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Displaying 1051–1075 of 22294

Person Title
Bath, Elizabeth Poems, on Various Occasions. By Elizabeth Bath.
Bathurst, Elizabeth Truth vindicated by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, deceased.
Bathurst, Elizabeth Truth vindicated by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst deceased.
Battam, Anne The lady's assistant in the oeconomy of the table: a collection of scarce and valuable receipts, taken from the manuscripts of divers persons of the most refin'd Taste and greatest Judgment in the Arts of Cookery, Preserving, &c. To which is added, the author's own method of pickling, together with Directions for making several Sorts of Wines, Mead, Sherbet, Punch, &c. after the most approved Manner. Also Directions for Marketing, Instructions for Carving, Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year, &c. Concluding with many excellent Prescriptions, of singular Efficacy in most Distempers incident to the Human Body. Originally published, by the late Mrs. Anne Battam. The second edition, with near one hundred and fifty additional receipts, from several Ladies, never before published.
Battam, Anne A collection of scarce and valuable receipts, never before printed, and taken from the manuscripts of divers persons ... To which is added the making several sorts of wines, ... By Anne Battam, ...
Battier, Henrietta Marriage ode royal after the manner of Dryden.
Battier, Henrietta The lemon, A poem, by Pat. Pindar; in answer to a scandalous libel, entitled The orange; written, (tho' anonymous,) by the Rev. Dr. Bobadil. Canto II.
Battier, Henrietta The mousiad: an heroi-comic poem. Canto I. By Polly Pindar, half-sister to Peter Pindar.
Battier, Henrietta Gibbonade. First number.
Battier, Henrietta The gibbonade: or, Political reviewer. First number. The second edition.
Battier, Henrietta The mousiad: an heroi-comic poem. Canto I. By Polly Pindar, half-sister to Peter Pindar.
Battier, Henrietta The lemon, A poem, by Pat. Pindar, in answer to a scandalous libel, entitled, The orange; written [tho' anonymous] by the Reverend Dr. Bobadil.
Battier, Henrietta Number I. The Kirwanade: or Poetical Epistle. Humbly addressed to The Modern Apostle! In Consequence of his very spirited Behaviour at the Chapter, held lately at St. Patrick's.
Battier, Henrietta Number 1. The gibbonade; or; political reviewer.
Battier, Henrietta The Gibbonade: or, political reviewer. Third number.
Battier, Henrietta An address on the subject of the projected union, to the illustrious Stephen III. King of Dalkey, Emperor of the Mugglins, elector and archtreasurer of Lambay, lord protector of the Holy Island of Magee, Grand Duke of Bullock, grand master of the noble, illustrious, and ancient orders of the lobster, crab, scollop, &c. &c. By Patt. Pindar.
Battier, Henrietta Number II. The Kirwanade: or poetical epistle. Humbly addressed to the Modern Apostle! Make way make way-the Great Reformist comes, And K-n's Thunder, follows Handel's Drums.
Battier, Henrietta An epistle from Patrick Pindar, to the hills and the vallies, and all whom it may concern.
Battier, Henrietta The lemon, A poem, by Pat. Pindar; in answer to a scandalous libel, entitled The orange; written, (tho' anonymous,) by the Rev. Dr. Bobadil. The second edition.
Battier, Henrietta The Gibbonade: or, political reviewer. Second number.
Battier, Henrietta The Protected Fugitives. A Collection of Miscellaneous Poems, the Genuine Productions of a Lady. Never before Published.
Battier, Henrietta [An irregular ode] to Edward Byrne, Esq. of mullinahack, on his marriage with Miss Roe, step-daughter to one Noble Lord, and niece to another!!!
Batwell, Daniel The times, a satirical poem, written during the American Revolution, by the Rev. Mr. Odell.
Bayfield, Mrs. E. G. A Winter at Bath; or, Love As It May Be, and Friendship As It Ought To Be; A Novel in 4 Vols. From the chaste and classical pen of Mrs. Bayfield.
Bayfield, Mrs. E. G. Fugitive Poems. By Mrs. Bayfield.