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 days; for 3, 6, and 9 months; and for 1 year. To which is preixed, the new table of coin, as [...] by the Lords Justices proclamation from the [...] day of July, 1751. [...] table of the number of yards in the [...] of linen, from 1 to 150. The tables of exchange, commission, and coin, [...] up to Manuscript [...] corrected at the press, by John Watson, bookseller. The fifth edition. 1765

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"Reilly, Alice" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4420, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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