ID 7124
Name Thomas Green
Gender Male
Street Address Charing Cross
City London
Start Date 1726
End Date 1736
Sources British Book Trade Index 28656


Displaying 1–8 of 8

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller The establish'd state of the publick offices, under his Majesty King George II. Containing true and exact lists of the Lords of his Majesty's Privy-Council. Knights of the Garter. Lords SPIRITUAL and TEMPORAL. Peeresses of the Realm. Present House of COMMONS. Lords Lieutenants of the several Counties of England and Wales. Sheriffs of the several Counties. His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, with Officers and Messengers under them. His Majesty's Household. Surveyors of his Majesty's Works and Gardens. Governors of his Majesty's Castles, Forts, &c. in England and Wales. Lords Commissioners for executing the Office of Treasurer of the Exchequer, and other Officers. Her Majesty's Household. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, Admirals and other Officers. Commissioners and Officers for Licensing Hackney Coaches. Commissioners and Principal Officers of the Stamp-Office. Commissioners and Principal Officers of the Wine Licenses. Commissioners and Principal Officers for the Duty on Salt. Heralds-Office. The Royal Society. College of Physicians. Commissioners, Officers and others belonging to the Custom-House. General Officers of the Army. Officers of the Guards, &c. Of his Majesty's Office of Ordnance. Staff-Officers on Establishment of Land-Forces. Master of the Horse, and chief Officers under him. Officers of his Majesty's Mint. Commissioners and principal Officers of the Excise. Masters of the Bench of the Honourable Societies of the Inns of Court. Judges and Clerks of the Crown, Filazers, &c. of the Court of King's Bench. The Court of Chancery. Six Clerks in Chancery, and the Entring-Clerks. Commissions of Bankrupts. Court of Common-Pleas. Court of Exchequer. Serjeants at Law, and King's Council. His Majesty's Justices for the Grand Sessions in Wales. Government of the City of London, And several LISTS never printed before. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher A compleat system of magick: or, The history of the black-art. Shewing, I. The original of magicians; and how some of them were made kings, as Zoroafter, Cadmus, and many others. II. How the ancient magi, who study'd philosophy, astronomy, &c. were induc'd to turn wizards and sorcers, and deal with the devil; and how their conversation began. III. The different shapes assum'd by the devil in his first appearances to magicians; and whether he is, or has been, allow'd to assume a human-shape. IV. Who first practised magick as a diabolical art, and its progress among the Egyptians and Phoenicians; by whom it was first openly encourag'd, and of its present state. V. What the black-art, really is, the various manner of its practice in different parts of the world, and of the doctrine of spirits. VI. How far it may be suppos'd there can be an intercourse between superiour and insernal beings, and whether the magick-art now subsists. VII. How far the devil may be raised by magical operations; and whether it is by their own power, or by mutual concert with the devil. The whole compiled from the best authorities ancient and modern Defoe , Daniel (Author)
Graves , Jane (Publisher)
Publisher Oratory transactions. No II. To be occasionally publish'd, by J. Henley, M.A. Containing, I. A compleat list of the theological subjects of the Oratory, Sermons and Lectures, &c. from July 3, 1726, to August 30, 1728. II. A compleat catalogue of the academical subjects of the Oratory, in the same Period; presenting Compositions of the utmost Choice and Variety in Divinity, and polite Learning; and under polite Learning; and under the latter Head, Humorous and Burlesque, as well as Serious, all done without the least Assistance, or particular Patron. These two dedicated to those who are unprejudic'd against the Oratory. III. A Dissertation on Nonsense, (address'd to those who do not like it;) discussing its Philology, History, Philosophy, and great Use in all Articles and Characters of Life; the Kingdom of Nonsense, Temporal, Spiritual, Civil, and Military; its Refinement, and ablest Professors; the Mischief and most real Nonsense of Sense, with the Secret of mastering it, and some prominent Example. IV. The discourse on action in the pulpit, 2d Edition. The Third Edition. The Oratorian Word, Liberty and Property, free [Unclear] and Plenty, Truth and Primitive Religion, Encore, spent of Wit and Sciences; no Grievances, no Impositions. Henley , John (Author)
Graves , Jane (Publisher)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Publisher A defence of the late learned Dr. Clarke's notion of natural liberty: in answer to three letters wrote to him by a gentleman at the University of Cambridge, on the side of necessity. Together with some remarks on Mr. Locke's chapter of power. By S. Strutt, of the Inner Temple. Strutt , Samuel (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller A scheme or proposal for taking off the several taxes on land, soap, starch, Candles, Leather, Plate, Pots, &c. and replacing the said duties by another tax, which will bring in more Money, in a more Easy and Equal Manner, and less burthensome to the Subject: Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, as also the People of England, for whose Ease and Benefit this is design'd. Plainly proving, That the Duties on Soap, Candles, and Leather, which do not bring in 600,000 l. a Year, cost the Subject more than double that Sum: So that this Method is calculated to ease the People of one Half of the Sum they now pay, on Account of those several Taxes, and at the same Time Encrease the Revenue. To which is added, Some Considerations on the several Duties upon Tea, Coffee, Chocolat, and Salt, which may be also taken off, and replaced by the same Method, with any Thing else, that is either burthensome to Trade, or a Hardship upon particular Persons, of which the Pot-Act is a glaring Instance; and upon any Emergency a larger Sum may be raised. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Bookseller An account of some spiritual experiences and rapturous and pious expressions of Elisabeth Mixer, daughter of Deacon John Mixer and Abigail Mixer, (all now dwelling in Suffield,) on June 28, MDCCXX, and at sundry other times experienced and expressed by her. Together, wit the relation she gave of what God had done for her soul, in order to her admission into the Church of Christ in Ashford. With a preface by the Rd. Mr. James Hale. Mixer , Elisabeth (Author)
Printer An account of some spiritual experiences and rapturous and pious expressions of Elisabeth Mixer, daughter of Deacon John Mixer and Abigail Mixer, (all now dwelling in Suffield,) on June 28, MDCCXX, and at sundry other times experienced and expressed by her. Together, wit the relation she gave of what God had done for her soul, in order to her admission into the Church of Christ in Ashford. With a preface by the Rd. Mr. James Hale. Mixer , Elisabeth (Author)
Publisher The Muses Library; Or a series of English poetry, from the Saxons, to the Reign of King Charles II. Containing, The Lives and Characters of all the known Writers in that Interval, the Names of their Patrons; Complete Episodes, by way of Specimen of the larger Pieces, very near the intire Works of some, and large Quotations from others. Being A General Collection of almost all the old valuable Poetry extant, now so industriously enquir'd after, tho' rarely to be found, but in the Studies of the Curious, and affording Entertainment on all Subjects, Philosophical, Historical, Moral, Satyrical, Allegorical, Critical, Heroick, Pastoral, Gallant, Amorous, Courtly, and Sublime, By Langland, Gower, Chaucer, Lidgate, Occleve, Harding, Barclay, Fabian, Skelton, Howard Earl of Surrey, Sir T. Wyat, Dr. Bourd, Sackville Earl of Dorset, Churchyard, Higgens, Warner, Gascoign, Turberville, Nash, Sir Philip Sidney, Grevill L. Brook, Spencer, Sir John Harrington, Chalkhill, Fairfax, Sir John Davis, Sir W. Raleigh, Sir Edw. Dyer, Daniel, &c. Cooper , Elizabeth (Editor)

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"Thomas Green" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 7124, Accessed 2025-03-27.

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