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Spooner, Thomas. A short account of the itch, inveterate itching humours, scabbiness and leprosie: plainly describing their symptoms, nature , original cause and true care. with the Reason why so many miss of it for many Months, Years, &c. Shewing that it may be easily and safely accomplished without the Nauseous Use of Brimstone, Confinement of the Patient, or the Knowledge of other Person. As Also the imminent danger those afflicted with such Defilements of the Skin run, of fall into the Palsie, Apoplexy, Falling Sickness, Asthma, incurable consumption, &c. by Ill Methods of Cure, and pernicious Mercurial Medications. Necessary to be read by all Persons, but more especially those who are unhappily troubled with the ITCH, or any other Cutaneous Distemper. By T. S.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25232, Accessed 2025-03-25.

@book{ wphp_25232
  title={A short account of the itch, inveterate itching humours, scabbiness and leprosie: plainly describing their symptoms, nature , original cause and true care. with the Reason why so many miss of it for many Months, Years, &c. Shewing that it may be easily and safely accomplished without the Nauseous Use of Brimstone, Confinement of the Patient, or the Knowledge of other Person. As Also the imminent danger those afflicted with such Defilements of the Skin run, of fall into the Palsie, Apoplexy, Falling Sickness, Asthma, incurable consumption, &c. by Ill Methods of Cure, and pernicious Mercurial Medications. Necessary to be read by all Persons, but more especially those who are unhappily troubled with the ITCH, or any other Cutaneous Distemper. By T. S.},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for A short account of the itch, inveterate itching humours, scabbiness and leprosie: plainly describing their symptoms, nature , original cause and true care. with the Reason why so many miss of it for many Months, Years, &c. Shewing that it may be easily and safely accomplished without the Nauseous Use of Brimstone, Confinement of the Patient, or the Knowledge of other Person. As Also the imminent danger those afflicted with such Defilements of the Skin run, of fall into the Palsie, Apoplexy, Falling Sickness, Asthma, incurable consumption, &c. by Ill Methods of Cure, and pernicious Mercurial Medications. Necessary to be read by all Persons, but more especially those who are unhappily troubled with the ITCH, or any other Cutaneous Distemper. By T. S.
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