Name Oakland University Kresge Library - Hicks Collection
Online Source

The Marguerite Hicks Collection documents the literary production of women, or about women, in the United Kingdom in the 17th, 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries, with the strongest holdings for the 17th and 18th centuries. Some American female writers are also represented. 



Marguerite Hicks Collection of Women's Literature. Oakland University, Kresge Library,

Titles 12
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Displaying 1–12 of 12

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
15656 A Narration of the Wonders of Grace in Verse. Divided into Six Parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant-Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ's Ascension to his second Coming. V. Of Christ's glorious Appearing and Kingdom VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, A Poem on the special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. As also, Sixty One Hymns composed on several Subjects. With an alphabetical table. By Anne Dutton. Dutton , Anne
15684 Letters on Education. By Elizabeth Hamilton, Author of the "Memoirs of Modern Philosophers," &c. Hamilton , Elizabeth
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
15685 Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education. By Elizabeth Hamilton, Author of the "Memoirs of Modern Philosophers," &c. Vol. II. Hamilton , Elizabeth
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
15728 Malice Defeated: Or a Brief Relation of the Accusation and Deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, Wherein her Proceedings both before and during her Confinement, are particularly Related, and the Mystery of the Meal-Tub fully discovered. Together with an Abstract of her Arraignment and Tryal, written by her self, for the satisfaction of all Lovers of undisguised Truth. Cellier , Elizabeth
15727 Marcelia: or the Treacherous Friend. A Tragicomedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesties Servants. Written by Mrs. F. Boothby. Licenc'd, October 9, 1669. Roger L'Estrange. Boothby , Frances
William Cademan (London)
Giles Widdowes (London)
11651 Mary the Osier-peeler, a Simple but True Story: a Poem. By a Lady. Printed for the Benefit of the distressed Family described in it. Morgan (née Gibbs) , Mary
15686 Poems by Janetta Philipps. Philipps , Janetta
15853 Poems by Mrs Anne Killigrew Killigrew , Anne
Samuel Lowndes (London)
15657 Poems on Several Occasions. Barber , Mary
Charles Rivington I (London)
15698 Poems on Several Occasions. Written by a Lady. Lennox , Charlotte
Samuel Paterson (London)
15699 The Muses Library; Or a series of English poetry, from the Saxons, to the Reign of King Charles II. Containing, The Lives and Characters of all the known Writers in that Interval, the Names of their Patrons; Complete Episodes, by way of Specimen of the larger Pieces, very near the intire Works of some, and large Quotations from others. Being A General Collection of almost all the old valuable Poetry extant, now so industriously enquir'd after, tho' rarely to be found, but in the Studies of the Curious, and affording Entertainment on all Subjects, Philosophical, Historical, Moral, Satyrical, Allegorical, Critical, Heroick, Pastoral, Gallant, Amorous, Courtly, and Sublime, By Langland, Gower, Chaucer, Lidgate, Occleve, Harding, Barclay, Fabian, Skelton, Howard Earl of Surrey, Sir T. Wyat, Dr. Bourd, Sackville Earl of Dorset, Churchyard, Higgens, Warner, Gascoign, Turberville, Nash, Sir Philip Sidney, Grevill L. Brook, Spencer, Sir John Harrington, Chalkhill, Fairfax, Sir John Davis, Sir W. Raleigh, Sir Edw. Dyer, Daniel, &c. John Wilcox (London)
Thomas Green (London)
John Brindley (London)
Thomas Osborne I (London)
15854 The Queen-like Closet: Or, Rich Cabinet, Stored with all manner of Rare Receipts for Preserving, Candying and Cookery. Very Pleasant and Beneficial to all Ingenious Persons of the Female Sex. To which is added, A Supplement, Presented TO all Ingenious Ladies, and Gentlewomen. Woolley , Hannah
Richard Chiswell (London)
Thomas Sawbridge (London)
1684 Fifth Edition