Name Wellcome Collection
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Description Opened in 2007, Wellcome Collection is a free museum and library that cares for thousands of items relating to health, medicine, and human experience, including rare books, artworks, films and videos, personal archives, and objects.
Citation Wellcome Collection,
Titles 5
Firms 0
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Displaying 1–5 of 5

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25124 A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular Kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. By James Ayscough, optician. The Fourth Edition. Ayscough , James
Alexander Strahan [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] (London)
Paul Stevens (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
1755 The Fourth Edition.
25232 A short account of the itch, inveterate itching humours, scabbiness and leprosie: plainly describing their symptoms, nature , original cause and true care. with the Reason why so many miss of it for many Months, Years, &c. Shewing that it may be easily and safely accomplished without the Nauseous Use of Brimstone, Confinement of the Patient, or the Knowledge of other Person. As Also the imminent danger those afflicted with such Defilements of the Skin run, of fall into the Palsie, Apoplexy, Falling Sickness, Asthma, incurable consumption, &c. by Ill Methods of Cure, and pernicious Mercurial Medications. Necessary to be read by all Persons, but more especially those who are unhappily troubled with the ITCH, or any other Cutaneous Distemper. By T. S. Spooner , Thomas
14801 Letters and dissertations on various subjects, by the author of the letter Analysis A.P. on the disputes between Great Britain and America. Crowley , Thomas
14667 The New Family Receipt-Book, containing eight hundred Truly Valuable Receipts In various Branches of Domestic Economy, Selected from The Works of British and Foreign Writers of Unquestionable Authority and Experience. And from The Attested Communications of Scientific Friends. A New Edition, corrected. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1818 A New Edition, corrected.
25118 The second edition of the Scotch doctor. To which is added, a wonderful relation of De Franco's ghost. With a full acount of what pass'd between the apparition and the said doctor, on Sunday last at Two in the Morning. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1720 The second edition