Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.

Titles 5769
Firms 14
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Displaying 4126–4150 of 5769

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
16576 The declaration & confession of Ruth Blay, who was tried at His Majesty's Superior Court in Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, Septembet [sic] 21st, 1768, for concealing the birth of her infant, which was found dead; and is to be executed this 30th day of December 1768 1768
16577 The declaration and confession of Ruth Blay, who was tried at His Majesty's Superior Court in Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, September 21st, 1768, for concealing the birth of her infant, which was found dead; and is to be executed this 30th day of December 1768 1768
16851 The declaration, dying warning and advice of Rebekah Chamblit. A young woman aged near twenty-seven years, executed at Boston September 27th. 1733. according to the sentence pass'd upon her at the Superiour Court holden there for the county of Suffolk, in August last, being then found guilty of felony, in concealing the birth of her spurious male infant, of which she was delivered when alone the eighth day of May last, and was afterwards found dead, as will more fully appear by the following declaration, which was carefully taken from her own mouth 1733
24685 The declaration, dying warnings and advice of Rebekah Chamblit, a young woman aged near twenty-seven years, executed at Boston September 27th. 1733. Being under the awful apprehensions of my execution now in a few hours; and being desirous to do all the good I can, before I enter the eternal world, I now in the fear of God, give this declaration and warning to the living. Chamblit , Rebekah
19556 The Deformed Boy. By the Author of "Redwood," &c. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
Edmund Munroe and David Francis [128 Washington] (Boston)
19557 The Deformed Boy. By the Author of "Redwood," &c. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
21822 The deputy commissary's guide within the province of Maryland together with plain and sufficient directions for testators to form, and executors to perform their wills and testaments; for administrators to compleat their administrations, and for every person any way concerned in deceased person's [sic] estates, to proceed therein with safety to themselves and others. By Elie Vallette. Register of the Prerogative Office of the said province Vallette , Elie
17914 The deserted boy; or, Cruel parents. A tale of truth. : Calculated to promote benevolence in children. : Illustrated with engravings. By Miss Horwood 1823
17916 The deserted boy; or, Cruel parents. A tale of truth. Calculated to promote benevolence in children. Written by Miss Horwood. Horwood , Caroline
William Charles (Philadelphia)
17915 The deserted boy; or, Cruel parents. A tale of truth. Calculated to promote benevolence in children. Written by Miss Horwood. Horwood , Caroline
William Charles (Philadelphia)
18022 The desultory man. By the author of "Richelieu," "Darnley," "De L'Orme," "Philip Augustus," "Henry Masterton," "Mary of Burgundy," "John Marston Hall," "The gipsy," and "One in a thousand." ; In two volumes. Vol. I[-II Boyle , Mary
19273 The devotional exercises of the heart, in meditation, soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the deeply pious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, ; originally published by the Rev. Dr. Isaac Watts. ; Revised by an admirer of experimental and practical Christianity Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
John Jolly Harrod (Baltimore)
Joseph N. Lewis (Baltimore)
17610 The diary of a désennuyée. [One line of quotation from Champfort 1836
19248 The discarded son; or, Haunt of the banditti. A tale. In two volumes. By Regina Maria Roche, author of The children of the abbey, &c. Roche I , Regina Maria
Alsop, Brannan and Alsop (New York)
Matthias Ward (New York City)
20844 The diverting amusement of the house that Jack built being the particulars of the wonderfull incidents that took place therein Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
16983 The divine authority of the Christian revelation acknowledged. By the author of a Dialogue on Providence, faith and prayer. ; Printed for the American Unitarian Association Leonard Crocker Bowles
15981 The Doctrine of eternal hell torments overthrown. In three parts. 1. Of the torments of Hell, the foundation and pillars thereof, searched, discovered, shaken and removed, etc. 2. An article from the Harleian miscellany on Universalism. 3. Dr. Hartley's defence of Universalism Richardson , Samuel
Hartley , David
Huber , Marie
21779 The doctrine of life for the New Jerusalem, from the commandments of the Decalogue. Translated from the Latin of the honourable and learned Emanuel Swedenborg. To which is prefixed, a short account of the life of the author. Swedenborg , Emanuel
21325 The doctrine of predestination examined. A sermon, delivered at Mangohick Church, King William County, Virginia; on Lord's Day, October 9th, 1814; at the annual meeting of the Baptist Dover Association; and published at their request. By Jacob Grigg. Grigg , Jacob
Jacob Grigg
21780 The doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord. Translated from the original Latin of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg, with remarks collected out of other works of the same author, by the Rev. William Hill. Swedenborg , Emanuel
16404 The dream: a tragedy, in prose, in three acts. By Joanna Baillie. [from the first London edition, of 1812.] Baillie , Joanna
The Longworths (New York City)
1812 [from the first London edition, of 1812.]
21842 The drunkard's looking glass: reflecting a faithful likeness of the drunkard, in sundry very interesting attitudes, with lively representations of the many strange capers which he cuts at different stages of his disease; as first, when he has only "a drop in his eye;" second, when he is "half shaved;" third, when he is getting "a little on the staggers or so;" and fourth and fifth, and so on, till he is "quite capsized;" or "snug under the table with the dogs," and can "stick to the floor without holding on." By M.L. Weems, author of The life of Washington, &c. Fourth edition, greatly improved. Weems , Mason Locke
1816 Fourth edition, greatly improved.
19627 The dry ground. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c Sidney Babcock (New Haven)
Sidney's Press (New Haven)
17558 The Dutchess of C--. By Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
W. Elliot (New York)
24677 The duty and honour of aged women, deliver'd at the lecture in Boston, March 15. 1711. After the funeral of the excellent, Mrs. Abigail Foster. Consort and relict of the late Honourable John Foster Esqr. One of Her Majesties Council, etc. By Benjamin Colman. Colman , Benjamin
Joanna Perry (Boston)