Number I. The Kirwanade: or Poetical Epistle. Humbly addressed to The Modern Apostle! In Consequence of his very spirited Behaviour at the Chapter, held lately at St. Patrick's.
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Battier, Henrietta. Number I. The Kirwanade: or Poetical Epistle. Humbly addressed to The Modern Apostle! In Consequence of his very spirited Behaviour at the Chapter, held lately at St. Patrick's.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 4629, Accessed 2025-03-28.
@book{ wphp_4629 author={Battier,Henrietta}, year={1791}, title={Number I. The Kirwanade: or Poetical Epistle. Humbly addressed to The Modern Apostle! In Consequence of his very spirited Behaviour at the Chapter, held lately at St. Patrick's.}, publisher={}, address={Dublin}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Number I. The Kirwanade: or Poetical Epistle. Humbly addressed to The Modern Apostle! In Consequence of his very spirited Behaviour at the Chapter, held lately at St. Patrick's.