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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 401–425 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25291 An account of the Swedish and Jacobite plot. With a vindication of our government from the horrid aspersions of its enemies. And a postscript, relating to the Post-Boy of Saturday, Feb. 23. In a letter to a person of quality, occasion'd by the publishing of Count Gyllemborg's letters. Unknown ,
Sarah Popping (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
15600 An account of two Charity Schools for the Education of Girls: and of a Female Friendly Society in York: interspersed with reflections on Charity Schools and Friendly Societies in general. By Catharine Cappe. Cappe , Catharine
2105 An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added an entire new dictionary of all the heathen gods and goddesses: and also of the most illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other ancient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, and exploits, and how represented by statuaries, painters, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the Practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English; the New English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching English, &c. &c. The third edition, much improved. Fisher Slack , Ann
1777 The third edition, much improved.
2091 An accurate new spelling dictionary, and Expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: And shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different Meanings or Significations of each Word. To which is added, An entire New dictionary Of all the Heathen Gods and Goddesses: And also of the most illustrious Heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other ancient Poets: With a summary Account of their Origin, Descent and Exploits, and how represented by Statuaries, Painters, &c. To the whole is prefixed, A compendious, practical Grammar of the English Language. By A. Fisher, Author of the Practical New English Grammar, the New English Tutor, calculated for the New Method of Teaching English, &c. &c. The sixth edition, much improved. Fisher Slack , Ann
1788 The sixth edition, much improved.
2078 An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language. Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added, an entire new dictionary of all the Heathen Gods and Goddesses: and also of the most illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other antient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, expolits, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English: the new English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching, &c. The second edition, much improved. Fisher Slack , Ann
1773 The second edition, much improved.
14589 An address to Protestant dissenters, on the origin and influence of the Regium Donum. Mayo , Henry
William Ash (London)
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (London)
Levi Wayland (London)
Martha Gurney (London)
26121 An address to the electors of Great Britain. In which the constitution of England is considered and asserted; Particularly, the original Design, Nature, Privileges and, Power of the House of Commons, as opposed to Ministerial Influence and Corruption. The Independancy of Parliaments earnestly recommended, as the only Means to make the Nation happy. By an independant elector. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Amey (London)
13865 An address to the people of England, Scotland and Ireland, on the present important crisis of affairs. By Catharine Macaulay. Macaulay , Catharine
Edward and Charles Dilly (London)
14816 An address to the people of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the present important crisis of affairs. By Catharine Macaulay. The second edition. Macaulay , Catharine
Edward and Charles Dilly (London)
1775 The second edition.
14235 An Address to the People of Great Britain, on The Consumption of West-India Produce. Fox , William
14470 An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. The Eleventh Edition. Fox , William
1791 The Eleventh Edition.
14371 An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. The Sixth Edition, with Additions. Fox , William
1791 The Sixth Edition, with Additions.
14471 An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. The Twenty-fifth Edition. Fox , William
1791 The Twenty-fifth Edition.
14399 An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India Sugar and Rum. The Twenty-second Edition. Fox , William
1791 The Twenty-second Edition.
2222 An address to the people of Ireland; shewing them why they ought to submit to an union. Emmet , Mary Anne
s.n. [sine nomine]
2673 An address to the public explaining the motives which have hitherto delayed the publication of the Memoirs of the Countess de Valois de la Motte; which contains a justification of her conduct; and Exposing the Various Artifices which Have Been Used for the Suppression of their Appearance. de Valois-Saint-Rémy , Jeanne
12851 An Address to the Right Hon. Lord Byron, with an Opinion on Some of his Writings. By FHB B. , F. H.
Wetton and Jarvis [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
12852 An Address to the Right Hon. Lord Byron: With an Opinion on some of his Writings. By FHB. Sonnets and Odes, Elegies, Ballads, and Sketches, on Various Subjects, Chiefly Descriptive. By William Linley, Esq. Late in the Civil Service of the East India Company; And the Late Mr. Charles Leftley, Parliamentary Reporter of the Times Newspaper; Both Educated at St. Paul's School. B. , F. H.
Leftley , Charles
Linley , William
Wetton and Jarvis [Paternoster Row] (London)
14917 An address, to the inhabitants in general of Great Britain, and Ireland; Relating to a Few of the Consequences which must Naturally Result from the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Renwick , Michael
24900 An American Biographical and Historical Dictionary, containing an account of the Lives, Characters, and Writings of the most eminent persons in North America from its first settlement, and a summary of the History of the Several Colonies and of the United States. By William Allen, D. D., president of Bowdoin College; Fellow of the Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences; and Member of the Amer. Antiq. Soc., and of the Hist. Soc. of Maine, N. Hampshire, and N. York. Second edition. Allen , William
Wheatley Peters , Phillis
William Hyde & Co. (Boston)
1832 Second edition.
25305 An answer to the anonymous pamphlet, publish'd lately by one of the seven Exeter advisers; intitled, Texts of holy scripture compar'd together, relating to the true and real deity of the Son and Holy Ghost. Peirce , James
John Noon (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1099 An Answer to Thomas Paine's Third Part of the Age of Reason, Published by D. I. Eaton; likewise to S. Lane, a Calvinistic Preacher, at Yeovil, in Somersetshire, and to Hewson Clarke, Editor of The Scourge, and late of Emanuel College, Cambridge. By Joanna Southcott. Entered in Stationer's Hall. Southcott , Joanna
8717 An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, in the History of the Widow Placid, and Her Daughter Rachael. The Second Edition, corrected. Corp , Harriet
Williams and Smith (London)
1808 The Second Edition, corrected.
9630 An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, in the History of the Widow Placid, and Her Daughter Rachel. By Harriet Corp, Author of a Sequel to the Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, Talents Improved, Cottage Sketches, Familiar Scenes, &c. Ninth Edition. Corp , Harriet
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Thomas Hamilton (London)
Robert Ogle, James Duncan and Cochran (London)
Gale and Fenner (London)
1816 Ninth Edition
8718 An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, in the History of the Widow Placid, and Her Daughter Rachel. The Third Edition, corrected. Corp , Harriet
Williams and Smith (London)
1808 The Third Edition, corrected.